"A Heart on Two Legs", My Grandfather used to call me.

Hey there, I am Nischal. I love everything that makes me more Human. I am a Student, a Developer, and an Inventor, dating life since the past 20 years and have decided to stay here for 100 years.

There is no wealth where I grew up in my hometown of Nepal, but from my childhood, I had always believed in "Small Act, Big Impact".

Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough. - Nischal Lal Shrestha

I love everything that makes me more human. Nischal Lal Shrestha

Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'X' is people conclude about it without knowing enough. -Nischal Lal Shrestha
I love everything that makes me more human. -Nischal Lal Shrestha Published On: January 21st, 2019, Monday @ 9:27:25 AM
Perhaps the most dangerous thing about 'anything' is people conclude about it without knowing enough. -Nischal Lal Shrestha Published On: June 10th 2019, Monday @ 3:22:08 AM