Hello, I am dedicating this page to a singer/songwriter, and a friend of mine, Lieshbet Kanale (www.youtube.com/Lieshwolf). The following are some of the things he's said that I found nice enough to post here.

I like July 17th. It is my birthday, and it gave us Isaac Waats, but it is also a bad day. It was when the first Napalm bombs were dropped, it was the day John Coltrane died, but worst of all...It gave us David Hasselhoff. -On his birthday, July 17th

Yes, I'll watch Lost when hell freezes over. Wait a second, hasn't Earth had hundreds of Ice Ages? -When I asked him if he watched Lost, which he does. His second point was that hell was on Earth, or was Earth. He never made that clear.

Yes, I did say that. Or did I? That is the question. -When asked if he said a certain comment.