My activity here


I am very active on English Wikipedia, so you may want to see my user page there. I am very much a newbie here at Wikiquote, and primarily migrate content from Wikipedia per w:WP:NOTQUOTE.

I have a very large collection of notes I have taken from books I have read that I hope to someday begin adding to Wikiquote, but at the moment that seems unlikely to occur any time soon. Daask (talk) 01:09, 23 March 2018 (UTC)

Features of a great quote site

  1. Quotes tagged by topic
  2. Open licensing of contributions
  3. Quote voted on popularity
  4. Links to similar authors
  5. List of works which use quote
  6. Reliable sourcing of quotes
  7. Erroneous quotes clearly marked as such
  8. Easy to add quotes
  9. Count number of works which use quote
  10. Large amount of content
  11. Links to author biography (probably Wikipedia)
  12. Links to discussed subjects (probably Wikipedia)
  13. Automatic styling of quotes or adding of quotes to photo for a poster

At some point, I hope to review how Wikiquote compares with its competitors based on these criteria. Daask (talk) 01:32, 23 March 2018 (UTC)