Bent Monkey Cage edit

CIRCUIT BENDING lee daniel "

MODFATHER of CIRCUITBENDING - Lee Daniel at bMc edit

"While searching for new and alternative audio sounds, innovative DIY folk, have discovered the WORLD of CIRCUITBENDING! Sometimes called Circuitboarding, Circuitry repurposing, audio hardware hacking (AHH),NOYZ TOYZ, Audio MODS, this ART FORM has been developing radically, within the past 6 years. It started many years ago for the alternative Music and Soundscape Genres, early composers of musique concrète, and/or audio experimentors.

HISTORY of electronic audio

Electric Organ Morse Robb of Belleville, Ontario, patented the world's first electric organ in 1928.

Synthesizer Canadian, Hugh Le Caine not only built the world's first voltage controlled music synthesizer (1945), touch sensitive keyboard, and variable speed multi-track tape recorder, he also composed unique works that helped to popularize electronic music. LE CAINE An Inventor's Notebook Hugh Le Caine (1914-1977), Canadian electronic music pioneer, designed over twenty analogue musical instruments. Material on this website includes content from the National Science and Technology museum and the personal reflections of the friends and family of Hugh Le Caine.

Robert Moog

Designed his first synthesizers in collaboration with the composers Herbert A. Deutsch, and Walter Carlos.

Moog, profiling the inventor who created one of the world's first and most influential electronic music synthesizers.

Year - Manufacturer Model from MATRIXSYNTH SITE

First at 1837 
C.G. Page (Salem. Mass) - first to produce electronically generated sound 

(not necessarily associated with a musical instrument). After inventing the Volta in 1800 (an early battery), in 1837 Page was doing experiments with coils and realized when certain coils were attached to a batter they omitted a ringing sound. While he initially thought the ring came from the electrical current was interrupted (battery disconnected), what was actually taking place was the induction through the coils was causing them to vibrate. via Peter Grenader

1885 - Person and Ernst Lorenz -'Elektrisches Musikinstrument' - the first musical instrument designed to produce electrically generated sound. It used electronic vibrations to drive an electromagnet that were connected to resonating boards, which translated these vibrations to sound. via Peter Grenader

1897 - Taddaeus Cahills - Telharmonium - electromechanical instrument.

1936 - Oskar Sala - Mixturtrautonium - first synth using Subharmonic synthesis

1939 - Homer Dudley invents the Parallel Bandpass Vocoder (VODER) - A manually key operated speech synthesizer

1940 - Homer Dudley invents the The Voder speech synthesizer - A device which used the human voice and an artificial voice to produce a composite Both were researched as a way to transmit speech over copper wires (id est, telephone lines)

1948 - Hugh LeCaine - Electronic Sackbut - First voltage-controlled synthesizer

1948 - Dr. Raymond Scott - Wall of Sound - First polyphonic Sequencing Worstation (electromechanical) and the Electronum - first sequencer.

1950 - CSIR - Mk 1 - The first known use of a digital computer for the purpose playing music

1956 - Louie and Bebe Barron - Produced the first all-electronic musical score for a major motion picture - MGM's 'Forbidden Planet'

1957 - Max V. Mathews at Bell Labs - MUSIC - the first digital synthesizer. Technically, it was a computer program, though it set the stage for every digital synthesizer that proceeded it.

1963/64 - Buchla - model 100 modular - 1st "modern" modular synth

1967 - Moog - Moog modular synthesizer I, II & III - 1st commercial modular synth.

1969 - EMS - Synthi VCS-3 - first non-modular mini-synth

1970 - MOOG - Minimoog - 1st Mono Synth with keys (non-modular)

1971 - Tonus/Arp - Soloist - 1st preset mono synth

1971 - John Chowning - developed FM synthesis using the MUSIC-IV language (source), a direct descendent of Mathew's MUSIC program. FM synthesis was later licensed by Yamaha, and used in popular synths such as the DX-7.

1971 - Buchla - 500 - micro-controlled polyphonic analogue in 1971, it was also programmable as you could save patches to floppy.

1972 - Triadex Muse - first digital synth "is the first digital musical instrument and was produced in 1972. It was designed by Edward Fredkin and Marvin Minsky at MIT. It is an algorithmic music generator: it uses digital logic circuits to produce a sequence of notes based on the settings of various parameters. It has four small sliders in that control Volume, Tempo, Pitch, and Fine Pitch. It is not known how many were made, but they are considered extremely rare. The Muse is the subject of U. S. Patent 3610801"

1973 - Coupland Digital Music Synthesizer - First Digital (Triadex beat it?) Update via Peter Grenader: "No time to read through all these posts to see if it's come up yet, but the Coupland was never existed. I met Mark Vail, who's now a friend, by writing him a letter informing him that his story about the Coupland in his Vintage Synthesizers book (GREAT book) which mentioned it's only recorded showing was at the AES show in LA in 1978 was a farce. I was there - at their booth and their suite in the Hilton where the instrument was said to be. I was there on the first day, I was there on the last day. The only thing they had was a small model - about six inches across, sitting on a table. The booth was amazing - this radial orb multiple people could sit in, with a cover that came over each person which played what I remembered was a very impressive demo which swirled around four speakers inside the box. I, and everyone else, were blown away. They kept saying...'it will be here tomorrow, it'll be here tomorrow' I showed up the last day just to see it, figuring by the then it would have didn't. I did see the frst Synthclavier at that show however. Their suite was across the hall from the Coupland folk. That completely kicked the crap out of everything else shown that year."

1973 - NED - Synclavier - first digital synth

1974 - Roland - SH-3A - first commercial additive synth

1974 - RMI - Harmonic Synthesizer - first commercial additive synth

1976 - Yamaha - CS80 - first synth with poly aftertouch

1976 - PPG - PPG 1003 sonic carrier - 1st programmable mono/duo synth (this, along with the model 1020, might have been the 1st synths to use DCO's as well)

1977 (late) - Oberheim - OB-1 - 1st commercial programmable mono synth

1978 (late) - PPG - Wavecomputer 360 - 1st wavetable synth

1978 - Sequential Circuits - microprocessor control the SCI prophet 10 (briefly) and the P-5 --- again based on existing E-mu tech stuff 1979 - NED - Synclavier - First FM

1979 - Fairlight CMI - First Sampler, First Workstation

1982 - Sequential Circuits - Prophet 600 / First Midi Synthesizer (though some argue the Prophet 5 rev 3.2 is pre-MIDI MIDI)

1983 - Yamaha - DX7 - Digital takes over, FM goes mainstream

1983 - OSC - OSCar - First real-time additive with analog filters

1984 - Sequential Circuits - SixTrak - first multitimbral

1985 - Casio - CZ-101 - First battery-powered all digital mini-synth

1989 - E-Mu Systems - Proteus - First dedicated ROMpler

1994 - Yamaha - VL1 - first physical modelling synth

1995 - Clavia - Nord Lead - 1st Virtual Analog

1996 - Rubberduck - still not the first softsynth but came before Seer Systems Reality.

1996 - Steinberg - VST - Ok not a synth but enabled a lot to be written as plug-ins and used simultaneously

1997 - Seer Systems - Reality - First Modular Soft Synth

2002- bentMONKEYcage building bent glitched synthesizer devices from the dungeon in California.

2212 -ZA III - the first genetically engineered synth. Each cell is an oscillator, filter, and neural sequencer. Can be delivered via injection and/or viral.(ouch)

MODIFYING electronic Audio with SIMPLICITY edit

Veteran of NOISE, Lee Daniel at bMc in California USA, has written the First Book on CIRCUIT BENDING, 2003. The Book is entitled "DEVOID of LOGIC 110.0" copyright 2003 USA--re-edited and revised November 2008. bMc QUOTE

"Let the Past serve the Present, and the future will be defined by non-inept introspect." (Lee daniel at Bent Monkey Cage 2003)
