Trinny Woodall

English fashion advisor and designer, television presenter and author

Trinny Woodall (born 8 February 1964) is a fashion guru and television presenter, who became famous as the co-host of What Not to Wear in 2001, with Susannah Constantine. She was born Sarah-Jane Woodall.


  • I felt so unbelievably ugly for years. It was hideous. It affected my selfworth, everything. It was the bane of my life from 13 to 29. I grew my hair long just so I could cover my face. I tried everything, saw everyone, had years of antibiotics and nothing helped. Then, when I was 29, I was at the end of my tether. I went on Accutane, which is very strong. Your sebaceous glands dry up, you can't exercise, and you have very dry lips. But it was a miracle and it worked.
  • I'd had enough. I felt so low: I was 26 and there was an exact moment when I just knew I didn't want to do it any more. I was out with two very good friends of mine, who are now dead. They both died of alcoholism. It was about 3am and I thought: "I don't want this. I have to stop." I'd felt that before, a hundred times, but I woke up next morning and I still didn't want to do it. And that was the first time in ten years I'd had that strength of feeling.
    • Regarding Woodall's alcohol addiction; as quoted in "Acne, alcohol … and non-stop sex" by Lynda Lee-Potter in The Daily Mail (6 September 2003)
  • As for the people who say tackling problems through clothes is superficial, I think they say that because they have their own issues about self worth.
    • As quoted in "MEN reader meets Trinny and Susannah" by Helen Tither in Manchester Evening News (9 October 2006)
  • I've been nine stone for 20 years, I always eat what I want, it's not an issue for me. But it pisses me off - because if people did decide that I starved myself, it would have a direct consequence on what we advocate!
    • Regarding Woodall's reaction to claims she is too skinny; as quoted in "God's gift to women" by Barbara Ellen in The Guardian (16 September 2007)
  • They're really designed so that our black coat will give you a waist, our trousers will hide your saddle bags, our cashmere makes your tits look great.
    • Regarding Woodall's clothing range; as quoted in "Exclusive Trinny and Susannah Interview" by Caz Moss in Female First (19 September 2007)
  • I'm happy with my shape. It's getting to a stage of acceptance and understanding how to dress to reproportion yourself.
  • The problem is that women try to dress like celebrities whose shape they just don't have. When you emulate someone else's dress sense with a different body shape it just doesn't work. And when you look bad, your confidence dips. Our advice is to go shopping armed with our body shape rules.
    • As quoted in "Mistresses of the makeover" by Cathrin Schaer in New Zealand Herald (25 February 2008)

Retail therapists (2007)

Quotes from "Retail therapists" by Fiona Neill in The Times (14 July 2007)
  • You have got to stop seeing yourself as a victim, take control and take responsibility.
  • I’m calm on the outside and a flood inside.
  • Susannah and I have always felt that the psychology of clothing does make people change a mind-set, so if we use that and we help someone feel more confident about themselves and build them up that’s great.
  • If you ask anyone why they are driven, it’s not just money, it’s not just a need to prove themselves, it’s a combination of things, and for us if we can get women to look at themselves in terms of shape, not size, if Suze and I achieve that as our little gravestone thing, then that would be a fucking big achievement.

Quotes about Woodall

  • Trinny Woodall, one of the upper-crusty and scathingly blunt hosts of What Not to Wear, a hugely popular fashion makeover show on the BBC, does not mince words.
  • Trinny is on the wrong side of skinny, but not anorexic, one of those people who burn calories because they never sit down.
    • Fiona Neill in "Retail therapists" in The Times (14 July 2007)
  • Trinny Woodall is a prime-time star, but is proper posh with mighty connections, as demonstrated by the six-figure sums she blagged from richer friends on Comic Relief does the Apprentice.
  • The thing with Trinny is that she comes across as cold and aloof, but in fact she is the kindest woman I have ever met. She has a heart of gold. All these things — the books, TV programmes, interviews — they are not about the money. They are about wanting to help women with their insecurities. The steeliness people see in her is really a cover for her chronic shyness, believe me.
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