The State
The State was a half-hour sketch-comedy television show, originally broadcast on MTV between 17 December 1993 and 1 July 1995
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editThomas Lennon (as old-fashioned guy): Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but it seems to me that when the giant that holds up the earth dies, we are screeewwwed.
Thomas Lennon (as Old Fashioned Guy): Call me old fashioned; but I think fire is magic, and it scares me a lot.
Thomas Lennon (as Old Fashioned Guy): Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but women voters? Welcome to planet Mars! I'll be over in my spaceship.
Thomas Lennon (as Old Fashioned Guy): Call me old fashioned but I still believe there is only one true God. And he lives in this lake. And his name is Zorgo.
Thomas Lennon (as Old Fashioned Guy): Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think we should worship the sun and moon as powerful gods... and fear them.