The Crow: Wicked Prayer

The Crow: Wicked Prayer is a 2005 American horror action crime film about an ex-con and his girlfriend murdered by a cult leader to become an immortal demon. It was followed by 2024 sequel film The Crow.

Directed by Lance Mungia and co-written with Norman Partridge and James O'Barr.
He will not rest until he gets his vengeance.

Jimmy Cuervo

  • Someone owes me two lifetimes and a set of perfect blue eyes.
  • Quoth the raven nevermore, motherfucker!
  • You are gonna fucking die!
  • Killing is easy, forgetting is hard.
  • [To Pestilence] I'm afraid of what I've become. You tell 'em they should be too.
  • What have you done to me? You made me a fucking monster.
  • I'm afraid of what I've become. You tell them they should be too.
  • Don't you have any respect for the dead?
  • Tell me, did the blood wash off or did you have to scrub really really hard?
  • What I got in me... ain't life.

Luc Crash


Lola Byrne

  • See this knife? This is the one I used to carve out your daughter's eyes.

El Nino

  • Well, wicked-ass props to you Mr. O.G. and thanks for representing all the homeboys.
  • He'll be your homey now and forever more!
  • Check it out, Crash and Byrne...

Lola Byrne

  • Sacred ground is where these eyes get their power.


  • Get off me, you damn hallucination!
  • War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.


  • [irst line] Like some more salsa with that?


  • You have the right to remain silent. And anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you don't have one...


Jimmy Cuervo: She believed in you. She believed in all of you.
Harold: She believed in fairy tales. Who are you to tell me what she believed in?
Jimmy Cuervo: I'm the fairy fucking godfather that's gonna save your fairy fucking tails.

Luc Crash: How are you at wedding speeches?
Jimmy Cuervo: I'm better at eulogies.

Jimmy Cuervo: I saw a creature, he sat and he held his own heart in his hands, and he ate of it. I asked him, "Is it good friend?" He said, "It is bitter. Bitter. But I like it because it is bitter."
Harold: May God's fury rain down on you.
Jimmy Cuervo: And because it is *my* heart.

Tanner: There isn't much people on either side of the road can agree on. Except that nobody likes you, Jimmy Cuervo.
Jimmy Cuervo: Goddamn, I guess I'll fire my publicist.

Luc Crash: What's the difference between me and you, hm?
Jimmy Cuervo: I'm dead.

El Nino: I now pronounce you devil and his shorty!
Lola Byrne: I love you, Lucifer.
El Nino: Well, kiss the bride, motherfucker!

Luc Crash: What happens to an angel that loses his wings?
Lola Byrne: He falls.

Jimmy Cuervo: All my life, I've been pushin' down this fire inside of me.
Flashback Lilly: Jimmy stop!
Jimmy Cuervo: It just keeps coming back up.
Flashback Lilly: Jimmy stop! Jimmy stop. Stop.
Jimmy Cuervo: I'm so fucking tired of running.

Harold: How could God pick such a man?
Jimmy Cuervo: Why not? She did.

Lola Byrne: Luc? Luc?
Luc Crash: Call me Lucifer.

Luc Crash: We haven't seen the last of War, now, have we?
War: Only the dead have seen the last of War.




  • Passion..Revenge...Eternity.
  • [[IMDb title|id=0353324}}