The Berenstain Bears (2003) (season 2)
The following is a list of quotes from the second season of The Berenstain Bears.
Season 2
editThe Excuse Note / On The Job [2.1]
edit- [while Teacher Jane and her class are doing deep knee bends in gym]
- Sister Bear: I'm getting tired already.
- Lizzie: I was getting tired just...thinking about it.
- Millie: Why do we have to do so many?
- Lizzie: [during gym class] Why do we have to walk like ducks?
- Millie: Beats me.
- [The whole class does the duck walk]
- Sister Bear: I'll bet nobody makes ducks walk like bears.
- Sister Bear: Why is exercising in gym so important anyway?
- Brother Bear: Exercise makes your muscles stronger. And stronger muscles can make you a better soccer player. That's what I want to be.
- Lizzie: [looks at Sister's excuse note] Now who's the lucky one?
- [She passes the note back to Sister who then passes it to Millie]
- Millie: [looks at the note] Gee, when will it be my turn to sprain something?
- Lizzie: Remember the time I fell out of a tree and sprained my wrist, and my mom wrote me a note to excuse me from gym?
- Sister Bear: I remember that. How come you get all the luck?
- Teacher Bob: I found all the jobs you wrote about very interesting, Brother.
- Brother Bear: I had a hard time picking just one.
- Teacher Bob: [reading Brother's report aloud] "There are many wonderful jobs and opportunities to choose from, and there's plenty of time for me to decide what I'd like to be when I grow up." Very thoughtful words indeed, Brother Bear.
- Cousin Freddy: Do you have any ideas on what you want to be when you grow up?
- Brother Bear: When I was younger, I wanted to be Superbear.
- Cousin Freddy: [chuckles] I don't think that counts.
- Brother Bear: You're probably right.
Too Small For The Team / The Jump Rope Contest [2.2]
edit- Sister Bear: If I'm not big enough for the team, how come I'm big enough to be team manager?
- Sister Bear: I'm fast, I'm tricky, and I kick really hard.
- Sister Bear: Maybe you're just jealous, Lizzie Bruin, because I'm the best jump roper in Bear Country and you're not.
- Lizzie: I am not Jealous.
- Sister Bear: Are too jealous.
- Sister Bear: I just want to say, may the best bear win.
The Bad Habit / The Prize Pumpkin [2.3]
edit- Brother Bear: Gee, I wish I had a bad habit to break so I can earn some extra money.
- Papa Bear: [laughing] Oh, go on.
- [Papa is still fussing about his pumpkin "The Giant" being in 1st place. He mutters about his pumpkin rival and opponent Farmer Ben who has won the pumpkin contest 10 or more years already before Papa even entered. That is, as he says...!]
- [But Mama is concerned about Papa's "fixation" with first place. That is, as she says...!]
- Mama Bear: Thanksgiving is about giving thanks and not about (fussing with) beating the pants off someone, especially with your best friend. (So quit obsessing over it.)
- Papa Bear: [half chuckles and then roars in frustration about the Giant coming in first place] (HA!) THERE ARE NO FRIENDS IN PUMPKIN GROWING CONTESTS!
- [Indeed, for 10 years in a row, Farmer Ben has gotten first place with his pumpkin while Mrs. Mc Grizz --for 10 years-- has gotten second place. And Papa --with the Bear family's pumpkin "The Giant"-- wants to beat his rivals --Farmer Ben and Mrs. McGrizz-- this year. That is, not knowing that "The Giant" is going to go in 3rd place every year. But --despite that-- Papa still hopes his pumpkin --The Giant-- will go in first or second place this year. And Papa still fusses about it.]
- Papa Bear: You know, you can have your colorful autumn leaves and your golden sunsets. What I like best about fall is a big spread of orange pumpkins.
- Sister Bear: What is Papa doing?
- [Papa --who is still obsessing about 1st place in pumpkin growing contests-- is talking to "The Giant".]
- Papa Bear: [to the Giant] Come on, buddy. Keep growing. You can do it. Think big.
- Mama Bear: [laughs] Papa just read a book that says you can make plants grow faster by talking to them.
- Sister Bear: Hmm. Was it a comic book?
- [Brother and Sister started to laugh]
- Papa Bear: I heard that. Laugh if you want to, but I'll do whatever it takes to win.
- Papa Bear: [watching Farmer Ben fertilize his pumpkin patch] It doesn't matter what you do, Ben. None of your pumpkins are going to ever measure up to the Giant. [chuckles]
Ferdy Factual / Lend a Helping Hand [2.4]
edit- Brother Bear: I don't get it. Queenie pretends to be his friend, we're really trying to be his friends, and we're the ones he ignores.
- Cousin Freddy: How can somebody so smart be so dumb?
- Sister Bear: Ferdy knows a lot of things, but I don't think he knows very much about friends.
- Cousin Freddy: Guess he'll just have to find out about Queenie the hard way.
- Sister Bear: Widder Jones is really nice, isn't she?
- Brother Bear: And she's always doing things for everyone else.
- Sister Bear: [to Brother] Are you doing anything important on Saturday?
- Brother Bear: Yeah, sort of. I'm helping out a neighbor at her yard sale.
- Sister Bear: Me too.
The Big Blooper / Nothing to Do [2.5]
edit- [The scene cuts to Sister and Lizzy's indoor picnic. That is, while it is raining outside. In this scene, the dolls --Sister's doll and Lizzy's doll-- are sisters and act like they are Sister and Lizzy's children. Sister is "Mommy", while Lizzy is "The Aunt". In the meantime, Brenda --Sister's doll-- is "stuffed" because she ate her cookies/dessert/snacks first. That is, as she --Brenda-- says...!]
- Brenda (Sister's Impersonation): "Mommy...? I can't eat any more of my sandwich! I'm stuffed!"
- Angela (Lizzy's Impersonation): "I'm stuffed too!"
- Sister: [as her doll's "mama"] We told you to not eat your cookies first.
- [Sister and Lizzy both laugh. When Sister's Doll ate her cookies/dessert/snacks first, she was too full up to eat her sandwich.]
- Lizzy: Go Brenda go!
- Sister Bear: Come on Angela! You can do it!
- Mrs Bruin: Hi, Mrs Bearfoot. I'm fine, thanks. How are you?
- Lizzy: Go, Brenda! You're almost there!
- Sister Bear Hurry Hurry!
- Mrs Bruin: Uh-huh. Just a minute Mrs Bearfoot. Lizzy? Can you and Sister do something quiet while i'm on the phone, please?
- Lizzy: Okay, Brenda it's time for you and Angela to have your afternoon naps.
- Sister Bear: Yes, it's naptime girls.
- Lizzy: No monkey business you two.
- Angela (Lizzy's Impersonation): We'll be listening.
- [On the video "Trouble at Big Bear High". It is a video that Barry --Lizzy's older brother-- had rented from a video rental shop.]
- Boy Bear: Out of my way, guys! I got points to score! Your team's going down, furball!
- Boy Bear 2: Who you calling furball, Furball?
- Sister Bear: [Brother accidentally knocks over Sister's glass of milk.] Brother, look what you did!
- Brother Bear: Sorry.
- Sister Bear: You're such a furball!
- Mama Bear: (Gasps)
- Sister Bear: What? Did I say something wrong?
- Papa Bear: You certainly did, young lady! That's a terrible thing to call someone!
- Mama Bear: Wherever did you hear language like that?
- Sister Bear: On a video.
- Mama Bear: What sort of video?
- Sister Bear: "Trouble at Big Bear High".
- Brother Bear: (Chuckles) "Trouble at Big Bear High"? That video's not for little cubs.
- Mama Bear: If it has that kind of talk in it, I don't think it's for big cubs either.
- Sister Bear: Lizzy's older brother rented it. I didn't know.
- Papa Bear: I know you didn't know, (And neither did Lizzy) but now you do.
- Mama Bear: You can really hurt someone's feelings with that word. But the important thing is, we caught it in time, before you said it to someone else.
- Brother Bear: Uh-oh, I think she said it to someone else.
- Mama Bear: Oh, Sister!
- Sister Bear: Mama, I need to go see Lizzy right away.
- Mama Bear: Hurry along, then.
- Brother Bear: And I thought I did dumb things sometimes. (He pours too much ketchup on his beet greens.) Oops.
- Sister Bear: Lizzy! You know that word we've been saying? It's a bad word.
- Lizzy: Now you tell me. I called my brother a you-know-what, right in front of my mom!
- Sister Bear: Oh, no!
- Lizzy: Oh, yes! I didn't know it was a bad word. Boy, did I ever get a talking to? (Sighs) I wish we'd never watched that video!
- Sister Bear: Me too! No wonder Stacy and Millie didn't want to play with us.
- Lizzy: I forgot all about Stacy and Millie. I wonder what they think of us? Now what do we do?
- Sister Bear: We tell them we're sorry! Come on!
- Millie: Crude talk is rude talk.
- Stacy: And name calling is nasty.
- Sister Bear: Saying words that hurt other people's feelings doesn't sound too grown-up to me.
- Mama Bear: You're right. Our language has so many words to choose from.
- Mama Bear: What are you cubs doing?
- Sister Bear: [sighs] Nothing.
- Brother Bear: There's nothing to do.
- Mama Bear: Nothing to do? Everybody else seems to be able to find something to do.
- Papa Bear: Yes. Four hands may clean up faster than two, but eight hands clean even faster.
House of Mirrors / Too Much Pressure [2.6]
edit- Mrs. Bruin: Some little bears have big ears.
- Lizzie: You mean Sister has big ears?
- Sister Bear: I have big ears!
- Mama Bear: [chuckles] Big ears? Goodness, I don't know where you got the idea. But your ears aren't big.
- Sister Bear: Yes, they are! They're big. Big as an elephant's!
- Sister Bear: Lizzie, maybe you're a bit loud and maybe you talk a lot. But don't ever listen to anyone who says you have a big mouth.
- Mama Bear: I know I'm forgetting something. But what? [Mama tries to turn on the car, but it's not working, because she forgot to get it fixed] Oh, the car! I forgot to get the car fixed!
- Brother Bear: We're going to be late, Mama!
- Sister Bear: We have to do something!
- Mama Bear: I don't know what to do! [starts crying]
- Sister Bear: Don't cry, Mama!
- Brother Bear: Mama?
- [Mama, Brother, and Sister are crying in the red roadster car, because it's not working.]
- Papa Bear: [as he sees that Mama, Brother and Sister are crying, because Mama forgot to get the car fixed] What in... [sighs] So this is what it's come to! All right then!
- [Papa makes an announcement in a big "Papa Bear" tone.]
Visit Fun Park / The Perfect Fishing Spot [2.7]
edit- Brother Bear: The thunderbolt is nothing for a cub like me. I can do the whole ride with my arms up in the air, and a big smile on my face!
- Mama Bear: Now, Brother. No one likes to listen to that kind of boastful talk.
- Sister Bear: [Laughs] You should have heard him bragging about shooting the basketball with his eyes closed, Mama.
- Mama Bear: Oh?
- Lizzy: Then he missed by a mile. [Laughs]
- Mama Bear: You see? It's easy to boast, but it isn't easy when you have to admit you can't do the big things you boast about.
- Sister Bear: So you shouldn't brag about things you've never done before.
- Brother Bear: Okay, I will brag about it after then.
- Lizzy: After the ride, or after you gotten sick to your stomach! [Lizzy and Sister start laughing]
- Brother Bear: Ha, ha.
- Papa Bear: I rode the thunderbolt when I was a cub. Walked away with my head hailed high So if my my son is made up the same way as his papa, then... Whoa! [He falls] he'll do just fine.
- Brother Bear: Thank you, Papa.
- Papa Bear: If there's no prize-winning fish in this lake, why, I'll eat my hat!
- Sister Bear: I think we should have stuck with the fish we had before.
- Papa Bear: But I wanted a real prize winner.
- Sister Bear: But Papa, we weren't catching a fish to win a prize. We were catching a fish for dinner. I don't think Gran and Gramps need a whale.
The Summer Job / The Big Red Kite [2.8]
edit- Farmer Ben: You cubs look awfully cheery today!
- Sister Bear: That's because school's out.
- Brother Bear: Yep, it's the first day of summer!
- Farmer Ben: [referring to the farm] Peace and quiet doesn't last long around here.
- Sister Bear: [after pumping the water] I think my arms are going to fall off.
- Brother Bear: If they do, may I use them to carry two more pails of water?
- Sister Bear: Gee, Farmer Ben is going to lose his whole crop! He doesn't need to hear about losing his helpers too.
- Brother Bear: I know.
- Papa Bear: You don't need to buy a kite when you can make one.
Too Much Vacation / The Trouble with Grown-Ups [2.9]
edit- Papa Bear: Okay, Everyone set?
- Mama Bear: Are we forgetting something?
- Sister Bear: [gasps] Brother!
- [Brother comes running out of the house]
- Mama Bear: [chuckles] Well, we can't forget Brother!
- Papa Bear: [chuckles] After all, this is a family vacation.
- Brother Bear: Got the camera, I wanna take lots of pictures.
- [Papa Bear has just fallen into the river after being carried out of the cabin in a flood.]
- Papa Bear: [angrily] That's it! We're going home! The best vacation ever has been nothing but the worst vacation ever! Nothing has gone right. The cabin, the fishing, the berries... THE STEW! It was all supposed to be... fun!
- Mama Bear: Sometimes the difference between having a bad time and a great time all depends on how you look at it.
- Papa Bear: And you know what the best part of this vacation is? It's not over yet. Now, who wants to go find some sweet bumble berries for breakfast?
- Sister Bear: Yes!
- Brother Bear Let's go!
- [Papa --who was looking for the rest of his newspaper-- finds the rest of his newspaper and sees Brother using it to keep the paint off of his desk. Before that, Sister was hogging the phone when she was talking to Lizzy. That is, even though Mama needed the phone to call the hardware store. In the meantime, Papa sees Brother. And he --Papa-- wants to know what Brother is doing with the rest of his newspaper.]
- Brother Bear: Using it to keep the paint off my desk.
- Brother Bear: But no one in this family reads the for-sale section!
- [After Papa says this, he demands that Brother hands over the rest of his newspaper. Because the "for sale" section was part of his newspaper. And Brother was using it to keep the paint off of his desk, when he should've taken the old newspaper from the recycle bin instead.]
- Mama Bear: Did you find it? (Phone ringing) Oh! Mrs Honeypot!
- Sister Bear: Hi Lizzy. Uh-oh! I'll call you back.
- Mama Bear: [to Sister] You know I have been waiting for mayor's wife to call, and you're always on the phone with Lizzy! You have all day to talk to Lizzy --and think about her-- tommorrow! So please stay off the phone! And it is your turn to set the table!
- Mama Bear: Just think, someday you'll be parents with cubs all your own to take care of.
- Brother Bear: I think maybe we'll skip that part.
- Sister Bear: And we'll just become grandparents.
- Teacher Jane: Our last play for tonight features Brother and Sister Bear, Cousin Fred, and Lizzie Bruin. It's called "The Trouble with Parents".
- [As the school play starts, Brother is "Papa Bear", Sister is "Mama Bear", Cousin Freddy is "Brother Bear", and Lizzy is "Sister Bear"]
- Brother Bear as Papa Bear: Where is (the rest of) my newspaper, son?
- Cousin Freddie as Brother Bear: I have it, Papa. I'm using it so you don't get any paint on this nice new table you made in your workshop.
- Brother Bear as Papa Bear: What?! You didn't ask me!
- Cousin Freddie as Brother Bear: But you never read this section, Papa!
- Brother Bear as Papa Bear: That doesn't matter! Ooh, you cubs make me so mad!
- [Everyone in the audience laughs, including the grandparents. But Papa and Mama Bear are embarrassed.]
- Lizzy as Sister Bear: [talking on the phone] Hi, Terry.
- Sister Bear as Mama Bear: Is that Mrs. Waterspout, dear?
- Lizzy as Sister Bear: No, Mama. It is my friend, Terry.
- Sister Bear as Mama Bear: You know I'm waiting for a very important telephone call!
- Lizzy as Sister Bear: I'm sorry, Mama. But I didn't--
- Sister Bear as Mama Bear: You cubs talk on the phone a zillion times a day! It makes me want to SCREAM!
- [The cap on Sister's costume flies off.]
- [As the school play ends]
- Lizzie: You know sometimes.
- Cousin Freddy: Our parents are all right.
- Sister Bear: But sometimes it's hard being a cub when parents seem to blow their tops without a good reason.
- Brother Bear: Sooner or later, parents grow out of it and become grandparents.
- Brother Bear, Sister Bear, Lizzie and Cousin Freddy: And grandparents never blow their tops at their grandcubs.
Go to the Doctor / Don't Pollute (Anymore) [2.10]
edit- Dr. Grizzly: Papa, I'm afraid you're sick.
- Papa Bear: I never get sick... well, almost never.
- Mama Bear: Well, I'm glad you didn't come by any earlier or you would've missed us.
- Sister Bear: We were at Dr. Grizzly's for our checkup.
- Honey Mama!
- Audrea: Aw, Honey. There, there. It's alright.
- Sister Bear: Oh, is the lemonade too sour?
- Audrea: Oh no, Sister. It's about the doctor. Honey has her second checkup this afternoon and she's a little upset about it.
- Sister Bear: But Dr. Grizzly is really nice. You'll like getting a checkup.
- Honey: I don't want to go for a checkup! I'm not going to! [Hides under the table] I'm staying under here!
- Sister Bear: Sorry. I was just trying to help.
- Audrea: No, it's not your fault. Honey's just got it into her head that her checkup is going to be scary.
- Honey: It is going to be scary! I'm not going!
- Sister Bear: Hmm. I'll be right back.
- [Honey is hiding because she does not want to have her second check-up even though she had her first one already. In fact, since this year is her second one, she is going for her annual check-up.]
- Audrea: Now Honey, I think it's time to come out from under there.
- Mama Bear: Yes, you wouldn't want to get sewen into the quilt.
- Honey: [from inside the quilt] I'm not coming out until you promise that I don't have to go to the doctor's!
- Mama Bear: When we do the work together, it makes a big job smaller.
- Sister Bear: And easier.
- Mama Bear: Uh-huh.
- Brother Bear: And more fun.
- Professor Actual Factual: Sometimes, little ideas can help solve the biggest problems.
The In Crowd / Fly It [2.11]
edit- Hilary: Go ahead! Whoever wants to go play with Little Miss Hairbow can be my guest!
- Sister Bear: Would you like to double-dutch with us Hillary?
- Hillary: [Chuckles] You're kidding, right? Jumping rope's for little cubs. [Hillary gives Sister a thumbs down as she does not want to jump rope] But then looking at that pink ruffled jumper and that hair bow, I guess you are a little cub.
- Papa Bear: Take that!
- Brother Bear: En Garde!
- Papa Bear: Touché!
- Mama Bear: [Laughing] Now, boys.
- Brother Bear: Sorry Mama. But your honey-glazed carrots are so good.
- Papa Bear: Hey! What about my turkey loaf? I thought that was pretty good too.
- Brother Bear: Best in Bear Country Papa.
- Papa Bear: Too bad Sister doesn't think so.
- Mama Bear: Not hungry tonight, Sister?
- Sister Bear: Not really.
- Mama Bear: Is something wrong, sweetie?
- Sister Bear: Well, Hillary made fun of my clothes, my name, and said jumping rope is for little cubs!
- Mama Bear: Who's Hillary?
- Sister Bear: A new girl at school. She wears cool clothes, a headband, and listens to cool music on a boom box. She even has hoop earrings. Mama, do you think jumping rope is just for little cubs?
- Mama Bear: No, I don't. But more important then what I or Hillary or anybody else thinks is what you think. Do you think jumping rope is just for little cubs?
- Sister Bear: No.
- Mama Bear: Then that's all that matters. Just be yourself and others will accept you for who you are.
- Sister Bear: Thanks, Mama.
- Teacher Bob: If at first you don't succeed, then try, try again.
By the Sea / Catch the Bus [2.12]
edit- Mama Bear: We have some work to do.
- Brother Bear: Work? But I thought this was supposed to be a vacation.
- Sister Bear: Brother's right. It's not fair!
- Mama Bear: Now now I don't want to hear that kind of talk. If we all work together...
- Papa Bear: [Interrupts Mama] Uh Mama? They've got a point.
- Mama Bear: I beg your pardon?
- Mama Bear: Ah-ha. Now I see. The cubs are learning a lesson today.
- Papa Bear: [chuckles] That's right. It's Papa Bear's crash course in vacation cooperation, consideration, and participation.
- Papa Bear: What's the matter, Brother? Do you have ants in your pants?
- Brother Bear: No, I have sand in my swimsuit.
- Mama Bear: You just put it on. How can there be sand in it?
- Brother Bear: It's kind of a long story.
- Brother Bear: Hey, Where's dinner?
- Sister Bear: We already ate.
- Mama Bear: There are leftovers in the fridge. You can help yourself.
- Brother Bear: You ate without me?
- Papa Bear: Mama's meatloaf was getting cold.
- Sister Bear: And we were hungry!
- Brother Bear: Why is everyone upset?
- Mama Bear: You kept us waiting for half an hour.
- Brother Bear: I was playing Lenny's new video game I must have lost track of time. Hey! whose present is it?
- Mama Bear: Yours.
- Brother Bear: Thank you. What did I do to deserve it?
- Mama Bear: It's for your birthday.
- Brother Bear: My birthday? But that's a month away!
- Sister Bear: We thought you could use it right now.
- Brother Bear: Use what?
- Papa Bear: Open it.
- Brother Bear: Hey! Where are you going?
- Sister Bear: [angry] The train to the bookstore! Remember?!
- Brother Bear: I remembered. I was just playing at Lenny's.
- Sister Bear: I told you 4 o'clock!
- Mama Bear: Come on Brother. We're already late as it is.
- [The scene cuts to the book store. Brother and Sister have to miss out going to the bookstore because it's closed. Thanks to Brother who was late. Sister sees the "CLOSED" sign on the entrance door of the bookstore. And she says...!]
- Sister Bear: [sadly] I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S CLOSED!
- [Sister sighs and huffs.]
- Mama Bear: I'm sure Ursula Major will visit the bookstore again.
- Brother Bear: Hey, don't look at me. That train we had to wait for must have been 100 freight cars long.
- Sister Bear: And if you would have come home at 4 o'clock, the three of us would have been past that railway-crossing before the train came! (And we wouldn't have missed our last train and we would have been to the book store too!)
- [Sister and Brother both look upset and face away from each other.]
- Mama Bear: [to Sister] Now, now. There's no sense getting upset about it.
- Brother Bear: Right, Sis. These things happen sometimes.
- Mama Bear: [to Brother] I didn't say that, Brother!
- Brother Bear: What?
- Mama Bear: [continues to Brother] These things happen sometimes, yes! But you always being late matters!
- Brother Bear: Maybe next time, I should pay closer attention to my watch.
- Mama Bear: [to Brother sternly] A watch doesn't take you where you have to be! (A watch is one thing! But you coming home too late is quite another!)
- [Mama turns to both Brother and Sister and says...!]
- Mama Bear: [to both Brother and Sister] It's up to YOU TWO to decide if you want to be on time!
- [According to Mama's saying --to the cubs-- a watch --or any clock device-- to be on time, it is one good thing. But it's not going to take you where you have to be. It's up to you to decide if you want to get there on time. Same with a morning alarm clock. According to Mama, a clock device --i.e watches and alarm clocks-- it's not going to take you where you have to be. It's up to you to decide whether you want to get there on time. In full summary, "It's up to you to decide whether you want to be on time. Not your clock device". What Mama is trying to say to the cubs --Brother and Sister-- is that it is their --Brother and Sister's-- decision of whether they want to be on time.]
- Brother Bear: I want to be on time. I just get busy with things sometimes.
- Sister Bear: Well, next time you get busy with things, don't mess up my time too!
Family Get-Together / The Stinky Milk Mystery [2.13]
edit- Mama Bear: It takes all kinds to make up a family.
- Sister Bear: [sighs] I wish I lived on a farm.
- Farmer Ben: Oh, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, even though there are many chores to do.
- Brother Bear: I wouldn't want to do anything that would make Farmer Ben upset. He might not let us come back and help him again.
- Brother Bear: [To Farmer Ben about the cows] We did it, Farmer Ben! We made your cows sick!
- Sister Bear: We forgot the latch the gate this morning!
- Brother Bear: So they got out!
- Sister: Shep got them back in, but it was too late!
- Brother Bear: Something must've happened to them while they got out!
- Sister Bear: Something that made them sick!
- Brother and Sister Bear: And it's all our fault!