Talk:Maltese proverbs


  • Agħlaq il-bieb qabel taħrab id-debba.(Close the door before the mare escapes.)
  • Agħmel il-ġid u nsih, agħmel id-deni u ftakar fih.(Do good things and forget them, do bad things and remember them.)
  • Agħtini xortija u itfagħni l-baħar.(Give me the luck and throw me at sea.)
  • Aħjar għasfur f'idejk milli mija fl-ajru.(A bird in your hands is better then one hundred in the sky.)
  • Aħjar ħabib fis-suq minn mitt skud fis-senduq.(A friend in the market is better then one hundred gold coins in the chest.)
  • Aħjar uff milli aħħ. (A bore is better than a bruise.)
  • Aħseb fil-ħażin biex it-tajjeb ma jonqosx. (Think in a pessimist way so that good things happen.)
  • Alla fina u aħna fih; kulma jagħmel għalina, kulma nagħmlu għalih. (God is in us an we are in him; everything he does is for us, everything we do is for him.)
  • Alla fuq kollox u fuq kulħadd, xemx u xita jibgħat għal kulħadd. (God is above everything and above everyone, he sends sun and rain for everyone.)
  • Alla jagħlaq bieb u jiftaħ mija. (God closes a door and opens one hundred.)
  • Alla ma jħallasx bin-nhar ta' Sibt. (God doesn't pay on Saturdays.)
  • April ħobżna fil-mindil. (In April our bread is in the cloth.)
  • Awissu x-xemx taħarqu u x-xita tmissu. (August is burnt by the sun while only touched by rain.)
  • B'demm il-fqir ġid qatt ma jsir. (With poor's blood good things never happen.)
  • B'riħ jew b'riefnu, minn hawn irridu nsiefru. (With wind or hurricane, from here we have to go.)
  • B'riħet l-għarusa kielet il-qattusa. (Thanks to the bride the cat ate.)
  • Bajda tas-sultan titħallas b'dundjan. (A king's egg is bought with a turkey.)
  • Bil-flus tagħmel triq fl-baħar. (With money one can build a road on the sea.)
  • Bil-kelma t-tajba toħroġ il-far mit-tqajba. (With the good word on brings out the rat from the hole.)
  • Bil-qatra l-qatra timtela l-ġarra. (Drop after drop,a whole pitcher is filled.)
  • Bin is-sengħa għandu nofsha. (A craftsman's son has half of his father's craft.)
  • Bniedem avżat nofsu armat. (An alerted man is half armoured.)
  • Bormot ġarek tfuħ aktar minn ta' darek. (The neighbour's pan smells better then the pan at home.)
  • Dak li jagħmel Alla ma jħassru ħadd. (Nobody is allowed to rub off the things God gave you)

No one can undo that which God created.

  • Erfa' u sorr għal meta tiġi bżonn. (Pack and bundle for moments of need.)
  • Erba' għajnejn ahjar min tnejn. (Four eyes are better than two.)
  • Ebda saba' ma jixbah lill iehor. (No finger is like another.)
  • Ebda warda bla xewka. (Every beautiful flower has thorns.)
  • F'Awissu l-għeneb iħallik tmissu. (In August the grapes let you touch them.)
  • F'marqad il-mogħoż ma ssibx sbul. (You don't find harvest in goat farms.)
  • Fejn jidħlu l-interessi m'hemmx permessi. (Where there are interests there aren't permissions.)
  • Fi Frar, kull laqxa ttella' l-inwar. (In February, every piece is a need object.)
  • Fil-bnazzi kulħadd baħri.(In fine weather everyone is a good sailor.)
  • Frar fawwâr jimla l-bjar. (February fills the wells.)
  • Fejn ma tafx tindaħalx. (Where you don't know is better to don't try it.)
  • Fejn tħobb il-qalb jimxu r-riġlejn. (The legs go where the heart loves.)
  • Fl-aħħar tal-mazzita ssib iż-żbiba. (At black pudding's end you'll find a raisin.)
  • Ftit u tajjeb aħjar minn wisq u ħażin. (Little and good is better than many and bad.)
  • Ġimgħa bla ħlas, ġisem bla ras. (A week without wage, is like a body without a head.)
  • Ġunju ġunjett inehhi l-qmis u d-dublett. (June sweet June, remove shirt and skirt.)
  • Ġurdien xiħ ma jiekolx ġobon. (An old mouse does not eat cheese.)
  • Girien f'darek, ġurdien f'għamarek. (Neighbours in your house are like a mouse in your furniture.)

===Għ=== bil ingliz

  • Għaċ-ċrieket u għall-imsielet baqgħet bla ma kielet. (For the rings and for the earings didn't eat anything.)
  • Għajn ma tara, qalb ma tuġa'. (A blind eye, a non broken heart.)
  • Għajnejn morda ma jridux dawl. (Sick eyes don't want light.)
  • Għal ħabba bżar tilef il-borma. (For a tick of pepper lose the pan.)
  • Għal kull għadma hawn mitt kelb. (For every bone there are one hundred dogs.)
  • Għal kull ħabta hawn mannara. (For every knock there is an axe.)
  • Għal Mejju aħsad imqar kien plejju. (In May harvest everything also the flowers.)
  • Għal San Luqa fiż-żara' tistaħba għattuqa. (Till St. Luke the sead have to be under the lid.)
  • Għal San Mikiel lesti x-xemgħa u l-gandlier. (Till St. Micheal buy the candle and the candlestick.)
  • Għal San Tumas il-jum jagħmel pass ta' ħmar qammâs. (Till St. Thomas the daylight make a phase like a jumping donkey.)
  • Għalhekk l-għaġuża ma tridx tmut għax tikber u titgħallem. (That's why the decrepit don't want to die because grow and learn.)
  • Għall-magħmul m'hemmx kunsill. (For the made think there isn't a council.)
  • Għan-niżla kull qaddis jgħin. (For the easy task every saint help.)
  • Għin ruħek biex Alla jgħinek. (Help yourself and God will help you.)
  • Ħadd ma jagħmel xejn għal xejn. (Nobody makes nothing for nothing.)
  • Ħadd ma jagħti milli m'għandux. (Nobody gives things that he/she doesn't have.)
  • Ħadd wara Ħadd, fl-aħħar tasal ta' kulħadd. (Sunday after Sunday, at last arrive of everyone.)
  • Ħamiema bla ħjiena s-seqer itemmha. (A pigeon without a wise mind the falcon eat it.)
  • Ħanżir taqtagħlu denbu ħanżir jibqa'. (A pig without a tail is still a pig.)
  • Ħeles mill-miżieb u weħel fil-qattâra. (It's free from sprout but it fixed in the gutter.)
  • Ħmura ta' filgħaxija lesti ż-żwiemel għat-tiġrija. (A night reddish sky, prepare the horses for the race.)
  • Ħmura ta' filgħodu lesti ż-żwiemel fejn joqgħodu. (A morning reddush sky, prepare for the horses a place to stay in.)
  • Ħobb lil ġarek iżda ddaħħlux f'darek. (Love your neighbour but keep it out from your home.)
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