Quen non chora non mama. (He who doesn't cry won't suckle, meaning: if you never ask for help you will probably never get it.
Quen nunca igrexa veu, á porta dun forno fai a reverencia (He who never saw a church, bows at the door of an oven)
Quen nunca tivo un porco e agora tén un porquiño, anda sempre detrais del, chamandolle "quino, quino". (He who never had a pig, and now has a piglet (?), always walks behind it, calling to it "(pig)let,(pig)let")
Quen ten cu, ten medo. (He who has a butt, may be scared)
Sempre corre o ouro pro tesouro. (Translation: Always the gold runs to the treasure)
Se non fose polo rabo, empreñaba a burra.
Se unha muller che di que te tires pola ventá, o que tes que facer é percurar a que esteña mais baixa (if the wife tells you to jump out of a window, all you can do is to search for the lowest one)
Unha sebe, 3 anos; un can, 3 sebes; un cabalo 3 cans, un home 3 cabalos (duration of things: a hedge 3 years, a dog 3 hedges, a horse 3 dogs, a man 3 horses)