Moved quotes (from own translation) to talk page edit

  • "Only when we have socialism in Germany ... only then will the needy and oppressed have a fatherland, a fatherland that belongs to us, only then will they have a socialist homeland." - Ernst Thälmann. Pictures, documents, texts. Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1986, p. 394 (Translated by Google's translation service from German Wikiquote)
  • "We do not say, choose Thälmann, then you have bread and freedom , we say, for bread and freedom you must fight!" - "Speeches and Essays" Volume 2, Verlag Rote Fahne, 1975; Original: The Red Flag, March 1, 1932 (Translated by Google's translation service from German Wikiquote)
  • "My people, to whom I belong, and whom I love, are the German people, and my nation, which I worship with great pride, is the German nation, a knightly, proud and hard nation Flesh of the flesh of the German workers, and therefore, as their revolutionary child, have later become their revolutionary leader." - Ernst Thälmann: Answer to letters of a fellow prisoner, Berlin 1961, p. 73. (Translated by Google's translation service from German Wikiquote)

Not own translation. Google Translate. Raven Onthill (talk) 22:13, 17 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

This is even worse. Let a program do some translation, and don't check the result, and make it your own. This is just not the way to go here. -- Mdd (talk) 23:04, 17 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

Notes about the disputed quote edit

  • It was a KPD slogan; Thälmann is generally credited with it, just as Hillary Clinton is credited with "Stronger together."
  • Orignal German: "Nach Hitler kommen Wir."
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