Sienna Guillory

British actress

Sienna Tiggy Guillory (pronounced "Gil-ir-ee" (IPA:ɡɪlɜːɪ); born 16 March 1975) is an English actress and model. She gained notoriety in the television mini series Helen of Troy (2003) in which she played the title role. She went on to have lead roles in the video game adaptation film Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) as Jill Valentine and in the fantasy novel adaptation Eragon (2007) as elf princess Arya Dröttningu.

Sienna Guillory in 2007


  • It was really interesting watching what happened to Nick from my different perspective, being mousy in the corner and trying to help him through it all. Every time we went out, everyone wanted to talk to him, but no one listened to a word he had to say, and everyone assumed that because he didn't speak posh, he was thick. He's not. He's a very, very intelligent person. All that tabloid stuff about him, about us, it was as if it was someone else.
  • Everything I've done in the last few years has been grim and gritty and traumatic. I've played floozies, psychopaths, assassins, crackheads.... It's nice to do something with a lighter touch, something that makes you laugh but has a serious point to make. I get to wear a lot of great clothes as well.
  • After six years of working on low-budget independent films of the too-weird-to-watch variety, being asked by DreamWorks to come and play with the big boys, it was like finding an unicorn in your sock drawer.
  • I went out the other night for the first time in ages, just because I'd been so busy. As I came out of the cinema, I ran down the street to get cigarettes, and 30 guys followed me with cameras and shouted at me. It's all so strange. It's not a life I really live or understand.
  • It changes colour every time I do a film but I have this great guy called Rosario who works at a London salon called Hair Expressions who really knows what he’s doing. I’ve been told 80 times that I’ll have to have it all cut off because it’s ruined and then he fixes it. He’s the best hair man in the world."
  • We were all in awe of Penny [Woolcock]. You feel so safe with her, you end up doing things that might seem offensive to other people. It's almost like being in a therapy session. You go a little bit further than you would normally. But in the orgy scene, where Marc's really getting a blowjob, I was like, `You've crossed the line!' Me and Alec were acting, and being loving and safe and showing the feeling of wanting to climb under someone's skin. For it to suddenly become something purely physical - I didn't think that needed to be real. But it was a situation that got out of hand. They filmed it at a swingers' club. There wasn't any way of stopping things, once they'd started. It's really gruesome and awful. But for the story, it's perfect. That scene was out of control. But by that point, so are the characters.
  • I've done more films than these people. Why aren't I getting those scripts?' Because my films never get released. So OK, I do Sorted, because it's going to get released, and hate every minute of it. You know, I am ambitious, in the sense of, I will eat as much cardboard as I have to swallow, in order to get to a place where I can make a great script.
  • The acting was always disappointing. Silly stories about nonsense people. I felt really cheated by acting, because I've never really felt anything from it. I don't wanna be the women on television, who are always nice and do the right thing. I want to be the woman who makes mistakes and gets away with it. The Night Porter is my favourite film. Charlotte Rampling is boiling with rage and going, "I can do it worse. I'm badder, and dirtier than you will ever be, and you'll never break me." And I just love that.
  • "I said I could to get the part. It made me go slightly mad, because my brain would be spinning all night. But after my big fight scene, where it was just kick, kick, kick, turn, in a freezing graveyard at 5am, I remember coming home on fire, because my brain hadn't kicked in once. Which was really, really a relief.
  • "I do, and I hunt. I like small horses best. They're like small men. They have more to prove so they take all the more risks and jump higher and faster than all the rest.
  • Me and my brother used to spend a lot of time at music festivals, running away from skinheads. Then my brother became a skinhead... I used to get excruciatingly, mind-numbingly dull guitar lessons from my father: tonic, subdominant, dominant. Yeah, but how do I play it? Tonic, subdominant, mediant. This is a seventh. Great, how do I play it?
  • "I really enjoy writing. Much more than other people enjoy reading it. What do I write? Nonsense. Diary stuff - when I want to have a conversation but need to clarify my thoughts first."
  • No. You always feel very much alone. Everyone gets fractional about who's in the VIP bit, and you think about what's going on outside it. You can never hear anything or have a proper discussion... I prefer groups of six people, max.
  • I was expelled [from school]. It's a long story but once I was caught appearing on The Word and all the girls in the common room started shouting, 'Sir! Look sir, it's Sienna!' The girls reacted towards me in the same way anyone reacts when they're jealous. They were just jealous. Or were they actually trying to kill me?
  • It's a Cuban thing. But he ate very well — lots of organic steak. When he was diagnosed, the doctors told him he'd had cancer for six years. This dated back to around the time of Chernobyl, when he was in Wales doing a gig and it was raining. He got absolutely soaked to the skin. He then drove five hours up to the north of Scotland, still wearing the wet jacket. Later, he read in a newspaper that the sheep in the part of Wales where he had been performing had been killed because the rain contained fallout from the disaster. His cancer was right across the back of his shoulders, where the rain had first hit him. He reckoned it was that which caused it."
  • Worn with tights it is not an issue, although there is something deeply unfeminist about not being able to sit down in one comfortably.
  • I've loved not being looked at so much since dyeing my hair dark for my part in Resident Evil: Apocalypse. With my normal blondey- brown colour, I get stared at so much, so I feel quieter, more low- key. It's like being undercover, as even friends of mine haven't recognised me. It was quite difficult to get used to. I would see a picture of someone blonde in a Polaroid or shop window and think: "Don't I look brilliant?" But then it wouldn't be me. But it does mean that I can wear brighter colours, as well as brighter lipsticks than usual. I've just done a shoot where I was wearing bright red lipstick - although that did feel a bit Eighties and weird, as if I were a Robert Palmer extra.
  • In Hollywood, women hate each other. Everyone is so bitchy and they don't want younger actresses coming in and taking their roles. You only have to look at what it's done to Kate Beckinsale. She used be cool. Now I've heard she's got a clause in her contract saying that she can't be filmed bending over at more than a 45-degree angle because her boob implants slide up onto her collar bone.
  • I'm reading Our Ecstatic Days, by Steve Erickson. It's an extraordinary journey and the most exciting thing I've found since The Master and Margarita, which I've read about 20 times. I like being taken away somewhere by a book.
  • I've been trying to explain to friends who've seen the trailer and said, "Oh wow, it looks amazing and you're in it!" I'm like, "Well, yes, but that's my whole part!"


  • She’s an extraordinarily talented actor who is tremendously photogenic. She’s also a dead ringer for Jill Valentine.
  • "Guillory in person is still more shockingly fascinating, the unguarded, free-associating opposite of any cliched Brit- babe."

See also

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