She's Out of My League

2010 film by Jim Field Smith

She's Out of My League is a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Jim Field Smith and written by Sean Anders and John Morris. The film stars Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve, and was produced by Jimmy Miller for Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks and filmed in Pittsburgh, PA. Production on the film finished in 2008. The film received its wide theatrical release on March 12, 2010.

How can a 10 go for a 5?taglines


Molly: And I'm fine with that too. And I was fine with you up until about three minutes ago.
Kirk: That's great Molly. I'm so glad you're fine with me.
Molly: Okay, Kirk. Maybe-maybe you're right. Maybe you are a five. You know why? No self-esteem, deduct a point. Everytime someone walks into a room you compare yourself to them, deduct a point. You're a smart and talented guy who's afraid to do anything with it, deduct a point. Um how are we doing? Oh, oh yeah, hoping that I have a defect that you can work with? Deduct whatever's left.
Kirk: I'm out of here. Webbed fucking feet, are you kidding me?
Molly: Kirk!!

Plane Doctor: You shouldn't be using your cellphone. It's bad for the plane.
Patty: Oh, I'm sorry, are you the plane doctor? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Patty: Dude, go shit in your hand.

Patty: You look just like someone I went to high school with.
Stainer: Oh yeah? What high school? Maybe it was me.
Patty: No, he's in a coma.
Stainer: Huh. Who brought the good news bear? Somebody give her some fucking honey.

Kirk: Patty's not a bitch, she's uh... different.
Stainer: Yeah, different in that she's a bitch and other people aren't.

[First lines]
Kirk: Marnie, I know that we agreed to take some time off and I think that was a great idea. My God. Gave us both a chance to experiment, if you will, and meet all sorts of new and interesting, different people. You did quite a bit more experimenting than I did. A lot more experimenting. You are like a scientist. Beakers... But obviously I'm cool with that, because the thing is, I think, we're stronger as a result. But here's the thing, Marnie... it's been two years. That's a lot of time off. And I'm ready for some time on. I miss you. I miss us. I got something for you. [pulls out earring box; to his friends] What do you think?
Stainer: Aww, man. It's depressing. I mean, it's really depressing. It's horrible to watch you like this.
Devon: I think it's really pretty. How's it work? [opens box] Oh...
Jack: What the hell is that?
Kirk: I got it for Valentine's Day, right before she broke up with me. Stainer, I know you don't like her very much.
Stainer: No, no. I hate her. In fact, the day that you broke up with her, I marked that down in my calender as a day of rejoicement. I'm going to celebrate it with a cake with her face on it, but instead of eating it, we smash it. Okay? You can do a lot better. You deserve a lot better, Kirky.
Kirk: I thank you, but I've seen what's out there and I don't think it gets any better.
Jack: When have you been out there? When have you left the apartment?
Kirk: I went out on four different dates, with three girls and that guy. I don't know what his intentions were, but it's fine. We had a great conversation. I think he was just looking for a friend.
Jack: Do you know what your problem is, Kirk?
Kirk: What?
Jack: You're a moodle.
Kirk: A moodle?
Jack: A man poodle. Girls, they want to take you out on a walk. They want to feed you, they want to cuddle you, but make no mistake, no girl wants to do the moodle.
Stainer: No one would ever fuck a moodle.
Jack: No, he's right. I'm telling you, if you want to get Marnie back, she has got to believe that from the second she broke up with you, your life has been a non-stop snatch parade.
Devon: Or... you could just be who you are. Why can't that be good enough?
Stainer: [holding earring box] Why don't you just put your fucking balls in here?

Stainer: I love Kirky, but let's face it, the guy's a five.
Devon: Stainer, that's just a dirty pool. He's at least a six.
Stainer: A six? Alright you go ahead and pump rainbows into his asshole. I'm just being honest.
Jack: Come on, cut him some slack. Look. Half a point because he's a nice guy. Right? And he's funny, so that's half a point each. That brings him to six. Devon's right.
Stainer: But he drives a shitbox, deduct a point. Take a point off.
Kirk: Wait, what's wrong with my Neon?
Stainer: Oh, I don't know. Except the people who make that car don't even like it. So, we're back to a five.
Jack: Five.
Stainer: Meanwhile, this Molly, is a hard ten. And that five point disparity, that's a chasm. Chasm? Chasm. You can't jump more than two points.
Kirk: Where do you get this shit?
Stainer: Trust me, Kirk. I can't even get a ten.
Jack: [chuckles] Oh, not even you, huh?
Stainer: I'm a six, okay?
Jack: Bullshit, you're a six. Then what am I?
Stainer: You're an eight.
Jack: Okay, you're a six then.
Stainer: But I get a one point bump because I'm in a band.
Kirk: Stainer, you're in a Hall and Oates cover band. I'm pretty sure that's a deducation.
Stainer: Adult Education is a tribute band. So that puts me back at seven. On a good day, the best I can bag is a nine.
Kirk: What about your crappy car?
Stainer: Artist's exemption. I'm expected to have a shitty car.
Jack: Is there an artist exemption for talking out your ass?
Stainer: Yeah, it's called being a rock star, Jack! Look it up in the dictionary. It's there. It's right next to "fuck you"!
Devon: I think this system's ridiculous. All right? If someone really loves you, then you are a ten.
Jack: My God. What are you, Hannah Montana? Because nothing you are saying right now is of any help to Kirk.

Jack: Dude, forget Stainer. All right? I think you could get her back.
Stainer: OK, then why don't you look Kirk in the eyes and tell him that you believe he's gonna end up with Molly. Just tell him that.
Jack: Fine. Kirky, I truly believe that... I mean, I think anything is possible.
Kirk: "Anything is possible"?
Devon: Come on! Like there's a million examples of guys like Kirky ending up with a beautiful woman.
Stainer: Such as?
Devon: Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts.
Jack: Right. Richie Sambora and Heather Locklear. Then he went on to Denise Richards.
Stainer: All recording artists. Normal rules don't apply to those guys. Kirk, as soon as you record an album and it goes platinum, you can push your meat into any human being you want.
Jack: OK, OK, OK. King Kong and Naomi Watts.
Stainer: They never consummated. Totally platonic relationship.
Jack: Stephen Hawking and his lady nurse.
Stainer: He's the master of space and time! He knows about black holes and shit.
Devon: What about the President of France and that girl that went out with Mick Jagger?
Stainer: He knows about wine. And he has a French accent. He could probably French kiss like a motherfucker.
Devon: Wait a second... The Beast.
Stainer: Who?
Devon: The Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Beast won Beauty's love and he wasn't rich or a recording artist. Though, he did have an amazing voice.
Stainer: OK, Devon, that's a cartoon. But yes, that's one. One out of a million.
Devon: You know what, Stainer? All it takes is one. Man, you... You guys sit here and talk about relationships but the truth is, I'm the only one here that's married. Yeah, and I'm tired of you guys busting my nuggets 'cause I've only been with one girl. It's 'cause she was the right girl! That's why I married her! So, Kirky, let me tell you something, if Molly is the right girl, that's all that matters. You just, you stand up. You stand up. You get in front of her. You get right in front of her and you say, "Hey, I am Kirk Kettner, and I am right here, standing in front of you... right here. Here I am." Something like that.
Stainer: Power of love.
Jack: Very... perfect.
Kirk: Beautiful.
Devon: Thank you. I was in debate, junior/senior year. I don't know if you guys remember that.

Devon: You're like Yoda.
Jack: I know.
Devon: You're like... Sex Yoda.

Stainer: Foler, you have a choice, you can step aside, or you can fight me. If that's how you wanna go, I warn you, I will go Dark Side. I will rip out your hair, I'll bite your chin off, and I will stab you in the eyes with confiscated scissors. Because I am an insane motherfucker! You know that from the breakroom! What's it gonna be?
Foler: [Shrugs and lets them through]

Stainer: Let's face it, Marnie's kinda a skank. [Marnie appears] Oh, hey Marnie. We were just talking about Marnie the name, and how it's unfortunate it's not more common.
Marnie: Fuck you Stainer.
Stainer: But, you didn't let me finish. More common for skanks.

Kirk: [Answering Molly's phone] Hello?
Patty: Who is this?
Kirk: Might be the guy with the new iPhone, who are you?
Patty: Might be your worst fucking nightmare!

[Devon is shaving Kirk's privates]
Kirk: So how is this not gay?
Devon: I think there's nothing gay about it. The fact that you're letting a straight, married man shave your testicles...I think that makes you one of the most macho guys alive.
Kirk: There is some logic in that...

Kirk: Devon, why would you tell her that I broke up with Molly?
Devon: 'Cause I thought you had.
Kirk: No. We're just in a sticky wicket.
Stainer: A "sticky wicket"?
Kirk: Yeah. A rough patch. Rough pumpkins.
Stainer: And how many times have you called her?
Kirk: Five.
Stainer: And how many times have you really called her?
Kirk: Seventeen.
Stainer: It's done. Tao of Love.
Kirk: What?
Stainer: That's what I call it. The Tao of Love. You being with Molly defies, like, forces of nature. It's over man.
Kirk: No. It's not over. Frankly, I'm sick of all you guys pretending like you know where I'm coming from. None of you know what I'm going through right now.
Stainer: Tina Jordan does.
Kirk: Who the hell is Tina Jordan?
Stainer: She was my Molly.
Kirk: You never mentioned her.
Stainer: I didn't want to jinx it. But she was perfect. Yeah, perfect. Freckled shoulders. Anyway, two months into it, bam, she dumps me. I shoulda seen it coming too, 'cause she was a ten. Like a hard ten. I was a six, possibly a seven. Either way, I couldn't cover the spread. The universe spoke and I was depressed for months.
Kirk: That's what that was? You said you had mono.
Stainer: Yeah. Mono of the heart.
Jack: Oh, my God, how's your vagina?
Stainer: Shut up, Jack!

Mr. Fuller: Thanks for coming in, Kettner.
Kirk: Sorry I'm late, Fuller.
Mr. Fuller: You better have a damn good excuse.
Kirk: Nope.
Mr. Fuller: Take a second? Make something up?
Kirk: Nope.
Mr. Fuller: Interesting.

Museum Director: Can I see your invitation?
Kirk: Can I see your invitation?
Devon: Probably not the best thing to say to the Museum Director.

Stainer: Okay now I know you've gone crazy. You are telling me the hottest chick I've ever met in my life wants you, and the Hamburglar wasn't into me? Listen to yourself... FUCK YOU.
Devon: It is a pretty impressive catch, Kirkey.
Stainer: Yeah, the day that happens is the day Jack sleeps with your wife. [shocked silence] What? Did that already happen?
Devon: We weren't technically dating yet.
Stainer: My bad.

Devon: Hey, did she say anything about Wendy thinking I'm hot?
Kirk: No.
Devon: Shoot, I wonder if she is on Facebook?
Kirk: Devon, you're on Facebook?
Devon: Yeah... I got like 37 friends.

Kirk: She is coming to lunch with my parents on Sunday.
Stainer: That takes care of that, 20 minutes with your family and she will file a restraining order. We're safe.
Devon: Hey did she say anything about Wendy? You know... like about me?

[Kirk is introducing Molly to his family]
Kirk: This is when you say "Hi Molly".
Dylan: Who are you?
Kirk: She is Molly.
Ron: Why is she here?
Kirk: She came with me.
Dylan: Did you hit her car or something?
Kirk: Jesus... No but thank you for asking.
Dylan: Are you a social worker?
Molly: Nope.
Dylan: Aw shit are we being evicted?
Kirk: No.
Dylan: Are you a hooker?
Debbie: Dylan!
Dylan: Or a prostitute I mean?

Ron: Come on in for a dip, girl.
Molly: Oh no, I don't even have a bathing suit.
Dylan: You can wear your underwear. It's just like a bikini it covers all the good shit.
Ron: Yeah, underwear is fine.
Marnie: RON!
Ron: It's like what they did in the old days.
Molly: Underwear would be fine... if I were wearing any.

Dylan: Fuck it! This floor is slippery. These shoes are fucked for this.
Mr. Kettner: Dylan, sportsmanship!
Dylan: Fuck you!
Mrs. Kettner: Timeout.
Dylan: You guys take a timeout for being assholes.


  • How can a 10 go for a 5?
  • It'll all add up March 12
  • When she's this hot, You get one shot.


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