Nana Akufo-Addo

President of the Republic of Ghana

Nana Akufo-Addo (born 29 March 1944) is a Ghanian politician who currently serves as the 5th President of Ghana since 7 January 2017. He previously serves as the Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2003–2007.

Nana Akufo-Addo in 2020


  • Stop dey use COVID-19 vaccination as immigration control against Africans.
  • Sika mmpɛ dede’ means 'money does not like noise'
  • Be citizens not spectators
  • All die be die
  • We knew what to do to bring the economy back to life, but not how to bring people back to life
    • Address To The Nation on the Economy, October 2022 "[1]"
  • Just as technology offers opportunities to grow our economies and bring progress to our people, there are criminal syndicates who will always be bent on exploiting it for their selfish interests. They have to be relentlessly fought.
    • President Akufo-Addo made the call when he addressed the opening session of the African Regional Conference of the Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) in Accra, June 19, 2019 "[2]"
  • Let us all remember that the destiny of all black people no matter where they are in the world is bound up with Africa. We must help make Africa the place for investment, progress, and prosperity and not from where our youth flee in the hope of accessing the mirage of a better life in Europe or the Americas.
    • He said this on November 13, 2022, during a speech at the Young African and Diasporan Leaders' Summit in Washington, D.C., which was held concurrently with the US-Africa Leaders' Summit."[3]"
  • We want to build a Ghana beyond aid; a Ghana which looks to the use of its own resources. We want to build an economy that is not dependent on charity and handouts, but an economy that will look at the proper management of its resources as the way to engineer social and economic growth in our country.
  • I shall protect the public purse by insisting on value for money in all public transactions. Public service is just that — service and not an avenue for making money. Money is to be made in the private sector, not the public. Measures will be put in place to ensure this
  • Where I am and how old I am at least, this is not the time I will start stealing anybody's wealth
  • We must be defined by what we see in ourselves, and not what others choose to say about us.

Speech at the 78th United Nations General Assembly (2023)

Speech at the UNGA (20 September 2023). As quoted by Reparations must be paid for slave trade – Akufo-Addo

  • No amount of money will ever make up for the horrors but it will make the point that evil was perpetuated – that millions of productive Africans were snatched from our continent and put to work in the Americans and Caribbean’s without compensations from their labour
  • Grand inhumane enterprise was state-sponsored and deliberate and its benefits are clearly interwoven in the present-day economic architecture of the nations that designed and executed it
  • If there is any hesitation in some minds about the paying of reparations, it is worth considering the fact that when slavery was abolished, the slave owners were compensated for the loss of the slave because human beings were labelled as property deemed to be commodities. Surely, this is a matter that the world must confront and can no longer ignore
  • Maybe we should also admit that it cannot be easy to build confident and prosperous societies from nations that from centuries have their natural resources looted and their people traded as commodities
  • For centuries, the world has been unwilling and unable to confront the realities of the realities of consequences of the slave trade but gradually this is changing and it is time to bring the subject of reparations firmly to the fore
  • It is time to acknowledge openly that much of the European, United States has been from the vast wealth harvested from the sweat, tears, blood and horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the centuries of colonial exploitation

Quotes about Akufo-Addo

  • He is “a Pan Africanist, anti-corruption crusader, a rare democratic leader in the field of good governance, a true African Statesman whose legacies present African leaders must emulate, and we are minded to say will stand the test of time."
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