Moonraker (film)
1979 film by Lewis Gilbert
(Redirected from Moonraker)
Moonraker is a 1979 British-American action spy film, the sequel to 1977 film The Spy Who Loved Me, in which James Bond investigates the mid-flight theft of a space shuttle and discovers a plot to commit global genocide. It was followed by 1981 sequel film For Your Eyes Only.

- Directed by Lewis Gilbert. Written by Christopher Wood, based on the novel by Ian Fleming.
Moonraker Is Out Of This World taglines
James Bond
edit- [After pushing Chang, one of Hugo Drax's henchmen, through a clock tower dial and onto a piano below, killing him] Play it again, Sam.
Hugo Drax
edit- [Addressing his staff aboard the space station] First there was the dream, now there is reality. Here, in the untainted cradle of the heavens, will be created a new super race, a race of perfect physical specimens. You have been selected as its progenitors; like Gods, your offspring will return to Earth and shape it in their image. You have all served in public capacities in my terrestrial empire. Your seed, like yourselves, will pay deference to the ultimate dynasty which I alone have created. From their first day on Earth they will be able to look up and know that there is law and order in the heavens.
- [After Bond and Dr. Goodhead have shut down the cloaking device on Drax's space station, exposing it to the world] James Bond. You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season.
- Mr Bond... you defy all my attempts to plan an amusing death for you.
- Allow me to introduce you to the airlock chamber. Observe, Mr. Bond, your route from this world to the next. [Opens airlock door] And you, Dr. Goodhead, your desire to become America's first woman in space will shortly be fulfilled.
- Even in death, my munificence is boundless. When this rocket lifts off, I shall be leaving you in your own private crematorium. Mr. Bond, Dr. Goodhead, I bid you farewell.
Museum tour guide
edit- As you know, everything was done absolutely by hand. Here is a vase done by Lorenzo Graziati, sometime between 1850 and 1860. If you'd like to follow me over here. This exquisite bowl was fashioned about 1520, over 450 years ago. If it ever came on the market, it would certainly fetch a price in excess of one million American dollars. But if any of you are thinking of taking it... Now, we have here a very early 17th century dish with an aquamarine medallion. Over here, we have something very, very interesting. This glass-handled sword, the only one of its kind in the world, was owned by General Menotti in the late 18th century and is the work of Bruno...
edit- [Toasting a glass of champagne with a short blonde eccentric woman before the space station is about to implode] Well, here's to us.
edit- M: [James walks into office] 007. At last.
- James Bond: Good morning, sir.
- M: I think you know Frederick Gray, Minister of Defense.
- Frederick Gray: [Shakes James hand] Commander.
- James Bond: Minister. Q. [Q gets up and walks to side, then interjects] Moonraker?
- Frederick Gray: What do you know about Moonraker?
- James Bond: What I read in the newspaper, sir.
- Frederick Gray: Then you'll know that Moonraker, the space shuttle, was being flown over here on loan from the Americans on the back of a 747.
- James Bond: Yes, which crashed somewhere in the Yukon, aircraft and shuttle totally destroyed, correct?
- M: That's the official version.
- Q: The truth is rather more disturbing, 007. Look at this. [Uses pointer stick to turn mirror into TV screen] Now, that's the scene of the crash. Wreckage strewn over a large area. That's all that's left of the fuselage. We've been through it with a fine-toothed comb, but there's no sign of Moonraker, not a trace.
- James Bond: Are you suggesting the shuttle was hijacked in midair?
- M: That's for you to find out, 007.
- James Bond: The shuttles are built in California by Drax Industries.
- Q: Yes. We were responsible for the safety of that shuttle, Commander. The United States government is justifiably concerned.
- James Bond: I can imagine. Then, California must be the place to start.
- Q: I agree.
- M: Don't make any mistakes, 007. The situation is critical. We've got to find that shuttle.
- James Bond: Yes, sir. If that's all, gentlemen...
- Q: Just a minute, 007. I've got something for you. Roll up your right sleeve, will you? This is now being issued as standard equipment. Strap it on your wrist. [James complies] It's activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles.
- James Bond: Like this? [Discharges a dart into a painting]
- M: Oh, thank you, 007.
- Q: Be careful, will you?
- James Bond: Yes, Q.
- Q: Ten darts, five blue-tipped with armor piercing heads, five red-tipped, cyanide coated, causing death in 30 seconds.
- James Bond: Very novel, Q. You must get them in the stores for Christmas.
- Corinne Dufour: [James climbs into helicopter at LAX] Welcome to California, Mr. Bond.
- James Bond: I like it already.
- Corinne Dufour: [Airborne] My name is Corinne Dufour.
- James Bond: Oh, and you're going to be showing me around, are you, Corinne?
- Corinne Dufour: No. I'm just a humble pilot in the service of the Drax Corporation. This is the Drax estate now. Everything you see belongs to Mr. Drax.
- James Bond: Owns a lot, doesn't he?
- Corinne Dufour: What he doesn't own, he doesn't want. We're approaching the main complex now.
- James Bond: That's where the Moonraker shuttle is made?
- Corinne Dufour: That's right, workshops, hangars, design and experimental blocks, test centers, everything.
- James Bond: Very impressive. I'd heard that Hugo Drax is obsessed with the conquest of space. Now, I can believe it. Good Lord.
- Corinne Dufour: The Drax residence. Every stone brought from France. Cute, isn't it?
- James Bond: Magnificent. Why didn't he buy the Eiffel Tower as well?
- Corinne Dufour: He did, but the French government refused him an export permit. Look there. Those are the astronaut trainees. Mr. Drax is financing the entire training program out of his own pocket.
- James Bond: He seems to have an eye for a good investment.
- James Bond: Good afternoon.
- Dr. Goodhead: Can I help you?
- James Bond: Yes my name is Bond, James Bond. I'm looking for Dr. Goodhead.
- Dr. Goodhead: You just found her.
- James Bond: A woman!
- Dr. Goodhead: Your powers of observation do you credit, Mr. Bond.
- James Bond: [Walks up to her in Venice] 14th century.
- Dr. Goodhead: Dr. Goodhead. I can only hope your presence here is a coincidence, Mr. Bond. I dislike being spied on.
- James Bond: Well, don't we all? You're staying at the Danieli, aren't you?
- Dr. Goodhead: Yes. How did you know?
- James Bond: Well, I like to keep abreast of things. May I ask what you're doing in Venice?
- Dr. Goodhead: I'm addressing a seminar of the European Space Commission.
- James Bond: My, heavy stuff. But there again, I keep forgetting that you are more than just a very beautiful woman.
- Dr. Goodhead: If you're trying to be ingratiating, Mr. Bond, don't bother. I have more important things on my mind.
- James Bond: Ah, that's what I'd like to talk to you about.
- Hugo Drax: [James, Q and Frederick walks into opulent office] Frederick Gray. What a surprise. And in distinguished company, all wearing gas masks. You must excuse me, gentlemen, not being English, I sometimes find your sense of humor rather difficult to follow.
- Frederick Gray: On behalf of the British government, I apologize.
- M: I think you owe us an explanation, 007.
- Frederick Gray': [Walking along canal] I've never been so humiliated in my life. Your man should be taken off the assignment. I'll see you at the consulate. [Walks on]
- M: I'll have to do what he says.
- James Bond: Well, before you do that, sir, [takes out case from jacket breast pocket] have Q do an analysis of this, [opens case to reveal a vial] I took it from the laboratory. Tell him to exercise extreme caution. It is lethal. [Hands case to Q who takes it]
- M: So, there was a laboratory. You better take two weeks leave of absence, 007. Do have any thoughts about where you might go?
- James Bond: I've always had a hankering to go to Rio, sir.
- M: I think I can recall your mentioning it. 007, no slip ups or we're both in trouble.
- Corinne Dufour: My mother gave me a list of things not to do on a first date...
- James Bond: Maybe you won’t need it. That’s not what I came for.
- Dufour: [Disappointed] No? What do you want then?
- [Later, when they are about to have sex]
- Bond: What about that list of your mother's?
- Dufour: I never learned to read.
- [During a pheasant hunt, one of Drax's henchmen hides in a tree, waiting to shoot Bond. At Drax's prompt, Bond aims at some pheasants and fires]
- Hugo Drax: You missed, Mr. Bond.
- [The dead henchman falls from the tree, killed by Bond's shot]
- James Bond: [Dryly] Did I? [Returns shotgun] As you said: "Such a good sport."
- Dufour: I didn’t!
- Drax: I’m terminating your employment. You will leave immediately.
- [Drax has Chang release his dogs, which chase Corinne into the woods and kill her]
- Dr. Holly Goodhead: Have you broken something?
- James Bond: Only my tailor's heart. [Goodhead kisses him] What was that for?
- Goodhead: For saving my life.
- Bond: Remind me to do it more often!
- Hugo Drax: [After James has killed the python snake] Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python?
- James Bond: I discovered it had a crush on me.
- James Bond: Let's see what cargo we have. [Turns on monitor of space shuttle and sees 16 attractive couples sitting with their partners] The animals went in two by two.
- Dr. Holly Goodhead: What do you mean by that?
- James Bond: Noah's Ark. This operation.
- [Drax holds off Bond with a laser pistol]
- Hugo Drax: At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery. [Bond raises his hands] Desolated, Mr Bond?
- [Bond fires the dart gun in his wristband, hitting Drax in the chest with a cyanide dart]
- James Bond: Heartbroken, Mr Drax. [Drax gasps and staggers back towards an airlock] Allow me. [he lets Drax into the airlock] Take a giant step for mankind!
- [Bond expels Drax out the airlock into space, while Dr. Holly Goodhead arrives as the spaceship gets ready to self-destruct]
- Dr. Holly Goodhead: Where's Drax?
- Bond: Oh, he had to fly.
- M: [Watching Bond and Dr. Goodhead having sex in the space shuttle, via its onboard camera in NASA control room] Double O Seven...!
- Sir Frederick Gray: My God, what's Bond doing?
- Q: [Observing radar screen] I think he's attempting re-entry sir. [Bond looks up and smiles at the camera before unplugging it]
- [[Film's last lines]
- Dr. Holly Goodhead: James?
- James Bond: I think it may be time to go home.
- Goodhead: Take me 'round the world one more time.
- Bond: Why not?
edit- Moonraker Is Out Of This World
- Where all the other Bonds end... this one begins!
- Now outer space now belongs to James Bond 007
- The girls are out of this world
- The villains are out of this world
- Outer space now belongs to 007
edit- Roger Moore - James Bond:
- Michael Lonsdale - Hugo Drax
- Lois Chiles - Holly Goodhead
- Toshiro Suga - Chang
- Richard Kiel - Jaws
- Corinne Clery - Corinne Dufour
- Bernard Lee - M
- Lois Maxwell - Miss Moneypenny
- Desmond Llewelyn - Q
- Geoffrey Keen - Sir Fredrick Gray
- Walter Gotell - General Gogol
External links
edit- Moonraker quotes at the Internet Movie Database