Mohamed Morsi

President of Egypt from 2012 to 2013

Mohamed Morsi (8 August 1951 – 17 June 2019) was an Egyptian politician who served as the fifth President of Egypt. He was deposed by Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Mohamed Morsi in 2013


  • These futile [Israeli-Palestinian] negotiations are a waste of time and opportunities. The Zionists buy time and gain more opportunities, as the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the Muslims lose time and opportunities, and they get nothing out of it. We can see how this dream has dissipated. This dream has always been an illusion… This [Palestinian] Authority was created by the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people and its interests... No reasonable person can expect any progress on this track. Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war. This is what these occupiers of the land of Palestine know — these blood-suckers, who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs.

Quotes about Morsi

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