Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
action-adventure stealth video game released in 2004
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004) is a prequel to Metal Gear Solid.

- Snake: Are you one of The Cobras?!
- The Sorrow: Sad... so sad... A host of sorrows... And you are one of them.
- [The Sorrow pulls his hood back]
- The Sorrow: I am The Sorrow. Like you, I, too, am filled with sadness. This world is one of sadness... Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living... may not hear them. Their voices... may fall upon deaf ears. But, make no mistake... the dead... are not silent. Now you'll know the sorrow of those whose lives you have ended.
- [The Sorrow's left eye begins to bleed, and the left lens of his glasses breaks]
- [after Snake's near-death experience, a flashback of a conversation is heard]
- The Sorrow: Boss, you have to shoot me.
- The Boss: I can't!
- The Sorrow: Shoot me! You want to finish your mission, don't you? Then... you'll have to shoot me.
- [The Boss grunts]
- The Sorrow: The spirit of the warrior... will always be with you. Don't be sad... we'll meet again someday.
- [a gunshot is heard as The Sorrow's glasses crack again]
- The Boss: What about you, Jack? What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit, or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or later you'll have to choose.
- [EVA explains herself in an audio recording to Snake]
- EVA: Snake, listen to me. She didn't betray the United States. No... far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing full well what was going to happen. Self-sacrifice... because that was her duty.
- [Snake is being honored at the White House]
- Lyndon B. Johnson: You are above even the Boss... I hereby award you the title of Big Boss. You are a true patriot.
- [after shaking hands, Snake walks out, past army officials and his team, without fanfare]
- Unnamed bureaucrat: You know, we could use an infiltration unit like FOX in the army... Someone like him to handle our top-secret sneaking missions for us... A man who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent...
- EVA: The Boss' defection was a ruse set up by the US government. It was all a big drama staged by Washington so they could get their hands on the Philosopher's Legacy. And the Boss was the star of the show. They planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel Volgin inherited, and destroy the Shagohod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like The Boss could have earned Volgin's trust. Finding out where the Philosopher's Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to plan...
- EVA: But then something happened that no one could have predicted. Colonel Volgin fired an American-made nuclear warhead at Sokolov's research facility. Khrushchev demanded that the US government provide proof that it wasn't involved. They couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy. So the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. The authorities in Washington knew that in order to prove its innocence, they'd have to get rid of The Boss... and that one of their own would have to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to find out about it, not ever. This, they concluded, would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps. The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple... That was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice but to carry it out... Her death at your hands... was a duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades. A lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden...
- [Snake walks through a cemetery with flowers]
- EVA: The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her... in America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor... and in Russia, as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal. And no one will ever understand her. That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through to the end. But I think she wanted you, of all people, to know the truth. She wanted to live on... in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a woman. But... she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me...
- [Snake puts his flowers and the Boss's gun by a headstone marked "In memory of a patriot who saved the world: 192?-1964"]
- EVA: Snake, [tearfully] history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story, her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. [sobs] Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero. She was a true patriot.
- [Snake salutes the headstone and sheds a tear]
About Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
- It's not really how I was inspired or influenced. We as video game creators and video game fans want to experience jungle battle, fighting in the jungle, and field battle. We've done enough with the CQB (Close Quarters Battle), we're taking this direction that everyone wants to experience.
- Game creators all over the world have tried creating jungles and throwing jungles in their games, but it hasn't worked. This time we are trying to break through that, we are trying to overcome that. Because in video games when you try to create a jungle or forest there is so much vegetation it's really hard to do because of hardware limitations. That's something we are trying to overcome. That's why we are coming up with a new engine for the game and hopefully, we can accomplish it.
- Hideo Kojima, GameSpot [citation needed]
- I decided that MGS3 should be about survival, and I started thinking about how survival would work in the game. The game takes place in the '60s, and if the game was going to be about survival, I decided it had better take place in the jungle.
- What we did to create the experimental environment was that we went to islands like Yakushima, Amami Oshima, and even places in Canada. These are places with a lot of vegetation, like Japanese jungles. (Well, obviously not Canada.) Based on our research, we created this fictional jungle forest to see if it worked.
- Mr. Mori taught how camouflage works in the wilderness, and he showed us CQC techniques. He showed us how the people really would fight against each other. He also taught us the technique of stalking, which is very slow. You don't make any sounds.
- Hideo Kojima in "Hideo Kojima discusses the development of Metal Gear Solid 3", by Tom Bramwell, Eurogamer, (14/04/2004).
Voice Cast
- David Hayter as Naked Snake