
Italian rock band

Måneskin (Danish for 'moonlight') is an Italian rock band formed in Rome in 2016. They have won at the Sanremo Music Festival 2021 and the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 – as the Italian representative in the latter – with the song "Zitti e buoni".

Måneskin members from left to right: Ethan Torchio, Victoria De Angelis, Damiano David and Thomas Raggi during a 2021 interview.
Band's logo.

Song lyrics edit

Zitti e buoni, English translation[1][2] edit

They don’t know what I am talkin’ about

Dirty clothes, bro, muddy clothes

Yellow ‘cig stains on my finger

I am walkin’ with my ‘cig

Excuse me, but I truly believe

That I can make this jump

And even if the road is uphill

That’s why I am training now

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

Bring out the actors

You’d better touch your nuts (Eurovision version: You better not make any more mistakes)

You’d better be quiet and behave

Around here, there are strange people-like dealers

Too many nights I've spent locked outside

Now I'm kicking these doors

Eyes up like climbers

So excuse me mum if I'm always out, but

I'm out of my mind, but different from them

And you are out of your mind, but different from them

We are out of our minds, but different from them

We are out of our minds, but different from them

I've written pages and pages, I've seen the salt then the tears

These machine-men not climbing the rapids

I’ve written on a tombstone, in my house there's no God

But if you find the sense of time you'll climb out of your oblivion

And there's no wind stopping the natural power

From the right point of view you feel the thrill of the wind

With wax wings on my back I'll seek that high

If you want to stop me try again, try cutting my head off because

I'm out of my mind, but different from them

And you are out of your mind, but different from them

We are out of our minds, but different from them

We are out of our minds, but different from them

They talk, unfortunately people talk

They don't know what they talk about

You, bring me where I stay afloat

Cause here i can’t breathe

They talk, unfortunately people talk

They don't know what they are talkin’ about

You, bring me where I stay afloat

Cause here I can’t breathe

They talk, unfortunately people talk

They don't know what the fuck they are talkin’ about (Eurovision version: They don’t know what they’re talking about)

You, bring me where I stay afloat

Cause here I can’t breathe

But I'm out of my mind, but different from them

And you are out of your mind, but different from them

We are out of our minds, but different from them

We are out of our minds, but different from them

We're different from them

Quotes edit

Damiano David edit

  • La creatività viene da una mente sana. Allenata. Lucida. Il cervello è una macchina che deve avere gli ingranaggi a posto e la droga è solo una grandissima zozzeria, non cadiamo nello stereotipo della rockstar alcolizzata e drogata. Il messaggio che vogliamo diffondere con la nostra musica è l'esaltazione dell'uomo tramite la propria libertà e come potremmo parlare di espressione del proprio sé legandoci a qualcosa che rende invece, dipendenti, schiavi? Gli artisti che ne hanno fatto uso, come Amy Winehouse e il club dei 27, sono dei grandissimi con una sola nota stonata. Noi stiamo facendo una strada dove mettiamo cuore e anima, qualsiasi cosa ci ostacoli la evitiamo.
    • English translation: Creativity comes from a healthy mind. Trained. Lucid. The brain is a machine that has to have its gears in place and drugs are just a lot of filth, we are not falling into the stereotype of the alcoholic and drugged rock star. The message we want to spread with our music is the exaltation of a person through his own freedom and how could we talk about the expression of our own self by binding ourselves to something that instead makes us dependent, slaves? The artists who have used it, such as Amy Winehouse and the club of 27, are great artists with one single discordant note. We are making a path where we put our heart and soul and we avoid whatever hinders us.
    • Elisabetta Caprotti (24 May 2021), "Damiano David: "La droga è una grandissima zozzeria"", Vogue Italia (Italy) 

About Måneskin edit

  • Non me l'aspettavo, nei miei sogni più reconditi il podio sarebbe stato una mezza rivoluzione, così è una rivoluzione vera e propria. (English: I didn't expect it, in my most hidden dreams the podium would have been a half revolution, this way it is a true and real revolution.)
  • I Maneskin hanno risvegliato l'emotività delle persone, essendo liberi di essere sé stessi: in un palco che ti costringe ad adeguarti, non si sono adeguati. (English: The Maneskins have awakened people's emotions, being free to be themselves: in a stage that forces you to adapt, they have not adapted.)
  • Sono tutti talentuosi, ma Damiano ha un carisma naturale, quello dei grandi frontman, lo sa e lo sa usare. (English: They are all talented, but Damiano has a natural charisma, that of great frontmen, he knows it and knows how to use it.)
  • Io e i Maneskin siamo gli ultimi ribelli rock. In loro sento quella voglia di andare contro l'omologazione che provavo io. Il riff di chitarra è fenomenale. La loro "Zitti e buoni" è la mia "Siamo solo noi". (English: Maneskin and I are the last rock rebels. In them I feel that desire to go against the approval that I felt. The guitar riff is phenomenal. Their "Zitti e buoni" is my "Siamo solo noi".)
  • Gli voglio fare i complimenti anche perché finalmente in Europa non è andato in onda il solito stereotipo dell'italiano con la fisarmonica, il mandolino o il carretto tirato dal somaro (...). Poi si muovono nel modo giusto, Damiano canta molto bene, ha una voce splendida, e c'è finalmente una donna! Credo sia lei una delle menti del gruppo. Ma ognuno di loro ha la sua forza. E poi la cosa bella è che hanno iniziato dalla strada. Qualcuno ha scritto che sono 'costruiti'. Ma che costruiti! Questi sono proprio veri, puri. (English: I want to congratulate them also because finally in Europe the usual stereotype of the Italian with the accordion, the mandolin or the cart pulled by the donkey has not been broadcast (...). Then they move in the right way, Damiano sings very well, has a wonderful voice, and finally there is a woman! I think she is one of the minds of the group. But each of them has its own strength. And the great thing is that they started on the street. Someone wrote that they are 'made-up'. But what a made-up! These are really true, pure.)

References edit

External links edit

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