Ki Hajar Dewantara

Indonesian educator, activist (1889-1959)

Ki Hajar Dewantara (1889 – 1959) was a leading Indonesian independence movement activist, writer, columnist, politician, and pioneer of education for native Indonesians in Dutch colonial times. He founded the Taman Siswa school, an institution that provided education for indigenous commoners, which otherwise was limited to the Javanese aristocracy and the Dutch colonials. He was honored as a National Hero of Indonesia by Indonesia's first president, Sukarno, on 28 November 1959.

Statue of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in front of Tamansiswa School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Motto of the Indonesian Ministry of Education
  • "Ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun karso, tut wuri handayani." Which translates: "As a teacher and leader, in front we should set an example, in the middle should raise the spirit, and behind should give encouragement."
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