John Allan Wyeth

Confederate soldier and surgeon

John Allan Wyeth (May 26, 1845 – May 22, 1922) was an American Confederate veteran and surgeon. Born and raised on a Southern plantation in Alabama, he served in the Confederate States Army and completed his medical studies in New York City and Europe. He became a surgeon in New York City, where he founded the New York Polyclinic Graduate Medical School and Hospital, a medical school. He served as the president of the American Medical Association in 1902. He was the author of a biography of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was a proponent of the annexation of Mexico by the United States.


  • My kingdom is my sweetheart’s face,
    And these the boundaries I trace:
    Northward her forehead fair;
    Beyond, a wilderness of auburn hair;
    A rosy cheek to east and west;
        Her little mouth
        The sunny south.
    It is the south that I love best.
    Her eyes, two crystal lakes,
        Rippling with light,
    Caught from the sun by day,
        The stars by night.
        The dimples in
        Her cheeks and chin
    Are snares which Love hath set,
    And I have fallen in!
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