James Wood (critic)

literary critic

James Wood (born 1 November 1965) is an English-American literary critic, essayist and novelist. As of 2014, he is Professor of the Practice of Literary Criticism at Harvard University and a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine.


  • The hypocrite may serve, among other things, as a deformed ambassador of the truth. By so obviously misrepresenting the truth, he enables us to trace its smothered outlines.

The Irresponsible Self (2004)

  • The big contemporary novel is a perpetual motion machine that appears to have been embarrassed into velocity. It seems to want to abolish stillness, as if ashamed of silence. Stories and sub-stories sprout on every page, and these novels continually flourish their glamorous congestion.
    • Hysterical realism
  • An excess of storytelling has become the contemporary way of shrouding, in majesty, a lack; it is the Sun King principle. The lack is the human.
    • Hysterical realism
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