Help:User contributions

This is a copy of the master help page at m:Help:User contributions. Do not edit this page. Edits will be lost in the next update from the master page. Either edit the master help page for all projects at Meta, or edit the project-specific text at Template:Ph:User contributions. You are welcome to copy the exact wikitext from the master page at Meta and paste it into this page at any time.


  1. Searching, Go Button
  2. What links here
  3. Random page
  4. Special Pages
  5. Printable Version

Tracking Changes

  1. Recent Changes
  2. Enhanced recent Changes
  3. Related Changes
  4. Watching pages
  5. Page History
  6. Diff
  7. User Contributions


  1. Logging in
  2. Preferences
  3. User Style

User contributions are lists of edits that a particular user has done.

Listing the edits of a particular user

  • if it is a user with a user page: bring up the user page, click "User contributions" in the sidebar or bottom bar.
  • if it is a user with a login name but without a user page: clicking on the name in Recent Changes or Page History brings up an edit box for a user page; press Cancel and click "User contributions" in the sidebar or bottom bar.
  • if it is a user without a login name, two methods are:
    • click on the IP address in Recent Changes or Page History
    • put the IP address in the search box and press Go

Restricting to one namespace is possible: select it after obtaining the full list, or use the URL directly (see below).

Also, you can copy the URL:

// or //

(for this wiki)

where XX is the user name or IP address.

If you make a link you can also use the shorter form Special:Contributions/XX.

With interwiki link e.g. w:Special:Contributions/XX.

Restricting to one namespace (in this example number 4) can be done with the long form only:


Parameter "offset": e.g. edits nr. 201-210, counting backwards in time, from user Jimbo Wales:


Composition of the lines


The edits are shown from new to old. There is one line per edit, showing time, date, an M if the edit was marked "minor", the page name, and the edit summary (but not a marking for "new").

An edit is marked "(top)" if, at the time of producing the list, there are no more recent edits by anybody to the article concerned. Sysops also have a rollback link on these lines, see Help:Reverting.

Due to this last item, applying "User contributions" to oneself is not only useful for refreshing one's memory and easily accessing pages one has been working on again, but also for finding out whether there have been any subsequent edits. Thus "watching" a recently edited article can be done by looking on one's user contributions list for edits without "(top)" or "(rollback)", which have not been followed by subsequent edits by oneself.

Also shown

  • the creation of a new page

Not shown


Not shown are:

  • edits of a page that has been deleted afterwards (unless it has been restored)
  • uploading an image with the same name as one that already exists, thus replacing it
  • the deletion or restoration (undeletion) of a page (if the user is a sysop)



Check the privacy policy, if any, of the site you use; for Wikimedia: m:Privacy policy

Wikiquote-specific content

Help contents - all pages in the Help namespace: Meta b: c: n: w: q: wikisource wiktionary

Reading: Overview | Go | Search | URL | Namespace | Page name | Section | Link | Backlinks | Piped link | Interwiki link | Redirect | Variable | Category
Tracking changes: Recent | (enhanced) | Related | Watching pages | Page history | Diff | User contributions | Edit summary | Minor edit
Logging in and preferences: Logging in | Preferences | User style
Editing: Overview| New page | Images/files | Image description page | Special characters | Formula | Table | EasyTimeline | Template intro | Renaming (moving) a page | Automatic conversion of wikitext | Talk page | Testing | rlc
Projects: Meta (master page) | Wikibooks | Wikicommons | Wikinews | Wikipedia | Wikiquote | Wikisource | Wiktionary
For other languages see Meta.

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