Fred's Head
French animated television series
Fred's Head (Blaise le blasé, translated Fred The Jaded or The Jaded Fred) is a co-production animated series made by Spectra Animation & Patoon Animation, and featuring Fred, a sixteen-year-old and his not-so-normal life. It is co-produced by France at 35% and by Quebec at 65%. The show premiered on Teletoon in Canada on January 12, 2008 and concluded its first season on July 6, 2008.
Fred's head
editFred`s Head takes us in the whirlwind life of a teenager with serious reservations about the adult world.
editPenelope Truehart
edit- You should always see a guy in a bathing suit before you decide to go out with him!
- This is a Vernissage?! I thought it was a nail color exhibition and we got to pick out a color!
- My dress is so trendy and totally fizz! I even think it’s still going to be fashionable next week!
- Now I'll never lend you my pink jeans that make your butt look awesome !
- Wow!... Have you seen the new revolutionary mascara? It makes your eyelashes so long you can curl them with an iron!
- Benji made a CD up with eight hours of dance music. Well, it's not dance music, I mean it's eight hours of music we can dance to.
- This is just great, girls! I can’t believe it! I smell sweaty! I forgot to put on deodorant!
Fabienne Ledger
edit- If there’s one thing I CAN’T TOLERATE it’s INTOLERANCE itself!
- Now stop being a moron or my foot will connect with your verility really hard. Ok?
- I want to get out of this closet!
- You’re not afraid to be an outcast too if you knock around with Nino a little too much?
Gregory-Gilbert Pyrowski
edit- What? My drab, boring, Scottish, caramel-colored, curly hair might grow back in stiff, straight and jet-black?
- It's the special Frappachino coffee, with grapefruit and milk! I also asked them to put in some cider vinegar to really boost the acidity!
- When Panook, alias M. T. Bladder, decides to finally go to the toilet, the great mystery at Saint Judes, well, apart from the meatloaf in the cafeteria will be solved!
- A madonna appeared before me and suddenly I was bent out of shape with admiration. Such feminity is woman. Eyes of steel behind velvet glasses.
- In any case, I’m the one Fred is madly in love with! Not that would roll around in the breadcrumbs of carnal bliss with him or anything, but show a little respect for his deep feelings!
- A good relationship is based on honesty you know. One day you claim to have a little nest egg the next, an off shore oil account until finally you find yourself walking the streets in a blonde wig and stilettos to earn a little cash on the side. Tell her the truth.
Carol Schwartz
edit- You've sheltered him ! He is not adequately prepared to deal with a relationship and it's..uh... responsabilities!
- It's the new "Electric Fat- Eliminator" I bought it on the shopping channel. Thanks to this, I'll have a flat belly without ever breaking a sweat.
- I understand ... you're grown up and I have to give you some space… But I stumbled across a briefs sale, and I couldn't help myself...
- Don't forget to put on your sun screen! If you're eating chicken, watch out for little bones. And don't go swimming right after you eat!
- There's nothing like castration to calm a guy down!
Anemone Worrynaut
edit- Students are not permitted to touch or look at those files! What concerns you, is none of your business!!!
- Teens shouldn’t take advantage of their parents’ absence to partake in shameful pleasures and dubious gratifications…
Nino O'Neil
edit- But when will I ever get to kiss a girl???
- Fabienne, you’re the first real girl I’ve ever kissed. Starting now, you’re my only love!
Benji John Hooper
edit- You know, your balloons don't have to be super-big to look good
- Statistics say that intelligent people are generally less happy...
- Stop trying to understand life buddy-boy, that what's ruins it!
Aunt Monique
edit- You must release all that negative energy! Go for it! Give me your best primal scream Fred!
Anette Freeze-Drigh
edit- I just finished my self portraits "Visages in Velvet"!
Fred Leblanc
edit- Moldy!
- I think not.
- If you weren't here, I'd have to invent you… mind you, I'd have to have a pretty weird imagination.
- When you like a girl is she supposed to get on your nerves?
- Fresh Herring in a stew, it is the best way to say I love you.
- Have you ever eaten such tasty meatless shepherd’s pie?
- Enough with your gourmet fantasies! I much prefer when you keep a little secret!
- "What makes one person sad, makes a shrink quite happy!
- Accidents aren’t pretty. But it seems we all want to look.
- Sometimes a smile, is just a frown upside down.
- "Seniors would be cool, if they weren’t so old.
- "Hard work keeps you healthy...
- But getting up early makes me sick!
- The highway of life is a straight line with a bit of a twist…
- In my experience, you can't always measure someone’s courage by the size of the nuts they got.
- "Even the most absorbant paper towels can't wipe up the spills of the heart!
- "Love is like hair after a ride on the rollercoaster. Difficult to untangle .
- "Friendship is like your room, sometimes it gets messy.
- "Sometimes, an ex is like a horror story…Baaahh!!
- Hmph!
- Christmas, it's hard to give it up cold turkey…
- "If you're looking for true beauty, then I would suggest your follow your nose.
- Love, is like a pimple: without warning, it blows up in your face. Splat!
- "Always be polite to strangers...they might end up being your inlaws.