Euphoria (American TV series)/Specials

Season 1 Specials 2 Main

Euphoria (2019–present) is an American teen drama television series on HBO, created by Sam Levinson starring Zendaya.

Every time I feel good, I think it'll last forever, but it doesn't.

Trouble Don't Last Always

Ali: You’re a piece of shit, alright, but here’s the silver lining: You’re not a drug addict because you’re a piece of shit. You’re a piece of shit because you’re a drug addict.

Rue: (scoffs) Ali, I don't believe in God.
Ali: Guess what? God doesn't give a fuck if you believe in him. He believes in you.
Rue: I don't know. That, that sounds good, but it doesn't really mean anything.
Ali: Of course it means something. If God didn't believe in you, you wouldn't even still be breathing.
Rue: So, you're saying the reason my dad died is because God didn't believe in him?
Ali: Rue, uh, that's not what I was saying-
Rue: There’s nothing that makes me angrier than that fucking argument.
Ali: Hey, that's not what I was saying-
Rue: You know, ‘cause every time someone survives, like, a mass shooting or some terrible fucking earthquake, they always say, you know, “I survived for a reason. God saved me for a reason. I have a purpose.” And then I think to myself, like, okay, well, what you’re saying is that your life is more important than that six-year-old who died that day, or the newborn who died that day, or anybody fucking else who died that day. Your life has a purpose, right? Well, why does your life have a purpose and my dad’s doesn’t? Because I could argue that my dad’s purpose was to raise me and my sister. To be there for my mom. That was his purpose, I think. But, you know. He’s dead.
Ali: Listen-
Rue: Ali, if you're about to tell me that he died for a reason, or, you know, whatever, I will literally walk the fuck out.
Ali: I, I wasn't.
Rue: He didn't die to teach us a lesson. Okay? He didn't die to, you know, have us all come together, or whatever the fuck people tell people when they don't have anything to say. He died because he died. That's it. Same stupid reason I came out of the womb with a couple wires crossed. Right? Just fucking luck.

Ali: The more you believe that, the sicker it makes you. Because every time you do something unforgivable, you think: “Why change? I’m just a piece of shit. I better keep going. What’s the difference now?”

Ali: Your punishment, the sentence you’ve given yourself, is that you, Rue Bennett, are beyond forgiveness. And that punishment is way too harsh and it’s also way too easy. It allows you to keep doing exactly what you’re doing without changing, because you deserve it. There’s no hope. You’re beyond forgiveness. So you may as well just fuck the fuck off forever and go down the gutter because that’s what this girl, this piece of shit, deserves. This is why the world keeps getting worse. People keep doing shit that we deem unforgivable, and then in return they decide that there’s no reason to change. So now you got a whole bunch of people running around who don't give a fuck about redemption. That's scary.

Fuck Anyone Who's Not a Sea Blob

Jules: I feel like my entire life, I’ve been trying to conquer femininity, and somewhere along the way, I feel like femininity conquered me.

Jules: At least for me, being trans is spiritual. You know, it’s not religious. It’s not, like, for some congregation. It’s for me. It’s mine. It belongs to me. And I don’t ever want to stand still. Like, I want to be alive. I mean, that’s what this has always been about, is, like… staying alive.

Jules: Merry Christmas.
Dr. Nichols: I'm Jewish.
Jules: Oh, sorry.
Dr. Nichols: Don't be. It's a way better holiday.