Euphoria (American TV series)/Season 2

Season 1 Specials 2 Main

Euphoria (2019–present) is an American teen drama television series on HBO, created by Sam Levinson starring Zendaya.

Every time I feel good, I think it'll last forever, but it doesn't.

Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door [2.01]

Jules: How you doing?
Rue: I'm good.
Jules: When did you relapse?
Rue: Just fuckin' weed, Jules.
Jules: Like, when did you relapse?
Rue: You want me to be honest?
Jules: Yeah.
Rue: The night you left.

Rue: Jules? I'm, uh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to be mean. I don't know, I'm just having a tough time. You know? I just really miss you.
Jules: I really miss you, too.
Rue: I know that I never, uh, I never really said it before, but I want to be with you.

Out of Touch [2.02]

Nurse: I'm sorry but 17-year-olds can't donate eggs.
Maddy: That's fucking retarded.

Rue: She liked the kid she babysat for, but what she loved the most was...

Rue: If he tells Jules we did drugs, I'll kill him in the quad.

Woman: Hey.
Maddy: Hi, how was your night?
Woman: It was fun, uh, nice to be drunk.

Maddy: I feel like I would look so sexy pregnant.
Kat: Maddy, please do not get pregnant.
Maddy: I wouldn't wear any of those nasty maternity clothes. I would just be me, plus pregnant.
Barbara: Remember when I got pregnant?
Maddy: Yes, and it would be nothing like that.
Barbara: Well, speaking of baby daddies, I seen the photo that Ethan posted to you. It's cute as fuck.
Maddy: Yeah, Kat, stop flaunting your healthy, non-abusive, wonderful relationship. It's actually triggering.
Kat: Yeah, he's, uhm, really sweet.

Viking: [Appears in bathroom doorway after slaying Ethan] Killing makes me hard.
Kat: He was the love of my life.
Viking: He was a weakling.
Kat: No, not totally. He doesn't deserve a woman like you.
Viking: Come on.
Kat: What are you doing?
Viking: Preparing to conquer you. [Proceeds to have vigorous doggy-style intercourse on her bed]

Rue: Ethan made plans with Kat to go bowling that night. Kat was depressed because she couldn’t figure out why she didn’t love Ethan. So she decided to make a list of pros and cons. But she couldn’t think of anything, which made her realize Ethan might not be the problem.
Kat: Mmm. [She mimics shooting herself in the head and falls aside]
Rue: Kat hated herself. But the problem with hating yourself is you can’t really talk about it. Because at some point recently, the whole world joined a self-help cult and won’t shut the fuck up about it.
Influencer Amanda LaCount: [In online tutorial video] It’s not gonna solve all your life problems, but it is gonna solve... [Kat closes laptop]
Influencer Andrea Somer: [Standing in bathroom doorway] Kat. You’re one of the bravest, most beautiful human beings I have ever seen.
Kat: [With mouth full] That’s not true.
Influencer Andrea Somer: Yes, it is. I wish I had your confidence.
Kat: But I don’t, like... feel healthy.
Influencer Andrea Somer: Yes, you are.
Kat: No, like... seriously. I’m not.
Influencer Andrea Somer: Kat, you just have to love yourself.
Kat: But that’s what I’m trying to tell you! I fucking hate myself!
Influencer Emily Roslyn Villarreal: Every day you get out of bed... it’s an act of courage.
Kat: That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have like fucking mental problems.
Influencer Emily Roslyn Villarreal: Yes, I do. Why do you think I look like this?
Kat: Are you kidding? I wish my mental problems made me look like you.
Influencer Emily Roslyn Villarreal: Trust me, you don’t
Kat: Trust me, I do! You’re like the most beautiful person I’ve ever fucking seen.
Influencer Emily Roslyn Villarreal: Maybe by a white, cis-male, heteronormative standard.
Kat: [Lies on bed and covers face with pillow] Oh my god. Are you fucking joking?!
Influencer Bree Kish: [Rips pillow off and yells] Kat! Are you fucking serious?! That’s not you fucking talking! It’s the patriarchy!
Kat: It is me talking! You are not listening!
Influencer Bree Kish: No! Society puts things into your mind!
Kat: I don’t care about society! I feel like shit!
Influencer Eden Rose: Kat, you need to smash all beauty standards!
Kat: But I can’t even get out of bed!
Influencer Annie Hsu: You have to love yourself.
Influencer Jackie Winn: You need to find your inner fuckin’ warrior!
Influencer Chloe Bunce: Become a bad bitch!
Influencer Amanda LaCount: Just like you did last year!
Kat: But that wasn’t even real.
Influencer Jewell Farshad: It looked real.
Kat: That was the point!
Influencer Emily Roslyn Villarreal: I found it inspiring.
Kat: Shut the fuck up!
Influencer Group: [Chanting, repeatedly] Love yourself...!
Kat: [Going into bathroom, shouts with influencers following her, shouting and pointing] Leave me alone! Get the fuck out! [Glances at phone, message from Ethan reads; Be there in 20 mins, and all influencers disappears] Fuck.

Maddy: [Answers phone to Nathan] Hey. Uh, nothing just... depressed in the bath... bowling?

Rue: [Voiceover] It's one thing to dislike your parents. It's not like you have a choice. But if you dislike your kid, well, that's sort of your fault.

Rue: And like with Jules, right? Like, when I first met her, I was just immediately in love.
Elliot: In love?
Rue: Yeah. When you say it out loud, it kind of sounds small.
Elliot: What's a bigger feeling than love?
Rue: Loss.
Elliot: You think?
Rue: Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I don't know, maybe that's what it was, right? Like, as soon as I saw her, I was just immediately afraid to lose her.

Rue: [Voiceover] The problem with hating yourself is you can’t really talk about it. Because at some point recently, the whole world joined a self-help cult and won’t shut the fuck up about it.

Ruminations: Big and Little Bullys [2.03]

Rue: She loved the ritual, the attention to detail... the anxiety and excitement she felt in her stomach. And even if Nate pretended not to notice her. It was her way of telling him that she was his.

Elliot: True or dare?
Jules: Dare.
Elliot: Yo, Jules. I dare you to take a piss in the middle of the street.
Jules: All right. [Gets out vehicle] Sure, yes! [Elliot chuckles] Gender-fuck me, please!
Elliot: Wow!
Rue: Jules!
Elliot: Wow!
Jules: Okay, all right!
Rue: Oh, shit!
Elliot: Ohh.
'Rue: [Jules starts pissing] Oh. Okay, Jules. [Elliot chuckles]
Elliot: [Laughs when a vehicle is oncoming] Hey! Car! [Motorist honks]
Jules: Oh... my god. [Jules turns to face Elliot's vehicle]
Elliot: [Repeatedly] No...! [Repeatedly] Not on the car...!

Ethan: [Walks up to jock and two friends] Hey, look, I, uh, I noticed the way that you’ve been lookin’ at me you know, past couple days, and I... I wanted you to know, I too, I’m into scat play, and if you wanted to, like, poop on each other–
Jock: What the fuck?! [The jocks shout and chase Ethan]
Ethan: Oh shit, oh shit, oh!
Elliot: Oh my god.
Jock: I’ll fuckin’ kill you, goddammit!

Rue: If I were a genius, I’d figure out a way to do drugs for free. What if I am a genius? I’m a fuckin’ genius, Fez.
Fezco: Is that so?
Rue: It is fuckin’ so because I came up with an amazing fuckin’ plan.
Fezco: And what would that be, Rue?
Rue: All right, so [clears throat] ...all you would have to do is front me, like, $5,000 worth of drugs, okay? And–
Fezco: Hell the fuck no.
Rue: Okay, well, before you say no, you kind of have to let me finish, right?
Fezco: Hell the fuck no.
Rue: Okay, why do you keep saying that?
Fezco: I did not like the way that the plan started.
Rue: Okay, well, you have to let me finish the fucking plan.
Fezco: No.
Rue: Yes. You–
Fezco: Hell the fuck no, Rue.
Rue: Fuck it. I give up. Whatever. I’ll just take my fuckin’ business elsewhere. It’s your fuckin’ loss, man.
Fezco: Hell the fuck no.

Elliot: [Loitering in hallway with Rue] That’s a good-ass plan.
Rue: Thank you. Fuckin’ Fez didn’t even wanna hear it.
Elliot: Why not?
Rue: Ego shit, man. [To Lexi in hallway putting up flyers over w:Oklahoma!the official "Oklahoma" play production calling for auditions of her original play also entitled Oklahoma] Yo, Lex, what're you doin'?
Lexi: Oh, just putting up fliers for this play I'm doing.
Rue: What play? [Voicerover] The only thing is... Lexi hadn't told anyone about the play... including Cassie. I'd actually love for you to read it.
Rue: Yeah, for sure. Just, uh, send it to me. [Enters washroom]
Cassie: [Enters washroom] Hey, Rue-Rue.
Rue: Hi, Cass. Wait, are you in the play?
Cassie: What play?
Rue: Lexi's play.
Cassie: What do you mean, Lexi's play?
Rue: Uh, the play that Lexi wrote.
Lexi: "Oklahoma".
Cassie: What?
Rue: The play's called "Oklahoma"?
Lexi: No, the drama club's doing "Oklahoma."
Cassie: Oh my god. Do I look like I'm in "Oklahoma"?
Rue: Why would your play be set in Oklahoma?
Cassie: [Facing Rue with Lexi making a slash throat (meaning; stop talking) gesture behind her] You thought I was auditioning for "Oklahoma"?
Rue: I haven't read it, so...
Cassie: Are you making fun of me, or did you actually think I was auditioning for "Oklahoma"?
Maddy: [Walks up with Kat] Why the fսck would you audition for "Oklahoma"?
Cassie: I'm not!
Maddy: Then why the fսck do you look like you're auditioning for "Oklahoma"?
Cassie: Do I?
Kat: Yes.
Cassie: Has everyone read "Oklahoma" but me?
Kat: "Oklahoma"'s not like a play you read.
Cassie: Rue, are you on drսgs?
Rue: Yes.
Kat: You relapsed?
Cassie: Wait, what?!
Rue: Oh, I've just... nah, I've just been smokin' a little bit of weed.
Kat: Wait, I don't understand. If you're not auditioning for "Oklahoma," then why do you look like that?
Cassie: Like what?!
Maddy: Like a country music star.
Cassie: In a good way or a bad way?
Maddy: Bitch, you better be joking. Are you okay, Cass?
Cassie: No! Yes! fսck it! I am in love with Nate Jacobs and he is in love with me! And don't you fսcking give me that look, Maddy, because I didn't fսck your boyfriend! You two were broken up for three weeks and three days before we even had sеx, so I didn't betray you! Plus, you guys are terrible for each other and you know I'm right and you guys can all judge me [turns head over left shoulder to Rue then back at Maddy and Kat] if you want, but I do not care! I have never, ever been happier!
Rue: But she didn't say that. In fact, it was much weirder. She just stared straight ahead like she's doing now and didn't say a word.
Maddy: I think being single's really stressing you out.
Cassie: No, I don't think so.
Maddy: I hate it.
Cassie: Really?
Maddy: Yeah. I think Nate really fսckеd me up. [Theo gasps] I said, "Messed me up."
Cassie: No, you didn't.
Maddy: What do you mean?
Cassie: I keep trying to figure out if I feel worse now than I did when I was with Nate. I mean, you were really unhappy.
Maddy: Like, I remember how the good parts felt. But when it was bad, was it really that bad? Or am I just telling myself that because I'm lonely and bored?
Cassie: No, you... you deserve someone who's passionate and loving. Who yearns for you, and, and can't wait to see you, who... who you're not gonna fight with, and just who's gonna love you. Like... really, truly love you.
Maddy: Yeah... I don't know. Do me a favor... when you get older, don't be an asshоlе to girls you like. Okay. [Chuckles]

Rue Bennett: Now as a beloved character that a lot of people are rooting for, I feel a certain responsibility to make good decisions. [Side-eye into camera] But I relapsed. In all fairness, I did say in the beginning I had no intentions of staying clean. But I get it. Our country's dark. And fucked up. And people... just want to find hope.
Ethan Lewis: Somewhere.
Rue Bennett: Anywhere. And if not in reality, then in television. Unfortunately, I'm not it. [Takes a sip of cough medicine directly from bottle]

Ali: I've always accepted you for who you are: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Don't tell me to shut the fuck up, I'm not some parent you can just treat like shit.
Rue Bennett: Yeah, well, good thing nobody's really lookin' to you to be a fuckin' parent.
Ali: Yo! Excuse me? [Uncomfortable pause] Excuse me? [Scoffs] When I sit across from you and tell you somethin' about my life, you don't get to use that shit against me. You cross that line again, we're done. You talk back right now, we're done. One more fuckin' disrespectful word outta your mouth and we're done, you hear me? [Yelling] Hey! You hear me?!
Rue Bennett: Or what, Ali? You gonna hit me?

You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can [2.04]

Jules: Does that feel okay? Yeah, it feels amazing.
Rue: I don't think you understand how much I love Jules. [Voice of thought] The only problem is, I took so many narcos, I literally can't feel a fսckin' thing.
Jules: Is there anything you want me to, like... do differently?
Rue: Nah, nah. It's amazing.
Jules: Rue, you keep saying that.
Rue: I know, 'cause this is amazing.

Cassie: I feel like you ruined me forever.
Nate: Why does it sound romantic when you say it like that?
Maddy: I love you. I love you, too. Why did you love me?
Nate: I still love you.
Cassie: But why?
Nate: 'Cause you're smart and cruel... but not really.
Maddy: Not really smart?
Nate: Not really cruel.
Cassie: It's funny you say that because it's something that I didn't really realize until after we broke up. Did you know that I loved you? I'm not talking about obsession or fighting or fսcking. I'm talking about love. Did you feel loved by me?
Nate: I don't know. But you knew I had feelings for Maddy.
Cassie: But I didn't know you were gonna get back together with her.
Nate: How many times do I have to tell you that we're not back together?
Cassie: Right, you just hung out and talked about love.
Nate: Oh, Jesus fսckin' Christ!
Cassie: If I would've known you were gonna get back together, I wouldn't have done this.
Nate: That's a lie!
Cassie: It's not a lie!
Nate: You have this image of yourself as so fսckin' sweet and innocent... but it's bullshit. If you were a fսckin' sweet person, you wouldn't have fսckеd your best friend's boyfriend.
Cassie: You two were broken up.
Nate: That is a comfort to nobody but you. I can't do this!
Cassie: What, you wanna go tell Maddy?
Nate: Maybe I will. You're afraid that I'm still in love with Maddy, so you're gonna do whatever the fսck it takes to destroy that. This isn't about being a fսckin' good person, Cassie, or being a fսckin' good friend. This is about you getting what you want.
Cassie: You can fսckin' leave, or you can get into bed. It's up to you. You know what you don't realize, Nate? Is I don't care what happens to me.
Nate: I don't care how angry Maddy gets. You two shouldn't be together. You're toxic. How would you know? Because she's my best friend, and I'm in a relationship with you. She's not good for you, you're not good for her, and I will do everything I can to prevent it. Maddy, that's literally fսcking insane! Madd... Cassie, I s... see?! This is what I'm talking about! I, I said Maddy because we're talking about how fսcking crazy Maddy is, which you can't seem to fսckin' comprehend!
Cassie: No, what you don't understand, Nate, is I AM CRAZIER!
Nate: That's not somethin' to be fսckin' proud of, Cassie!
Cassie: No... but it is something you should be scared of!
Nate: What the fսck?! What the fսck!? You can't fսcking blackmail me into a relationship with you!
Cassie: Blackmail means you don't have choices. But in reality, you do have choices. You just have to own up to the consequences of them! That is the literal fսcking definition of blackmail! If you don't do this, I'm gonna do that... Fine, it's blackmail! I don't care! It doesn't change anything!
Nate: It's fսckеd up!
Cassie: You know what's fսckеd up, Nate? You telling me that you love me, and then going and being in a relationship with my best friend!
Nate: [Yells] What the fսck?! What the fսck is wrong with you?! What the fսck is wrong with you?!
Cassie: Okay. Bye.
Nate: [Sighs] For fսckin'... C... Cassie, stop. I love you.

Stand Still Like the Hummingbird [2.05]

Rue Bennett: You wish I was different? So do I! You fucking hate me? So do I!

Rue Bennett: I can't get clean, I can't do that shit forever.
Cassie Howard: You don't have to. Just take it one day at a time. [Looks around the room for approval and is mostly met with awkward nods]
Suze: [Whispers] Yeah.
Rue Bennett: Hey, Cass?
Cassie Howard: Yeah?
Rue Bennett: I have a quick question for you.
Cassie Howard: What?
Rue Bennett: How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?
Cassie Howard: [Sheepishly laughs] Wh- what, what, what are you talking about?!
Rue Bennett: How long have you been fucking Nate?!
Cassie Howard: I'm not. [Sheepishly laughs] What? I'm not. What are you talking about?!
Rue Bennett: Oh, I just... I, I saw her get in his truck, and then, kiss him and drive off. That was, like, what, like, uh... Uh... like a month ago?
Cassie Howard: Uh...
Maddy: Are you kidding me?
Cassie Howard: Uh...
Kat: Cass, that's, like... really bad.
Maddy: You're fucking Nate?! Are you kidding me?!
Cassie Howard: No, I... I don't even know why she would say that!
Maddy: You're lying!
Suze: Yeah, can we just table this conversation? Okay, let's go...
Maddy: No, no. You expect me to stand here next to my best friend who's been lying to me about fucking my ex-boyfriend! I'm literally gonna get violent!
Kat: Okay, no. Let's just...
Suze: No, there is no need to get violent, okay, because we are having an intervention! Stop it!
Leslie: I'm beggin' you. Let's just get into the car.
Rue Bennett: Mom... I can't.
Kat: Let's just talk...
Maddy: Oh, you're crying?!
Kat: No... Maddy!
Maddy: You're fucking crying, you fucking bitch?!
Kat: Maddy, come on!
Maddy: [Walks up to Cassie's face] You're the one who's hurt?! You're the most self-centered, idiotic person I have ever fucking met! You fucking my ex, and you're fucking crying?! Are you fucking kidding me?!
Kat: Let's just do this later.
Leslie: Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit who's fucking who, okay? If you're gonna keep talkin' about it, get out of the room. Yeah, absolutely. You're being an animal... Do you wanna go on a walk? Right now... to my girl.
Cassie Howard: I don't even know why you're believing her! She's a drսg addict!
Maddy: How long have you been fucking him?! Be honest.
Kat: Maddy, let's just do it later.
Maddy: Kat, shut the fuck up! How long have you been fucking him?!
Leslie: Rue? Listen, let's just get into the car, okay?
Maddy: When was this?!
Cassie Howard: Right after New Year's.
Maddy: Oh! You dumb fucking bitch! [Cassie starts running up stairs with Maddie, Kat and Suze in pursuit] I'm gonna fuck you... Don't fuckin' run away from me, you stupid fucking bitch! Why are you guys... come on!
Leslie: Rue?

Rue Bennett: You are fucking dead to me.
Jules Vaughn: You don't mean that.
Rue Bennett: I fucking mean every fucking word. You're dead to me, Jules.
Jules Vaughn: I don't believe you.
Rue Bennett: You and me? We're fuckin' done. There is nothing fucking there any more. Nothing... fucking... there. You know, I got a lot of regrets in my life. But gotta tell you, Jules, meeting you? Has got to be at the top of my fucking list.

Laurie: You know, if I was going through withdrawal, I would do anything. It's one of the good parts about being a woman. Even if you don't have money, you still have something people want.

Laurie: You wanna know a funny thing about me? I don't think I've ever gotten angry in my entire life.
Rue Bennett: Really?
Laurie: Well, I don't know if that's true. Is that true? [Ponders for a second] Yeah, no. That's true. I've never gotten angry.

Laurie: You know, a doctor once told me they did brain studies on people who've done a lot of opiates, and that over time all the chemicals in your brain that make you happy and feel good start to decrease because your body's getting it artificially. But the longer you use, it just starts to weaken and wither, kinda like a limb that's not getting blood to it anymore. And then it just sort of falls off, and you get something called cell death where you just have these big dead spots in the parts of your brain that used to make you happy. No matter what you do you can never get it back. He said it's basically the same brain as people who've had major strokes. But the silver lining is that the things that don't feel good don't feel as bad anymore. You know, if I was going through withdrawal, I would do anything. It's one of the good parts of being a woman: even if you don't have money, you've still got something people want.
Rue Bennett: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Leslie Bennett: You look embarrassed, Rue. You embarrassed because Jules just heard everything you said? Don't cry, own that shit! Own what you just said.
Rue Bennett: [Whispers] Fuck you.

A Thousand Little Trees of Blood [2.06]

Rue: Even if I got clean today, no one would forget the trauma of me not being clean.

Maddy: I think I actually wanna murder her.
Kat: I get it.
Maddy: No, like, actually plan a murder and carry it out.
Kat: I get it.
Maddy: Like a grisly murder. One that shocks the nation.
Kat: [Casual tone] I think that's more than understandable.

Ali: [On phone] Hello.
Rue: Ali? It’s, um, it’s Rue.
Ali: What do you want, Rue?
Rue: Um... I just wanted to, uh, call you and tell you that, um... I just wanted to call you and tell you that I’m sorry for what I said. Um... and I really regret it. Uh... I just-I never should’ve said that.
Ali: Rue.
Rue: And I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Ali: Rue! Listen to me. I forgive you.
Rue: You do?
Ali: I do.
Rue: [Sniffling] How do you know that I mean it?
Ali: Because the hour is certain to come. So we must forgive graciously.
Rue: [Crying] Thank you. [Shuddering cries] Thank you.

The Theater and Its Double [2.07]

Maddie: Wait, is this fucking play about us?

Fez: I still don't understand what the play is actually about though.
Lexi: It's about friendship.

Lexi: Eww, God. What? Did someone die in this dress? Smells like shit.

Fez: I really do appreciate you doing that.

Maddy Well, she certainly looks the part.

All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name [2.08]

Nate: I don’t want your apology. I just want revenge.

Nate: You know what we have in common? We both get off on hurting other people.

Rue: I don’t know if this feeling will last forever, but I’m trying.

Cassie: He broke up with me right before the show.
Maddy: Don't worry. This is just the beginning.

Rue: I’ve been through a lot, and I don’t know what to do with it. You’ve been through a lot, and you do know what to do with it.

Rue: I think you might’ve accidentally saved my life.

Fez: “There’s a kid in there!”

Rue: Lexi! Lexi!

Cassie: You’re just a fucking bystander.

Fez: That’s the important shit.