Cécile Murumunawabo

Rwandan politician born 1968

Cécile Murumunawabo is a Rwandan politician. She was elected to the Chamber of Deputies in the Parliament of Rwanda in 2013. She is a member of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), representing the City of Kigali and is secretary of the RPF women's congress.


  • We promise that we shall not disappoint you; we shall work hard to be the RPF engine so as to also make our party the country’s engine.
  • We sometimes see RPF members with ineffective performance. You have to know that our political party should always be branded with good reputation.
  • There are so-called foreign investors who come here and even borrow money from our banks and eventually take off without doing anything. What strategy is there to follow up on such fraudsters.
  • Should there be a case where people are interested in paying for homes earlier, an account will be opened and the money will be used as collateral to indicate to banks that there is demand but that money cannot be withdrawn. Should the project fail, those who failed would be refunded to those who paid. This does not change how banks do their business of studying projects before investing in them.
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