Bluey is an Australian-British-American children's animated television series. It originally premiered on ABC and BBC in 2018, before made it's debut on Disney+ later after this. The show must be created by Joe Brumm with Queensland production group Ludo Studio. The show follows Bluey, a cheerful Blue Heeler puppy who is characterized by her curious imagination about the world. She lives with her dad, Bandit; mom, Chilli; younger sister, Bingo; cousins, Muffin and Socks; uncle, Stripe; aunt, Trixie; grandfather, Bob; and grandmother, Chris. Other characters features are each depicted as a different dog breed.
edit- Josie Brumm as Bluey
- Hannah Wyatt as Bingo
- Charlotte Stent as Chloe
- David McCormack as Bandit
- Melanie Zanetti as Chilli
- Hsiao-Ling Tang as Chloe's Mum
- Lucky
- Brad Elliott as Pat
- Coco
- Snickers
- Hsiao-Ling Tang as Bella
- Snickers' Mum
- Muffin
- Socks
- Dan Brumm as Stripe
- Myf Warhurst as Trixie, Indy's Mum
- Mackenzie
- Daley Pearson as Rocko
- Rich Jeffrey as Mackenzie's Dad
- Bentley
- Ann Kerr as Mrs. Retriever
- Missy
- Buddy
- Juniper
- Liana Wright as Juniper's Mum
- Jasper W
- Harley
- Jasper G
- Sadie
- Francis Stanton as Frank
- Charlie Aspinwell as Marcus
- Sam Moor as Daisy
- Mackenzie's Mum
- Jasmine Moody as Takeaway Lady
- Judo
- Megan Washington as Calypso
- Pretzel
- Indy
- Rusty
- The Terriers
- Layne Beachley as Surfer
- Winton
- Jake Bresanello as Winton's Dad
- Gruber
- Joe Brumm as Gruber's Dad
- Customer 2
- Joff Bush as Busker
- Meg O'Connell as Pony Lady
- Daley Pearson as Poffertje Dog
- Cindy Brumm as Nana
- Ian McFadyen as Bob
- Claire Renton as Doctor
- Charlotte Nicdao as Nurse
- Jean Luc
- Anthony Field as Postie, Rusty's Dad
Season 1
edit[1]Magic Xylophone
edit- Bingo: Bluey is mine turn
- Bluey: Here you go Bingo (gives her the Xylophone)
- Bingo: Thanks Bluey
edit- Bandit: Is there a game where I lie on a comfy bed or something?
- Bluey and Bingo: Hospital!
- Bandit: (Disappointed) Oh man, not hospital!
- Bluey: This episode of Bluey is called Hospital.
- Bingo: (After Putting Bandit to sleep) He's asleep
- Bluey: Good! I can give him another Needle! (stings Bandit)
- Bandit: (after Bluey stings him with a Needle) Aaaaah Bluey!!
- Bluey: You're supposed to be asleep!
- Bandit: No...more... Needles!
- Bluey: Fine.
[3]Keepy Uppy
edit[4]Daddy Robot
editPip pip Bluey: look daddy is a Robot
edit- Bluey: You can't keep changing the rules
- Coco: you still haven't told me why
- Bluey: (after a cloud covers the sun) Run!!
[Bluey, Bingo and Coco all run to the picnic before the sun rises again]
- Bluey: we made it
[They celebrate]
- Mom: Cupcakes am I right.
[6]The Weekend
edit- Bandit: What's today, kiddo?
- Bingo: It's the weekend?
- Bandit: That's right. How many games should we play?
- Bingo: This many!
- Bandit: Whoa! Okay, that's doable.
- Bluey: I've got a letter for you! (Gives bandit a letter)
- Bandit: Oh, thanks Bluey. What have we got here?
- Bluey: It's a drumstick.
- Bandit: Oh, you beauty!
[Bandit plays a drum solo, and Bluey and Bingo dance to the beat]
- Bingo: This episode of Bluey is called "The Weekend".
- Bluey: Dad!
- Bandit: Coming!
- Bluey: Dad!
- Bandit: Yeah, I'm coming!
- Bluey: Daaad!
- Bandit: Okay, okay. Bonjour!
- Bluey: Oh, hello. Would you like to buy a statue?
- Bandit: Ah, yes, I definitely would like to buy a statue. I-- Wait a minute. These aren't magic statues, are they?
- Bluey: Oh, no, these aren't magic. These are just normal statues.
- Bandit: Oh, good, 'cause I've been down that road before.
- Bingo: Is that a leaf?
[calm music plays, cut to Bingo's close-up]
- Bingo: Are you a leaf?
[cut to the previous scene]
- Bingo: You look like a leaf, but you're walking. Are you a walking leaf? But I don't understand. Why would a leaf want to walk? You should be in a tree, leaf. Daddy, come and see!
[cut to Bingo's close-up]
- Bingo: Where are you going, walking leaf? Come here, daddy! Quickly!
edit[Bluey and Bandit hold their barbeque]
- Bluey and Bandit: (starts the Barbeque) come on work you piece of junk,(it lights) wooo! There it goes.
- Bluey: This episode of Bluey is called BBQ
- Bandit:he doesn't listen to the farmer he goes straight for sheep.
- Trixie: Ooooooo I love your salad dressing chillie
- Girl: oh thank you I made myself it's narirama recipe
- Muffin: Do We Need Dressing For That?
[8]Fruit Bat
edit[9]Horsey Ride
edit- Muffin: Got it
- Dad: Go muffin!
[12]Bob Bilby
edit[13]Spy Game
edit- Honey: But I can shout password, the loudest, though, PASSWORD!
edit[16] Yoga Ball
edit- Bandit: Out.
- Bluey: Can we play Delivery Chair?
- Bandit: No.
- Bluey: Aw, pleeeeeease?
- Bandit: Oh, don't use your "please" face...! Oh, alright....
- Bluey: Yay! Bingo, Delivery Chair!
- Bandit: The "please" face gets me every time...
- Bingo: Can we just quickly play that game where we run down the hall and you sing "da-na-na-naaaa!" and you roll the ball down the hall and we jump out of the way?
- Bandit: Ohh, you mean Raiders.
- Bingo: Yeah! Raiders!
edit[18]The Doctor
edit[19]The Claw
edit[21]Blue Mountains
edit[22]The Pool
edit[24]Wagon Ride
edit[26]The Beach
edit[29]The Creek
edit[32]Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound
edit[34]The Dump
edit[37]The Adventure
edit[39]The Sleepover
edit- Muffin: [repeated line] Coconuts have WATER in them!
- Bluey: Whoa, what's up with you, Muffin?
- Chilli: Oh, boy, I think Muffin's skipped a sleep.
- Bluey: Did she say she's a llama?
- Bluey and Bingo: Wake up, Sheila!
- Muffin: [snort] My name is Booboobapboop!
- Chilli: "Booboobapboop" needs to go to bed!
- Bluey: Oh no, she's fine, she just like plants.
- Muffin: (Screaming) I HATE PLLAANNTTSS!!!!
[40]Early Baby
edit[41]Mums and Dads
edit[42]Hide and Seek
edit[44]Mount Mumandad
edit[51]Daddy Putdown
edit[52]Verandah Santa
editSeason 2
edit[1] Dance Mode
edit- Bluey: This is gonna be fun!
- Bandit: Oh boy....
- Bluey: We're ready, Bingo!
- Bingo: [giggles]
- Bandit: This seems to happen to us a LOT.
- Chilli: Just dance like no one's watching.
- Bingo: Ready...?
- Bandit: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm doing this for my kid!
- Bingo: DANCE MODE!
[2] Hammerbarn
edit- Bluey: (After Bluey accidentally knocking over Bingo's garden gnome, Chilli has a talk with her) I'm sorry!
- Chilli This is what happens when you're unhappy with what you got! Someone's husband eventually gets it!
[3] Featherwand
edit[4] Squash
edit[5] Hairdressers
edit[6] Stumpfest
edit- Trixie: Go destroy the planet somewhere else!
- Pat: Destroy the planet?
- Bandit: It's a stump!
- Chilli: Aw, leave that poor stump alone!
- Bandit: You're the one who wanted it gone!
- Chilli: Oh yeah! I want to put in a fish pond.
- Trixie: Ooooh!
[7] Favourite Thing
edit- Chilli: Look kids, all I ask is that you eat some alfalfa. It'll stop you getting sick!
- Bluey: OK, dude!
- Chilli: And stop calling me "dude."
- Bluey: Sorry, dude.
- Bandit: Bluey. Can it.
- Bluey: Sure thing, DUDE!
- Bandit: Bluey, I'm being serious!
- Bluey: What's with these dudes?
- Bingo: [giggles]
- Bandit: [in present] That was a fun three hours (!).
- Chilli: Bandit! She's upset!
- Bandit: What? She's easy to cheer up!
- Bluey: No, I'm not!
- Bandit: Yes, you are! DUDE!
- Bluey: [giggling] Don't call me "dude!"
- Bandit: Why not, DUDE?
- Bluey: [still giggling] Stop calling me "dude!"
- Bandit: Yeah, live in the now, dude.
[8] Daddy Dropoff
edit[9] Bingo
edit[10] Rug Island
edit[11] Charades
edit[12] Sticky Gecko
edit[13] Dad Baby
edit- Bandit: OK, if we're gonna do this, let's do it properly! Hmmm, how to act pregnant....
- Chilli: [rolling up her magazine] I'm just gonna get this ready...
- Bandit: [ahem!] Ohhh, my back! Ohhhh, my feet! Rub my feet, Bluey, rub my feet.
- Chilli: Bandit Heeler!
- Bandit: I'm hungry! Ohhh, I need to sit down! Ohhhh, where's my vitamin E cream? Something about stretch marks...
- Chilli: [hitting Bandit with the magazine] How dare you?! You have no idea what I went through!
- Bandit: How could you? OW! I'm with child!
[14] Mum School
edit[15] Trains
edit[16] Army
edit[17] Fancy Restaurant
edit[18] Piggyback
edit[19] The Show
edit[20] Tickle Crabs
edit- Bluey: OK, Bingo, this is gonna take a serious please face.
- Bingo: Yes. Serious.
- Bluey: Let's get these ears back.... And I'm gonna need to see tears... That's good! And let's hold these. [passing over a couple of stuffed toys] OK. Let's do this. [ahem]
- Bandit: What do you want?
- Bluey: [laying it on thick] Why do you never play with us?
- Bandit: What?!
- Bluey: You're always at work!
- Bandit: I'm never at work!
- Bluey: It's like you don't even love us!
- Bandit: You are joking, right?
- Bluey: How could you not love your own children?
- Bandit: Ah, cheese and jam! All right.
- Bluey and Bingo: Hooray! [they run off to start the game, and they giggle]
- Bandit: That was impressive.
[21] Escape
edit[22] Bus
edit[23] Queens
edit[24] Flat Pack
edit- Bandit: I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog.
[25] Helicopter
edit[26] Sleepytime
edit- repeated line]
- Chilli: Mustn't forget Floppy.
- Bingo: I have to go. I'm a big girl now.
- The Sun: [in Chilli's voice] Remember, I'll always be here for you. Even if you can't see me. Because I love you.
[27] Grandad
edit[28] Seesaw
edit[29] Movies
edit[30] Library
edit- Stripe: You know how I said you're the most special kid in all the world?
- Muffin: Yes?
- Stripe: Well... You're not.
- Muffin: Oh.
[31] Barky Boats
edit[32] Burger Shop
edit[33] Circus
edit[34] Swim School
edit(To give the family privacy, Bluey turns Upside down, with her Legs out of the Water, and spins Around. Bandit, Chilli and Bingo are Huddled.)
Chilli: Big Fish is Impossible.
Bandit; Yeah, l Don't know about This Margaret character.
Bingo: She's A silly old... Watermelon head.
Chilli: Yeah.
Bandit: l Want Karen back.
[35] Cafe
edit[36] Postman
edit[37] The Quiet Game
edit- Bluey: Heyyy! Check out my big bum!
- Bingo: [giggles before being knocked aside]
- Bluey: Ooh sorry, luv! It wasn't me! It was my big BEAN BAG BUM!
- Alfie: Sorry, sir, we don't have any "moon sprinklers?" I'm not actually sure they exist.
- Bandit: Forget the sprinklers, I've got a new problem. Muffin wants the unicorn thing, these kids know which one, I need you to figure it out.
- Alfie: Why don't you just ask them?
- Bandit: Look... [quickly checks Alfie's name tag] ...Alfie, you'll understand one day. Can you help me?
- Alfie: [determinedly] ...Yes. I can help you.
- Bandit: Good man, Alfie! Alright, action!
- Bluey and Bingo: [start the charades bit again]
- Bandit: See, that one's writing. I think it's "book" but I can't see any starting with "book."
- Alfie: You're definitely writing something. But it's not "book". It's not what you're writing, it's what you're writing with. [Gasp] PEN!
- Bluey: [gives a double thumbs up]
- Bandit: Good one, Alfie!
- Alfie: [to Bingo] Now what about you...?
- Bandit: See, I thought it was a chicken, or some sort of pheasant. Maybe a partridge? Is there a pen partridge?
- Alfie: Shh!
- Bandit: Oh, yeah, sorry.
- Alfie: You've got wings like a bird, but they're big wings. Come on, Alfie, you have to be helpful... Oh, you're squawking. No, that's not squawking, that's breathing. Fire! [Gasp] PENDRAGON!
- Bingo: Yes!
- Crowd: [Cheering]
- Bluey: Bingo! You spoke!
- Bingo: So did you!
- Bluey: Ahhh! I did!
- Bandit: Alfie, you rock star!
- Crowd: [Chanting] Alfie! Alfie! Alfie!
- Bandit: Hey, mate, are you his boss?
- Boss: Yes?
- Bandit: Well, he's a legend!
- Crowd: [Cheering]
[38] Mr Monkeyjocks
edit[39] Double Babysitter
edit- Bluey: Why don't you have a wife?
- Rad: Whoa... Well, how do you know I don't?
- Bluey: Do you have a wife?
- Rad: Well, no.
- Bluey: So why don't you have a wife?
- Rad: Uhhh... Her turn!
- Bingo: How many friends have you got?
- Frisky: Oh! Um... Three?
- Bingo: That's not many.
- Bluey: Why've you only got three friends?
- Frisky: Well, umm... Back to him!
- Bluey: Why do we only see you at Christmas?
- Rad: 'Cos I work on a oil rig.
- Bluey: Is that why you don't have a wife?
- Rad: Oh... Maybe.
- Bingo: What's an oil rig?
- Bluey: Why is your hair so pretty?
- Rad & Frisky: Almond milk shampoo!
- Bluey: Do you wanna have children?
- Rad & Frisky: Yes.
- Bluey: Will Bosco be the daddy?
- Frisky: Umm, no. Bosco and I aren't friends anymore.
- Rad: Who's Bosco?
- Frisky: [quickly] No one. Next question!
[40] Bad Mood
edit[41] Octopus
edit[42] Bin Night
edit[43] Muffin Cone
edit[44] Duck Cake
edit[45] Handstand
edit[46] Road Trip
edit[47] Ice Cream
edit[48] Dunny
edit[49] Typewriter
edit[50] Baby Race
edit- Chilli: [narrating] We chatted for a while, and then she showed me a photo.
- Chilli: Are these all your children?
- Bella: Yep!
- Chilli: I thought Coco was your first?
- Bella: No, I've got eight kids! Wait. No. Nine.
- Chilli: I had no idea! Wow... You must have learned a thing or two.
- Bella: I have. And there's something you need to know.
- Chilli: What...?
- Bella: You're doing great.
[51] Christmas Swim
edit[52] Easter
editSeason 3
edit[1] Perfect
edit[2] Bedroom
edit[3] Obstacle Course
edit[4] Promises
edit[5] Omelette
edit[6] Born Yesterday
edit[7] Mini Bluey
edit- Bluey: Mum and Dad want two of you. They don't want any of me.
- Bingo: It's very rude.
- Bluey: I think it's because I'm annoying. You're not annoying at all.
- Bingo: Yes, I am! I'm super annoying! I'm just a different kind of annoying.
[8] Unicorse
edit[9] Curry Quest
edit- Mackenzie: Bingo, you get to go to the airport tomorrow!
- Bingo: Airport? I'm not going to the airport.
- Mackenzie's Mum: You want to know a secret, Bingo?
- Bingo: Yes?
- Mackenzie's Mum: I'm thinking of not doing the facepainting stall this weekend...
- Bingo: Why?
- Mackenzie's Mum: Because I'm not very good at it, am I? Mackenzie's meant to be a cheetah!
- Mackenzie: Am I??
[10] Magic
edit[11] Chest
edit[12] Sheepdog
edit- Bandit: Hey, kids, I'm back from my haircut!
- Bluey and Bingo: DAD!
- Chilli: Right: Dinner's in the slow cooker, and they've had afternoon tea. I need 20 minutes where no one comes near me.
- Bluey: [distraught] What...?
- Bandit: Ah. Yeah. OK. Come on, kids, daddy-daughter time!
- Bingo: Hooray!
- Bandit: She said they were back in...
[13] Housework
edit[14] Pass the Parcel
edit[15] Explorers
edit[16] Phones
edit[17] Pavlova
edit- Bluey and Bingo: AAGH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
- Bandit: [defensively] Je veux la fenetre!
- Bluey: You don't put tomato sauce on pavlova!
- Bandit: [insistently] Je veux la fenetre!
- Bluey: That's it!
- Bandit: Bonjour...?
- Bluey: OUT!
- Bandit: [indignantly] Oh, BONJOUR!
[18] Rain
edit[19] Pizza Girls
edit- Muffin: Is my car scratched?
[20] Driving
edit[21] Tina
edit[22] Whale Watching
edit[23] Family Meeting
edit- Bluey: Bingo, on the morning of this morning, did you see Dad fluffy in my face?
- Bingo: Yes, I did.
- Bandit: Oh, what?! Bingo, you weren't even there!
- Bingo: Hee hee, yes I was!
- Bluey: Thank you, Bingo, you can leave. [Whispered] Here's a lollipop!
- Bingo: [squeals with delight]
- Bandit: Aww, your honour!!
- Chilli: Bingo, are you fibbing to get a lollipop?
- Bingo : Yes! [giggles]
- Chilli: Give me that.
- Bingo: Awww.
- Chilli: Everyone forget that bit. Bluey, that has not helped your case.
[24] Faceytalk
edit- Stripe: OK, Muffy, there's the timer. Socks' turn now.
- Socks: Yay!
- Muffin: I have to finish my cowboy hat.
- Socks: Awww.
- Stripe: No, you don't have to finish your cowboy hat, you have to give Socks a turn.
- Muffy: But I want to finish my cowboy hat.
- Stripe: [warningly] Muffy.... Muffin Heeler, give your sister a turn now!
- Bingo: Just give her a turn, Muffin!
- Muffin: NO!!
- Stripe: Muffin Cupcake Heeler!
- Muffin: Cowboy hat!
- Stripe: If you say "cowboy hat" one more time, you'll be in time out!
- Muffin: [glares at Stripe] Cow.... Boy.... HAT!!
- Stripe: OK! That's it! You're going to time out!
- Muffin: [incoherent unintelligible screeching]
- Bluey: Oh boy...
- Bingo: Bye, Muffin....
[25] Ragdoll
edit[26] Fairytale
edit[27] Musical Statues
edit- Chilli: Dinner.... Dinner, what's for dinner...?
- Bingo: Cereal!!
- Chilli: You can't have cereal for dinner.
- Bingo: Aww!
- Chilli: I know! Meatballs!
- Bingo: Hooray! Meatballs!
- Bluey: I don't want meatballs.
- Chilli: Bluey, you love meatballs!
- Bluey: [loudly groans]
- Chilli: Well, what do you want?
- Bluey: I don't know, but I know I want something!
[28] Stories
edit[29] Puppets
edit[30] Turtleboy
edit[31] Onesies
edit[32] Tradies
edit[33] Granny Mobile
edit- Granny Pug: 100 dollars!
- Doreen: Um, I guess that's OK.
- Bandit: Ah, Doreen, you need to go a little bit higher than that.
- Granny Pug: I think you should lay off the biscuits!
- Bandit: What?! You said I was looking good!
- Chilli: You are, honey, ignore her.
- Granny Pug: Oh, nosey neighbour's back!
[34] Space
edit[35] Smoochy Kiss
edit- Bandit: Aww, duck cake!
- Bluey: What happened?
- Bandit: Nothing.
- Bluey: Why are you hopping?
- Bandit: I peed on my foot.
- Bluey: [screams] Why did you pee on your foot?!
- Bandit: I wasn't paying attention.
- Bluey: Why not?
- Bandit: I was trying to get a nose hair out!
- Bluey: You've got hairs in your nose?! That's disgusting!
- Bandit: Welcome to middle-age, kid.
- Bluey: First off, he eats his own gravy stains!
- Chilli and Bandit: True.
- Bluey: His armpits are smelly!
- Chilli and Bandit: Correct.
- Bluey: His nose is hairy!
- Chilli and Bandit: Very hairy.
- Bluey: He does fluffies!
- Chilli and Bandit: Stinky fluffies.
- Bluey: And he peed on his own foot!
- Chilli: Oh. That's a new one.
- Bandit: It's not, actually.
- Bluey: He's a grub!
[36] Dirt
edit[37] The Decider
edit[38] Cubby
edit[39] Exercise
edit[40] Relax
edit[41] Stickbird
edit[42] Show and Tell
edit[43] Dragon
edit[44] Wild Girls
edit[45] TV Shop
edit- Bluey: Why do we need medicine? Are we sick?
- Bingo: Do we have bum worms?
- Bandit: [chuckling] No, you don't have bum worms.
- Bingo: Awww, I want bum worm chocolate.
- Bingo: I just haven't had any energy lately. I feel like an old man. I thought some vitamins might help.
- Bluey: Is it because of us that you feel like an old man?
- Bandit: Yeah, sometimes.
- Bluey: Oh. Sorry...
- Bandit: It's okay. You also make me feel like a young man.
- Bluey: How can we make you feel like an old man AND a young man?
- Bandit: I don't know,but you find a way.
[46] Slide
edit[47] Cricket
edit[48] Ghostbasket
edit[49] The Sign
edit[Unsettling Synthesizer arpeiggos Play, beginning thr Arrangement of Lazarus Drug performed by Meg Washington. There's no Dialogue in the episode. We see thr empty playroom and the Living room.]
[Bingo, on her and Bluey's empty Bedroom, sadly Sits in a Corner where her Bed used to be.]
[At Pat's back Yard, Bandit leans on a fence, arms Crossed and talks with Pat. They both laugh. At Wendy's front Yard, Wendy says something intense to Chilli, and hugs her. Bluey, and Bingo embrace Judo behind Her.]
[Bluey sits behind at thr Front porch, wearing a Pair of headphones.]
[At thr Kitchen, Chilli leans Against rhe sink, looking Down at thr floor.]
(Bandit walks to thr Entrance, carrying his Phone. He turns back and thr music Suddenly changes to Soft vocals and piano. As "Lazarus Drug" by Meg Washington plays, Bandit Takes one more look and closes thr Door.)
[Bluey and Bingo are at thr back Seat at the car, looking Down. Bandit walks past by the car.]
[Chilli's in the Passenger seat while Bandit walks at the Driver's door. Bandit looks at his Phone and his finger Turns up, seems he's Saying "Uh, one moment." He talks to Bucky on thr Phone while walking over to the Sign.]
[Chilli watches Bandit, while thr kids Look at nothing. Bandit's eyebrows Raise and he Puts his phone Away. He walks to thr Sign and stares at it.]
(He peels Off thr "Sold" sticker and drops it. Chilli, Bluey and Bingo watch him in Confusion. Bandit looks at Them and turns to the Sign.)
[After a Brief moment, Bandit snarls And grabs thr Sign. Chilli gasps. While Straining, Bandit pulls thr Sign upwards and pulls the sign free of the ground!]
[Chilli, Bluey and Bingo gasp in Shock. Bandit turns, Takes a few steps, and Throws thr Sign to the cul - de - sac. He pants heavily, with gritted teeth. Chilli hops Out of thr Car and tackles Bandit. Bandit smiles with Chilli sobbing in his Arms. Bandit takes her Hand. Bluey and Bingo happily Run out of the Car and join in thr Hug.]
(At the foleyway, Bandit opens thr Door, brightening the Whole room. Bingo and Bluey burst in, Chilli and Bandit standing at thr Entrance. Bluey and Bingo run into thr Kitchen and jump with Joy. Then, they Run to thr Bathroom and dance with Glee. The girls, hand By hand, run to thr Hallway.)
[They run into their Bedroom. They hold each Other in circles and swing each other in Circles. They happily Hug and jump with joy.
Chilli opens thr Cardboard box. She pulls out thr Watermelon rug and Spreads it on thr Floor of the Playroom.]
(at thr playroom at the sunset, the Family are sharing a Dinner of Fish and chips, a Carboard box is used as a Table. Bluey pretends a Chip is an Airplane and flies it into her mouth. She looks at Bingo, who Uses her chip as a Mustache. She places arms in Her hips and smiles smugly.)
[Bandit laughs at Bingo's Antics and looks at Chill, who Smiles at him fondly. Bluey and Bingo continue to Play with thr Chips while Bandit and Chilli romanticly look at Each others eyes, their Tails start to wag. Cut to thr Distant shot of thr Heeler house, Dyed red by sunset. Thr Camera pans up to thr First evening Stars as we all Know that Thr Heeler house is now the Heeler home.]