
video game series

Blazblue is an HD fighting game series by Arc System Works as a spirital successor to Guilty Gear. It consists of four games, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, and BlazBlue: Centralfiction. A new game, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, is a crossover involving characters from Persona 4, Under Night In-Birth, and RWBY.

Amane Nishiki

  • The stage on which the best soldiers are gathered... I wish to dance on such a stage! Such is my wish!
  • (rough translation) The best team of the strongest warriors. The rise of such a team, is what I wish for.
  • Let this reach the heavens and earth! And those close by... Fall victim to the ultimate embrace!
  • Hey hey, stop touching me! You'll get my makeup all over the place. H-Hey, are you listening to me?! I don't have any food... I certainly don't have any food there! Stop!
  • That's some serious man-boobs you have there, sir... I'd love to offer you a job at our troupe, but we can't have you destroying our stage everyday...


  • already myself. no need
  • blade? I fast
  • kid, eh? like bugs,  ? Eat . delicous. Eat up! Hahaha!
  • Ahhhhh You'r worth ss! Wor ess! Worthle  ! less! less! WorthlessW less WORTHLESS!
  • Fear more love hate  ! Let self crumble away, pathetic mediary
  • Why sad... grieving? don't understand, don't under ... My words... losing them...
  • if you're Azure White...
  • world seems large compared others, hahaha
  • That truth, and that is nother place
  • too just her toy end
  • you still, have darkness
  • Azu Azur Please gi me Azure... I'm I'm .
  • I e end bo ou and ntless poi s POINT AHAHAH!
  • Of cour f don' ha face, I make one.
  • In the end both you and I...
  • No left-right-up-down!
  • Boundary turning! Curtain fall!
  • Life! Bugs! Knowledge helix!
  • I don't want it!
  • Seithr... is not what you think it is...
  • Why haven't you fallen... to oblivion?
  • Why don't you understand? We're all being watched.
  • Come, you belong on this side.
  • Spin, spin, SPIN!
  • Minions!
  • You, you're, you're...!
  • Last words?
  • The power of the boundary is immense. But it is that same power that runs through the Azure. If you have tapped it, then you too, will be drawn in. Like us...
  • Litchi... This is a line you must not cross. You can still be saved! Return to Kokonoe. She will know what to do... Damn her... but she is a genius... Kehehe....


  • Entertain me more! My thirst is only satiated by my fangs! This seems like the ultimate feeding ground!
  • I'll fold you up so you'll fit in a coffin.
  • Don't worry--Kokonoe's next.
  • Weak shit could fight me all day... the result will be the same.
  • Terumi of the Six Heroes... why don't you entertain me?!
  • Your flesh and bones will know... THE TRUE MEANING OF POWER!
  • Only the fittest can survive! ACCEPT YOUR FATE!
  • Enchant... Dragunov! Lifting all limits... unleashing! Have a taste... of the ULTIMATE DEATH!
  • That's not enough, Grim Reaper. Surely that's not all you've got! Stand up! Entertain me!
  • A joke that funny was worth being frozen for two years for.
  • So let me get this straight- You guys get Kokonoe to capture me and put me on ice, and now you're releasing me so I can kill her? That's the joke of the century, right there. You guys are a bunch of selfish assholes by any standard.

Bang Shishigami

  • I can smell the evil inside of you!
  • Damn... What a handsome, manly guy! I hope that someday, I too will be able to train and become as manly as that incredible man.
  • Good little boys should be in bed by now!
  • What a great fight! We both gave one hundred percent! I've learned a lot from this battle! Now if you'll excuse me.
  • I finally found you! I'll never forget your face! Now prepare yourself!
  • Ah! Miss Litchi! Are you OK!? Who the hell would do such a thing?!
  • Hmm... You seem to be lacking... well, a lot of things to be a kunoichi. Especially around the ches-- W-Wait, what are you doing? Don't shoot! We can talk!
  • Mm... I have a couple of ninja dogs myself. Next time we meet, I shall show them to you.
  • *pant* *pant* I'm going to turn you in right now. Hey, wait... don't run! You basta-- *pant* *pant*
  • The ultimate clash between our souls... But it seems this time, I was the victor!
  • Hehehe... Do you think you've disguised yourself as a cat? You may be able to fool everyone else, but nothing escapes the all-seeing eye of Bang Shishigami!
  • Such overwhelming power! You've forced me to unleash my sacred techniques!
  • I come when I hear the summons for a hero... for I am none other than Bang Shishigami!
  • Hah! Done already?
  • Here comes... the hero of justice!
  • How can this be!?!?!?!?
  • You have a ways to go, Carl!
  • Quicker than wind and as still as the forest! Hotter than flames and more magnificent than a mountain!
  • To rid this world of evil... I will become... the hammer... of justice!
  • What's the matter? Too scared of me to lift a finger!?
  • There are two things in this world that I just cannot stand! Lies, and evil and lies, and... bell peppers!
  • There's nowhere to run!
  • Hailed by the heavens, earth and people, the one and only Bang Shishigami is now here!
  • Did somebody call for a superhero!? No matter! A superhero has arrived anyway! Dedicated to protecting the peace, dreams, and order of Kagutsuchi! Bang Shishigami, a man whose passion burns whenever there's battle around, has arrived!
  • No matter what strange sorcery you may use, you cannot escape my sight! Today your evil deeds shall end! I, Sir Bang, will punish you!
  • Where is the young master!?
  • As you have said... many times, I am an idiot.
  • Shishigami Ninpo Forbidden Art: FU-RIN-KA-ZAN!!!
  • Reflect on your sins!
  • Stay tuned! Your questions will be answered in the next episode!
  • By the gods, I'm excited!
  • As they say, an empty stomach is the best spice! I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever may come out!
  • I am stunned! Truly amazed! You may convey to her that my socks have been knocked and truly off!
  • U-Uh... I suppose that it is... possible that the worse a dish looks, the... the better it... tastes?
  • ...Miss Noel put her heart and soul into cooking this dish... To refuse it would be to dishonor the burning passion of her soul... No! That cannot come to pass! I, Bang Shishigami, will gladly enjoy this meal! Now! I begin!
  • Now... jump! Into my MANLY CHEST!!
  • By the sweat of my brow. Umm, my brow... grr, you evildoer! I shall punish you!
  • And, for the final blow... I cannot do it!
  • Wahahahaha! I can't... stop... laughing!
  • Damn Library!
  • I dare you! Attack me from anywhere you please!
  • Master... please... forgive me...
  • I'll show you hell!
  • Work on your taijutsu!
  • I wasn't doing anything!


  • You guys're former soldiers that were trained by Sector Seven, eh? There's some things I wanna know. You're gonna tell me even if I have to beat it out of you!
  • (rough translation)If you Sector Seven provoke members of the mercenary squad any further, I'll hear what your power has to say!

Carl Clover

  • You think those mere words could deter me?
  • Aw, you got dirty, Sis. But don't worry, I'll clean you right up.
  • Thank you very much, I learned a lot. Well, I must be on my way, so please excuse me.
  • I'm sorry, but if there's another marionette that looks like my sister, she might get scared, so I'm gonna have to destroy yours.
  • Don't call my sister Nirvana.
  • Excuse me, but there's something I need to do. Are you OK, Sis? Let's go.
  • Can you tell me everything you know about my sister? Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
  • You still don't want to give me information? I'm in a hurry too...
  • What's the matter, Sis? Uh-huh... I see... I'm sorry but my sister is scared for some reason, so we'll have to withdraw for now.
  • Where could the Azure Grimoire be? I wonder if this person could be the Grimoire itself? Should take him home and have a look? Well, Sis?
  • It's no use. You can't pull my sister and I apart. We're siblings, after all.
  • You are... an interesting person... er... cat?
  • I'm kind of tired... I'm going to take a little nap, OK, Sis?
  • It was fun, wasn't it, Sis? Heheheh.
  • Counting on grown-ups is never a good idea.
  • Shut up! What do you know!? You don't know anything about my sister! You don't know me either!
  • Don't you dare touch my sister! If you do I'll kill you!
  • Can you feel the emotion?
  • If it's what mankind considers evil, I will gladly bear that name.
  • Let's go, Sis!
  • What is this light? It's white and warm... it's just like my sister...
  • Master Bang, I believe I have a saying that fits our current predicament to the letter.
  • "You can't fight a war on an empty stomach!" Correct?
  • *Sigh* Miss Noel, please. I'm hardly a child... more or less...
  • Now, Sis, that's just mean. Comically accurate, but mean.
  • Now that's just going too far! It's bad enough that you're making jokes at the poor man's expense, but, must you do so with that arrogant smirk on your face as well?
  • Oh? She just asked, "What does a chef who slips on a duck and Kagutsuchi's seithr have in common?"
  • I don't even know what to say or what it was called, but... it looked really fluffy on the outside, the middle was quite moist, and the center was harder than a diamond...
  • ...Mousse!? You actually considered THAT mousse!?
  • ...Say good-bye to all of your teeth...
  • Huh? You sure you want to wait here, Sis? No, I don't blame you, to be honest. The atrocities that'll be committed against the culinary arts in that kitchen will be too much to bear. I'm not sure I have the courage... Anyway, please wait here with Mr. Bang.
  • I understand. I intend to... do everything in my power.
  • Yes, she... cooked that. I believe her exact words were, "If I don't at least try and make this dish, I'd not only be a failure as a chef, but I'd be a failure as a human being! I guarantee this will knock Mr. Bang's socks off!"
  • Thank you very much. Now, if you would all be so kind as to just wait a little while your food is being prepared...
  • I appreciate your patience, everyone. Please enjoy your meals.
  • Im...possible! How can you possibly eat THAT!?
  • I messed up...
  • Where are you looking?
  • Don't you DARE touch my sister!


  • There is only one way to save the fallen. I hope you are prepared.
  • Your determination is unparalleled... I would like to see what you do with it... Roam this world as you desire.
  • Young man, you came the closest to discovering the truth, then you diverted your eyes... How pitiful.
  • This world doesn't need two of the same Sacred Treasure. That means one of them must be destroyed.
  • Don't fight it. This was meant to be. Let the flow carry you.
  • I see... How rude of me to ask "why"... What a pitiful girl... you were born in the midst of such turmoil...
  • What is this charade...? The puppets are going too far. Be careful, Icarus...
  • Hah! Nightmare... Return to your senses... Feel the solitude... Reminisce about your past... Lament over the Azure, and then just disappear.
  • Don't interfere. This is my redemption.
  • Much time has passed since we last met, Black Beast.
  • Hehehe... Oh, kitty, you have brought such a dangerous being before us.
  • I will put an end to all of this by killing you right now!
  • Why don't you show me your justice?
  • I hope you know what it means... to stand before me!
  • I am the blade of justice... This sword will purify the world of sin and vanquish that which is evil! I am Hakumen! En garde!
  • Do you not see what you have done!? A curse upon you all!
  • I have no desire to kill a man who is already nearly dead.
  • Guh! How dare you interrupt me, Grimalkin!
  • Get out of my way, Grimalkin!
  • You have stood your ground and for that, you have earned my respect. Come...I shall end this.
  • Fool...I shall see you expunged from this world no matter the cost.
  • You can never defeat me. It is a fool's errand to try. Your end has arrived, Dark One!
  • What are you plotting, Terumi?
  • That we would have learned of your existence sooner. Perhaps this tragedy could have been avoided.
  • Is this truly my will? Am... I the sin that must be expunged? ... Hahahahaha... Go. Laugh. Mock the pitiful creature that I am.
  • You are not meant to exist in this world. It is my duty to bring an end to you, and I mean to fulfill that duty!
  • I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand I shall reap the sins of this world and cleanse it in the fires of destruction. I am Hakumen. The end has come!
  • This power... You couldn't have...!
  • Hmph. You...
  • Out of my way, Dark One.
  • Turn around and leave. You will not win. You cannot.
  • Without justice, how can you expect to win?
  • Do battle against me, Jin Kisaragi, and you will understand!
  • I suggest you heal your wounds and try again.
  • Thank you, Tsubaki.
  • I am the white void. I wipe the slate of the world clean so that it may begin anew! I am Hakumen! The end has come!
  • I am the white void. I shall cleanse this world and return all to nothing! I am Hakumen! Come!
  • Is something amiss? Your voice trembles. What are you afraid of?
  • A beast with no heart is no enemy of mine.


  • Oh, so they made another one?
  • Nothing's more of a pain in the ass than a scientist in a machine.
  • Well well well... I'll be in trouble if you don't work harder.
  • Hey there kid, you're gonna hurt someone. Is that some kind of family thing? Jumping out at people and scaring the shit out of them...?
  • Ahahahaha! BlazBlue!? That's quite a toy you've got there, kiddo!
  • Restriction 666 released! Dimensional Interference Force Field Deployed!
  • Heheheh! Time for a taste of real power, boy!
  • Code S.O.L. Azure Grimoire, activate!
  • What's this? You don't get it? Ooh, this is rich! Come on, give it a shot! Work those brain cells! Nothing? Ahahahaha! This is why you can't beat me, Rags! Write this down, 'cause there's gonna be a test later. I'm the one who created the Azure Grimoire!
  • Well, thanks for the entertainment. Pretty good warm-up there.
  • The Black Beast? What the hell would I want with that failed experiment?
  • Yeah, a huge failure. Real pain in the ass to keep the Cauldron under control. But hey, we learned all sorts of shit in the process, so, you know...
  • Yeah, the Cauldron. What, did I mumble? The Cauldron is the Grimoire's original form. It gathers souls to smelt the sword inside its body. That was our little pet - the Beast.
  • C'mon, you gonna pay attention or not? The Murakumo Unit is incomplete. It needs the power of the Grimoire. The 13th sample wouldn't shut up about it, remember? But this one... this one's different. This thing embodies the TRUE Azure!
  • Senkon Meiraku!
  • Hungry Darkness of a Thousand Souls!
  • It's time for a little punishment...!
  • I may be a twisted son of a bitch, young lady, but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings!
  • Oh-ho! Looks like somebody needs to respect her elders! I think a spanking is in order!
  • Aw, c'mon! Let's hear one of those sweet little quips of yours! Like, uh, what's one of them... You know, something like "Justice, Justice, Justice" or "I shall cleanse your evil from this world" or "Taste my sword"!
  • How'd you like a special treat? Well, you're getting it anyway!
  • Oh, for goodness sake! Just give up, Trinity! It's cute that you're trying, it really is, but you LOST! L.O.S.T. Why drag it out?
  • In the name of Susano'o, I command you... Awaken, Nox Nyctores: Ouroboros!!
  • O undead serpent who slew a thousand in a single night! Open thine jaw and consume my enemy!
  • Well? Feels good, doesn't it!? Fall... into the depths of hell!
  • I'll let you feel the most exquisite pain! Does it hurt? DOES IT HURT?!
  • Hyahahaha! Howl! Scream! That's a good doggy!
  • Dispatched in Mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!
  • Whoa, watch it! That was too close.
  • Ooh, is this your first fight in 100 years? I hope you won't disappoint me, H-man!
  • But damn... I could've done the same thing with a big rock, you know? That girl sure is use--... excuse me, was useless!
  • What do you think? Pretty cool, huh?
  • Kokonoe, you'll need to do better than that. Nyehehehehehee!
  • Aw, you're gonna compare it to that failed experiment?
  • It's not like the six heroes were buddies... Then the other day, I told the old man, "We're buddies, right!?" Ahahahaha!
  • Just how I like it! Hahahahaha!
  • Just you wait, Amaterasu! We'll pull you out of that well in no time!
  • Come on over, lets play... Die, die, die, die, die!
  • Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent! Feels gooood... don't it?
  • Die already!
  • Time, time!
  • I give up!
  • B minus.
  • Play with me... shitty vampire!
  • Hey, don't puss out on me now!
  • Now that's just cold!
  • Oh, give me a break!
  • Just roll over and die, okay?! Serpent's Infernal Rapture!
  • Talk about a chain. Heh!
  • You okay? No?! Ahahaha!
  • Clean, stylish, lethal, perfect!
  • Come on, Carl Clover! Why so serious!?
  • You hate me?
  • Colonel Relius... that's gotta hurt!
  • This is dumb. Can we stop?
  • Are you done yet?
  • Go away, please.
  • Time to die, pest!
  • Booorrriiiing!
  • Ah-haw! Don't get out of your rocking chair for my sake!
  • Strike me down with all your hatred!
  • Don't think this won't show up on your next review!
  • Shut up! You're not the boss of me!
  • Aren't you just pathetic? Just look at yourself- Oops! Maybe not! But seriously, whose fault is this, really? That's the stuff! Let's see some HATE, Tsubaki Yayoi! Go on, tell me! Whose fault is this!?
  • You won't forgive me? Like I give a damn! Shut up and die already!
  • ...You must excuse me... Guess I went a little crazy there.
  • OH man, you seem to be in quite a bit of pain there, Raggy! Does it hurt? Does it? Of course it does. Ahahahahah!
  • I wish I had more time to play with you, but I'm afraid I'm out of time. Damn, what a shame! Well, I don't suppose there's any harm in killing that old hag.
  • Ahahahaha! And DONE! Damn, am I good.
  • Oh, man... my sincerest thanks, dearest Noel. Thank you. And goodbye. WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • Well, shall we get started now?
  • Okay, why the HELL do you think I give two shits about a vampire tea party?
  • Very nice! You're not bad for an officer, you know that? Very well done.
  • I do all the wonderful things I do because I want to see the miserable look on the faces of people like YOU when you're wallowing in despair, dismay, grief, frustration, misery... all sorts of other unpleasant nouns.
  • Hey! What are you doing!? Get off me! Y-You stink like a cat!
  • That hurts! Are you trying to eat me!?
  • Stop! Aaah! Please stop! H-Hey! Stop it! I said knock it off, you goddamn cats!
  • Oh give me a break! This is so goddamn annoying!
  • Huh? Y-You're freaking me out! Stay right where you are! Don't come any closer!
  • Arg! You let your guard down this once, and this kind of shit happens... What are you planning on doing with me, you freak!?
  • What the hell!? Are you completely insane!? Why can't we just fight or something!? I thought you hated-
  • You're freaking me out! Let go of me! Gaaaa! Ouch!
  • Ugh...! This is the end for me, isn't it?
  • Will someone please tell me what on Earth is going on here!? Is this some new form of harassment!?
  • N-No, it's just-- *sneeze* I-I'm just allergic to c-- *sneeze*
  • Time out! TIME OUT!
  • Ah, one more here, please. Thanks, little guy.
  • My goodness! This... this Kagutsuchi pufferfish is... I mean... Words cannot describe... Ah! So good! Please, I would just love to meet the wonderful chef who prepared this exquisite dish!
  • Run, run!
  • Hakumen... seriously...
  • That was rather... disappointing for a First Lieutenant.
  • No one can fight time!
  • Don't tempt me, idiot!
  • Ahh, well I think I'm all warmed up now... (sotto voce) time to die...
  • Are you insane?!
  • Please, just die for me...
  • (Sigh) I don't need you anymore, just die, okay, please?
  • Too little, too late, Kokonoe! I got myself a nice good look at the Power of Order! (Maniacal laughter)
  • A girl and her blob, huh?... That's a pretty good idea for a game or something.
  • Dude, she's your sister.
  • I'm taking you to Hell!
  • Cross Tag Battle
    • Yuki Terumi/Susano'o (Pre-Fight): Here's a little treat for you, Hazzy! (Becomes Susanoo) You will bear witness to my legend!
    • Hazama (Pre-Fight): Yes, yes, it's all VERY exciting.
    • Susanoo (Victory): What's wrong? Our revelry has just begun.
    • Hazama (Victory): Are you blind? Your partygoers are all spent.
    • Susanoo (Victory): Repent and worship! For you have borne witness to God's true power!
    • Hazama: Uh huh, fantastic, great job. Get that out of your system yet?

Yuuki Terumi/Susano'o

  • Calamity Trigger
    • I've been waiting for this moment! Look at me... Look at me, Noel Vermillion!
    • You recognized me, didn't you!?
    • Hey, shitty vampire! Who's laughing now!?
    • Long time no see, Ragna the Bloodedge. How's your right arm holding up? Oops. My bad. I was the one who chopped that off, right? So how's that feel? Doesn't that fake arm come in handy? Do you think it's pretty good for an imitation?
    • Damn, you're scary, lady. But seriously, you're lucky, Ragna. You have such a sweet guardian with you!
    • Well, I'm in a really good mood today, so I'll just let the little puppy go. It'd be tough even for me to handle three scary people like you. Oops, it's more like two people and a dog, huh? Hahahahahahaha! Let's do this again sometime, stupid vampire. Say hello to the old man for me.
  • Continium Shift
    • (When Noel begins to emerge as Kusanagi) Now... Murakumo, activate! This world is nothing but lies! Lemme show you what I like to call the truth! The truth called "despair!" In the name of Susano'o, I command you! Murakumo, AWAKEN! Behold, the sword of the god-slayer, KUSANAGI! Let all lies fall before your divine blade! (Kusangi emerges from her cocoon) Gaahahahaha! Finally, I've got the true successor to the Azure! Try and stop me NOW, Master Unit Amaterasu!
      • Now, Murakumo, it's time to awaken! This world is nothing but lies lies lies lies lies LIES! But don't worry. I'll show you... I'll show you the truth... the truth called DESPAIR! In the name of Susano'o, I command you! Awaken, Murakumo! No, not Murakumo - Kusanagi! The sword, the godslayer! Your blade will cut away the lies that cover this world! AAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Azure is mine! Try and stop me now Master Unit... AMATERASU!
  • Cross Tag Battle
    • (Pre-Fight quote with Hakumen, as Susano'o): This is God's domain. I am might. I am power. I am EVERYTHING! You stand before Takehaya Susano'o!
    • (Pre-Fight quote with Ragna, as Terumi): Now heel, little puppy. (Transforms to Susano'o) This is God's domain.
    • (Victory quote to Ragna, as Susano'o): Human powers are all meaningless in the face of a god. Your precious Azure Grimoire included.
    • (Victory quote to Hakumen, as Susano'o): There is no reason for you to wield that vessel. This world ill needs two gods.
    • (Victory quote to Azrael, as Susano'o): You shall feast upon your divine punishment. A gift for exceeding what a stray dog deserves.
    • (Victory quote to Chie Satonaka, as Susano'o): Power is truth. And a god is power made manifest. Technique, strategy, and weaponry are all children of human weakness.
    • (Victory quote to Mika Returna, as Susano'o): Right and wrong are human constructs. Trash to be eliminated with the rest of this world. You are either God or not God. That is the only distinction that matters.
    • (Victory quote to Blake Belladonna, as Susano'o): Enough of this mockery! You were born a mongrel, and you shall die as such. Such pathetic beings are hardly worthy of my absolution!

Jin Kisaragi

  • No... How could- You died... Why, damn it? Why do you keep blocking my way...?!
  • I'm not interested in you. Out of my way.
  • Huh, so you’re still alive? What the hell are those vigilantes good for?
  • Those strange clothes... You must be from Ikaruga. I'm guessing you're here for revenge... How pitiful.
  • Persistent fool... do you wish to die so badly?
  • So how does it feel to lose to me again?
  • You had potential at the academy. What a waste... But I have no use for weaklings or puppets.
  • You look as though you want to ask me something, but I don’t have time to deal with you… and I couldn’t care less about whatever it is you want to ask. Now, out of my way.
  • Who the hell... are you?
  • Hakumen of the Six Heroes? Ugh...! Stay out of this, Yukianesa!
  • You’ve confirmed my suspicions… You people had me running in circles. Not that I care. I don’t give a damn about the NOL.
  • What were you thinking!? Did you honestly think you could impersonate me? How pitiful.
  • You must really, -really- want to die.
  • I see you've put some thought into fighting with a long weapon, but you need to work on your defense. I can take you down without even trying.
  • Get out of the way, woman.
  • Scum... get out of my sight!
  • You’re nothing but an obstacle...! If you only you didn’t exist...!
  • What an arrogant girl. Acting like she knows everything...
  • What the hell are you plotting?
  • This is so much fun, Brother. Why stop now?
  • Brother, I’ll tell you as many times as I have to. I’m the only one who is allowed to kill you... Only me... got it?
  • A fighting style that relies completely on strength... Not even worth mentioning. And you are supposed to be Sector Seven's secret weapon? What a joke.
  • Damn Sector Seven...! Stay out of this!
  • Red Devil dies today!
  • I hope you've learned how ineffective it is to rely on your instincts alone.
  • Hah! Just a little kitty after all... I suggest you use your head for something more than hitting.
  • Tsubaki... go home. This has nothing to do with you.
  • I'll finish you right here, so you can never lay a finger on my brother.
  • Long time no see, Brother!
  • Oh, I'm so happy to see you, Brother... Now I get to kill you again!
  • Dispatched in Mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!
  • Red Devil my ass!
  • This is no fun at all!
  • Hmph. Another obstacle...
  • Step aside, Captain.
  • Out of my way, Eyesore!
  • Come Brother, let's have fun!
  • You're cruel, Brother!
  • You're so stupid...
  • I've been waiting for this moment!
  • Hahaha... We've only just started!
  • C'mere, brother!
  • Get up, brother!
  • I'm going to take my time... and enjoy killing you... Brother!
  • Hah... that won't do... Brother!
  • *Sigh* You just never change, do you?
  • Well then... I think it's time... for you to die...
  • You... who the hell are you...!?
  • You are wasting my time. Give it up.
  • I am the cold steel...the blade that will restore balance to this world!
  • That is so cruel... brother...
  • You horrible pack of harpies, don't you dare touch my brother! Get out of my way, or I'll cut you to pieces!
  • Yukianesa!
  • Well, if you're having that, Brother... then so will I!
  • I'm going to take my time...and enjoy killing!
  • Pierce my enemy!
  • Reaping Blizzard!
  • Arrows of ice! Let everything freeze!
  • One-thousand arrows! Sword of ice... show me your true power!
  • This won't even... take a second.
  • WEAK!
  • Quit interfering! Who the hell are you?!
  • Get the hell... out of my way!
  • Inane.
  • Die! Dissipate!
  • I'm at a loss for words.
  • Come on brother, point your blade at me!
  • This is the finale, brother!
  • Now, let's kill each other, shall we...? BROTHER...
  • Brother... is that really all you've got? How are we supposed to have fun?!
  • Oh well, there are a few other things that need my attention... I guess today just wasn't the day I'm supposed to kill you.
  • My body is ready.


  • ...Confirmed Causality Weapon... Response to Casualty Weapon is... None.
  • ...Confirmed Causality Weapon... Response to Causality Weapon is... Normal.
  • Rag... na...
  • External factor encountred... Internal regulatory system within normal operating parameters... Now deactivating anti-Sankishin mode.
  • Beginning search on target's data. Denied. Denied. Denied.
  • Affirmative.
  • Target confirmed.
  • Overall damage has surpassed 40%.
  • Activating unit. Commencing test.
  • Are you killing me?
  • You're off by point two.
  • Initializing Idea Engine...
  • Nu will forever be by your side, Ragna.
  • From beyond the realm of souls and birth, I call upon Ur's sword to bring ruin upon my enemies! Perish!
  • Ragna located. Intense attraction... confirmed. Expression of love... initiated.
  • Analyzing subject. Dignity... undetectable. Mammary glands... below detectable parameters.

Litchi Faye-Ling

  • Why couldn't I finish you off... Just one more hit... Why...?
  • I-I'm so sorry! You came out of nowhere so I thought you were a pervert and smacked you! Are you OK? He's completely out... but he looks really happy. Odd...
  • That marionette is very dangerous. You need to get away from it right now! Ah! Wait!
  • He disappeared... He could have killed me in an instant if he wanted to... but it seemed like he was focused on... something else. What did he want?
  • I think you'd be a lot more popular if you tried smiling a little more. Hmm... Then again, some people might be into that "as cold as ice" personality...
  • I don't mind you trying to copy me, just don't do anything to confuse the residents of Orient Town.
  • You shouldn't be naughty, little girl... You're too pretty.
  • What beautiful skin... You look like a little doll... I'm so jealous. It looks like it must be hard to take care of.
  • Everyone calls you the Grim Reaper, so I didn't know what kind of monster to expect... but you seem pretty normal. You look pretty cool though.
  • It's been a while. You're such a gentleman, as always. This time, I'm the one at fault, but there's something I really have to do... forgive me.
  • How many times do I have to tell you? My breasts aren't steamed buns! Stop trying to eat them every time you see me!
  • What is this girl...? She's like...a machine.
  • Yes, I'm coming!
  • Finishing touch!
  • Time for some action!
  • ("Shithole clinic?" Well, I never!)
  • Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up.
  • You really surprised me... who are you?
  • I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!
  • I think I'll have one of those too.
  • So, the Magical Ironing Board Squad has finally made it here. About time, ladies.
  • Faithful Arakune merely did as I asked. He turned you into magical girls and set you into collecting the Boing Cards... for ME. Oh, and that part about your boobs growing when you collect them? Yeah, total lie!
  • Quit your whining, you vapid bags of antlers. Boobs are the foundation society is built upon...! Boobs equal power...! Simply put, bitches, I have the boobs so I make the rules! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • What?! You broke my spell?! HOW CAN THIS BEEEEEEE?!
  • H-How could this happen...! How could I have lost to a little girl?! Oh, what a world... oh, what a world...!
  • Honestly, Tager! Huge as you are, you need to mind your surroundings a bit better!
  • If you say so, Jubei. And she doesn't seem traumatized. If anything, she looks... happy.
  • All right. Come on, Mr. "It all happened so fast"... I'm still miffed at you.

Makoto Nanaya

  • Don't wet your panties, Noel!
  • Tsubaki, don't push yourself!
  • Dispatched in Mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!
  • Dispatched in Mankind's darkest...uh... *Mumbling* ...oh, forget it!
  • This week's special move! Soar to the sky! Particle FLARE!
  • The Heavens! The Earth! And a million squirrels call to me! Huh? What...they don't?
  • Impressive, huh?
  • "Bang!" ...Just kidding!
  • Rise, power of the stars! (ATATATATATA) PLANET CRUSHER!
  • So, that's it, right? I can go now?
  • Something's shining inside of me! Big bang... SMASHHH!
  • But I strongly suggest you keep what I'm about to say in mind...If anyone harms Noel in any way, I will make that person pay... regardless of who they might be.
  • My soul burns with the heat of a thousand suns! Behold the power of YOOUUTH!
  • Dubya tee eff?
  • Enough with the cold thingy!
  • Press start to continue.
  • Really not digging this...
  • You wanna fondle my tail too?
  • Now I'm hungry!
  • The hospital's expecting you.
  • This is the path that life has chosen for me!
  • Captain Hazama... what were you thinking?
  • I meant that.
  • Upsy-daisy!
  • I miss the old days.
  • Spoon!
  • The memories of the past... give strength to this blow!
  • I'll show you... everything... that I've learned!
  • Damn you, Izayoi...! Vamoose!
  • A huge weight difference... means nothing... if you've got the will to win!
  • "Superior", my ass! You're lower than dirt! It's time for... A MUTINY!
  • I'm not gonna let you... have your way!
  • That was for Noel...
  • That was for Tsubaki...
  • This is from ME!
  • What a huge...! Body.
  • What a large... target!
  • You make an awesome sandbag!
  • Let me warn you: I don't know how to pull my punches!
  • 'Scuse me!
  • Enjoy gravity!
  • You're Ragna? Wow! You're so hot!
  • There's no way Ragna could possibly fall for someone like Noel. She's not even an adult yet.
  • You hear that, Tsubaki? You're OK with Kagutsuchi puffer fish, right?
  • (as Ragna) Huh? Did you steal my boobs, Kokonoe? And my butt feels all... incomplete.... Where's my tail?
  • (as Ragna) Geez, and I thought my family was nuts...
  • And I am her other right-hand woman! Makoto Nanaya, "Blazing Fist of the Abyss!"
  • I came up with that cool-ass nickname for nothing?!


  • I don't need... anything.
  • I have arrived, reborn as Kusanagi, the destroyer of all living creatures. I am death...
  • The world you have wished for... is filled with pain, agony, and despair. It will continue to collapse upon itself. That kind of world is unnecessary!
  • The seven celestial gods! This world was created by the hands of the gods. Everything is false! Everything is a lie! The final days have come... Now, let everything be destroyed!
  • STOP!
  • I don't want this... I don't want this...
  • I don't want this... this world...
  • Hate hate hate hate hate!
  • New threat detected. Commencing attack.
  • Affirmative.

Nago & Gii

  • Mmmm, a hot man all tied up... Ah, it just makes me tingle! (Nago)
  • That's... uh... C'mon, you can't even see his face. (Gii)
  • Yeah. You should be thankful the princess is even wasting her time... on a man like you. (Nago)
  • You're in her debt! (Gii)
  • Ow, that hurt! That hurt, princess! (Both)
  • Your highness, this dog's barking something... (Nago)
  • The weaker they are, the louder they bark. (Gii)
  • Yup! He said it five times! (Gii)
  • Princess, what are you trying to do? (Nago)
  • The view is nice, though... (Gii)
  • But... but princess, I want the pufferfish! (Gii)
  • Oh, yes. It sounds positively fabulous. One for me, please. (Nago)
  • How exciting! (Nago)
  • Yes! Food! (Gii)

Noel Vermillion

  • B-B-Bugs! Nooooo! P-Please, don't come any closer!
  • I guess there are lots of people in the world. I've never seen anyone like you before. You're really enthusiastic. Maybe a little too enthusiastic...
  • Carl... These are the rules... You have to understand what your position as a vigilante means...
  • Carl, you were such a kind and gentle child. Please, stop this and think about what you're doing!
  • You're strong... I can't let my guard down around you at all.
  • Major... This is a direct order from HQ. Please return to your post right now.
  • Y-You're cheating! ...In many ways! B-But, I'd like to sit down and talk sometime. Do you think I could touch your... panda? U-Um, that's an order!
  • A-An imposter!? I guess working under the major has made me a little famous...
  • Who are you? I don't feel like this is the first time we've met...
  • Why?... why are you holding back? Are you mocking me?
  • The Red Devil of Sector Seven... I've heard rumors about you... I see now that they weren't exaggerations.
  • U-Um... Please don't mock me! I was supposed to be the winner...
  • Just... who are you...? Guh...I'm...confused...
  • Dispatched in Mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!
  • Ragna the Bloodedge... YOU'RE STUPID!
  • Hands off the panda!
  • PANDA!! I mean...
  • Major Kisaragi!
  • Return to your post!!
  • Here I come, Major!
  • You're no longer my superior, Jin Kisaragi!
  • It's pointless. Give up.
  • Don't talk about my breasts!
  • Stop calling me stupid!
  • I'm not dumb!
  • Don't overdo it!
  • Not even you can dodge this, Major!
  • Your breasts are illegal!
  • I can't believe yours are... so much... than mine! *Crying*
  • Who... are you?
  • Father, mother... I'm sorry...
  • You! You're Ragna the Bloodedge! What do you think you're doing here!? You can't run or hide from me! You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent!
  • Let's stop this!
  • I don't want to fight!
  • Tsubaki... Forgive me...
  • I didn't want to fight you... Tsubaki!
  • Tsubaki... please... stop...
  • Please... don't get up again...
  • Don't mess with me!
  • What did you do to Tsubaki!?
  • Ragna, no!
  • I'll never forgive you...!
  • Apologize to Tsubaki right now!
  • What was that all about...?
  • Dark... Susano'o...
  • I can't remember... I'm feeling sleepy.
  • Who... are you...? Who... am I...?
  • No, it's nothing. I just...thought we could talk for a while.
  • ...Ugh! Seriously, what is wrong with that man! I can't believe the nerve of him...!
  • Hazama... No, Yuuki Terumi! I will never, EVER forgive you!
  • Hazama... I will no longer obey your orders!
  • Eeeeek! B-B-B-Bugs!? Not bugs! I hate bugs!
  • I'm sick of being called stupid! Especially by a moron like YOU!
  • But... but no matter how much you love somebody, you can't just drug them!
  • Wh-wh-what!? How could you stoop so low? That's totally unfair!
  • Don't speak of him as if he's merely an object!
  • I've heard enough! I'm going to make one thing clear to all of you... Ragna the Bloodedge... is already... is already MY husband!
  • I took the liberty of going to city hall and filling our marriage registration! I am now officially Mrs. Ragna the Bloodedge!
  • You... you... you shameless hussies! Need I remind you that Ragna the Bloodedge is my husband!?
  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My marriage registration!
  • Wh-why is everyone ganging up on me? It's so unfair... It's just that... I... fell in love with Ragna the Bloodedge...
  • That sounds like a good idea, actually. To be perfectly honest, I'm not really in the mood to fight right now.
  • I personally recommend the Kagutsuchi puffer fish simmered in peppers and spices. I have to warn you though, it's really spicy. I mean, "OH DEAR GOD!" levels of spiciness, but there is so much deliciousness hidden within the pain!
  • It only said "Tao"? That does seem rather strange, and oddly enough, totally out of character.
  • Oh god, let me do it! I want to do it!
  • The cooking! I can cook! I'll take over for your chef until he regains the use of his limbs! Mr. Bang, what did you think I was referring to?
  • Just leave everything to me! All right, you two! It's time to get busy! We have to get all these orders out in a jiffy, so roll up your sleeves and get to cooking!
  • Oh, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm the type of person who can get full just by cooking food and not necessarily eating it.
  • No, I'm nowhere being a real chef. I just happen to enjoy cooking... a lot...
  • Yeeees!? Did somebody call me?
  • I can't wait to play with your big, fluffy tail!
  • This is a... MAJOR VIOLATION!
  • Go for it, Platinum! It's all up to you now!


  • Elimination of quasi-solid seithr element manifestation: complete. Now terminating experiment.
  • Testing countermeasures for biological confrontation: complete. No abnormalities.
  • Anti-Sankishin mode: terminating. Damage inflicted: critical. All energy-lines working normally.
  • Sequence completed. Now proceeding to next phase.
  • Elimination of subject using seithr element amp: confirmed. Now terminating experiment.
  • Internal error repaired. Now terminating system.
  • Internal irregularity eliminated. Now terminating system.
  • Ragna... I knew you would come for me! Now we can finally be... together...
  • Extermination of hybrid biomechanical weapon: complete. Now terminating experiment.
  • Elimination of seithr element influences sub-species: confirmed. Now terminating experiment.
  • Data collection: complete. Now formatting old data.
  • Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Complete.
  • Activate termination protocol.
  • Begin elimination.
  • Scan complete. Subject determined to be hostile.
  • Now beginning termination of subject.
  • Altering space.
  • A fatal error...
  • Aaah! It's Ragna! I haven't seen you in soooo long! What is this, the fourth time?
  • Aww. Looks like somebody's in a bad mood.
  • Aaah! Ragna, you're injured! What happened!? Who did this to you!?
  • Waah! Ragna, don't do that! That's mean! You and I can finally be together, but... you... you're so mean...
  • Hahahahaha! Ragnaaaaa! Ragna! Ragna! It's impossible, Ragna! Nothing will change! You can't change anything! Hahahahahaha!
  • Ready, Ragna!?
  • It hurts, Ragna!
  • O' silver blade forged in the depths of the beyond, heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way! Lay waste!
  • I'm so sorry! Ragna! I'm so sorry!
  • Like, Nu will have the same thing as Ragna, too!

Platinum the Trinity

  • Oh please excuse me. Where are my manners? My name is Sena. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ragna the Bloodedge.(Sena)
  • I heard you aren't very bright. You're actually surprisingly perceptive.(Sena)
  • Wow, I'm really impressed, Mr. "Ragna the Bloodedge".(Sena)
  • Luna, please introduce yourself.(Sena)
  • *Gulp* Luna, if you keep stuffing yourself like that, I won't be able to talk.(Sena)
  • Dumbass, moron, loser, pervert!(Luna)
  • Why does Luna have to eat while he's here? How can you stand it, Sena? I mean, just looking at him makes me want to throw up the soles of my shoes!(Luna)
  • Yes, Luna. I feel the same.(Sena)
  • Shut your piehole you mouth-breathing pedophile!(Luna)
  • Luna, I'm afraid he's right. You can't go around calling people that, even though in this case it appears to be the truth.(Sena)
  • You, beat Luna!? Just because Jubei took you in like a stray dog doesn't make you strong, dumbass! You dirt-eating mongoloid! You spiky-haired imbicile!(Luna)
  • Oh, this doesn't look good at all.(Sena)
  • Awesome! Bring it on, Aqualung!(Luna)
  • That seems decidedly... unpleasant. I think I will accept your offer and go away.(Sena)
  • Sena, don't you dare stand in Luna's way! Luna is going to pound this idiot into chum and add him to my list of victims! Not only will victory belong to Luna, but also the bounty on this pedo's head!(Luna)
  • My name is Trinity. Platinum the Trinity.(Trinity)
  • First, your true enemy is not Jin Kisaragi.(Trinity)
  • The enemy you should be focused on is the System of the NOL itself.(Trinity)
  • You can't... This can't be the choice you wish to make, not here...!(Trinity)
  • Ahh... It doesn't matter now. It appears that I was too late.(Trinity)
  • What the hell? We got pwned by a total n00b!?(Luna)
  • Luna, get a hold of yourself. You're lapsing into l33t... oh my... (Sena)
  • You suck!(Luna)
  • Luna, that was totally uncalled f--(Sena)
  • Hey, I call 'em like I see them. Hehehe. Are you JEALOUS?(Luna)
  • Sh-Shut up, dumbass! I'm... not... red...!(Luna)
  • What!? How can you be so insensitive, you jackass? Saying mean things like that to Luna! You're so mean, Ragna! You suck! WHAAAAAAAAAA!(Luna)
  • It's your fault Ragna! You said mean things...! I hate you, Ragna! I HATE YOU! I... I... I LOVE YOU!(Luna)
  • Wow! Now I'm embarrassed...(Sena)
  • Ragna! Luna loves yooooou!(Luna)
  • Just shut the hell up, you skanky old hags!(Luna)
  • What the hell are you blabbering about, you shriveled old prune? Explain yourself!(Luna)
  • You actually have more of them!? You conniving little bitch!(Luna)
  • "*Stare*".(Luna)
  • Jubei, you're so stupid stupid STUPID! WHAAAAA!(Luna)
  • Both of you can suck it! FREEEEEEEEEZE!(Luna)
  • Puffer up those nonexistant chests! It's time for our final attack! STAAAARRRRR BOOOOBBIIIIIIIIEEEEE BREAKERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!(Luna)
  • Heh heh. They'll be beating a path to your door either way...(Trinity)

Rachel Alucard

  • How filthy...
  • You have defiled me with your... your sweat! You dirty inhuman beast!
  • If you really cherish that doll of yours, perhaps you should only play with her at home. It would be such a terrible shame if something bad were to happen to her...
  • It's not your turn yet, so can you wait like a good little boy?
  • How does it feel to be a hero? I must admit, I've always wanted to ask you that.
  • Oh dear, I seem to have ruined your pretty face. I must say, though, I think you look better this way. Perhaps you should keep it like this.
  • You seem rather confident of that body of yours.
  • You felt like you were lacking something, so you wanted to be loved by others... You've been waiting for someone to take care of you... how pathetic.
  • What a disgrace...
  • Your stupidity truly boggles the mind. You belong on the ground, worm.
  • That is quite a body you've built, but I believe only thirty percent of it is truly necessary. Are you perhaps... compensating?
  • What and energetic little kid. Nago! Stop that! You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • I grow tired of your face... Relying on your other half has weakened you.
  • You really do enjoy calling me an idiot, do you?
  • Don't you see that your lack of conviction dooms this world to oblivion!?
  • Not now. Listen to me. Never admit defeat. Endure whatever pain you may face, and fight until your last breath, as a human being. Even if you are ugly, and pathetic, and broken... Please, Ragna.
  • Why don't you go die again? That should be interesting.
  • Just who is being cocksure now... little boy.
  • Plato may have believed the Forms were incorporeal and atemporal, but here you are before me: the Form of a fool!
  • Why the venom Grim Reaper?
  • I fear we have worn out our welcome, Mr. Hero. It is high time we left.
  • Why, hello, Ragna. As ever, your face reminds me of nature's cruel sense of humor.
  • I am loathe to admit it, but the situation has changed. You haven't a chance, Ragna.
  • Let me give you a piece of advice: You must not fight against Terumi. There's a reason why your Azure will fail you if you try.
  • It's such a pain, but I'll play with you.
  • It is time to wake up, little doll.
  • This was your dream, but now it has ended.
  • How dare you, Ragna! You could have me as your wife! Why?
  • Oh? I see. Then you are a Lolicon after all.
  • I thought perhaps death would humble you somewhat, but now I see that was a foolish hope.
  • Ragna... No matter what the future may hold for you... Do not ever give up.
  • I expect to be amused.
  • An establishment that only rates one star dares to dictate what I shall eat? This unconscionable arrogance cannot stand.
  • Very well then. If you insist. We will have three orders of this... puffed fish. Do try and make at least one of them edible.

Ragna the Bloodedge

  • Gargh! You bastard!
  • Wh-What the hell are you…!? Shit…did Kokonoe put you up to this?!
  • Ugh... Dude, seriously, you're freakin' me out. Don't... get close to me. Please.
  • Cry all you want. I promised someone I wouldn't kill you.
  • Even freaks like this guy are after me? What did I do to deserve this?
  • What a pain in the... *sigh*
  • I'm not into beating up kids... Why don't you just run on home?
  • I dunno what the deal is with you and your sister, but you might wanna keep a lip on that. It could get really complicated. Truuuust me...
  • Guh... This guy's a monster...! Damn, talk about cutting it close...!
  • What are you, some kinda monster...!? Damn! You’re way too powerful... That ain’t even funny...
  • You, I can never forgive... Now spit it out! Where’s the Imperator!?
  • I'll never forgive you, you son of a bitch. I was gonna tell you to die a slow, painful death, but I don't got the patience to wait around, so you're dying now.
  • You little crybaby... I’ll settle my score with you some day...
  • Boy, today must really not be my day... What did I do to make a lady want to kill me?
  • Hey, uh, lady? You’re saying you really are a doctor? That’s not your real job... is it?
  • Sorry, I just can't stand your face.
  • Noel, was it...? Why are you fighting...?
  • What's this? Got tired of watching the fights from the box seats?
  • I’m telling you! Go home already!
  • I'm gonna rip your goddamned head off!
  • That's a pretty messed-up hobby you got there. Don't blame me if the guys from the Library kick your ass.
  • I admit you’ve got some guts. Don’t blame me if the Library accidentally kills you instead...
  • You're really not my type, man. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to pass.
  • Hey, so we meet again. Well, gotta go!
  • I told you! I'm busy, I'm in a hurry, and I don't have any money! ...So stop looking at me with those eyes.
  • You again!? Goddammit, can’t a man walk down the street with food in his hands anymore!? H-Hey! Gimme that back!
  • Hey... That’s the Izayoi! Drop that thing right now, you idiot!
  • What's this strange feeling...? Did I win? Or lose? Goddammit... i feel like... I'm losing it... Shit...
  • Jin! You bastard!
  • Cut the crap, bastard!
  • I'll never... FORGIVE YOU!
  • Jin! Die already!
  • Inferno Divider!
  • Jin! You're dead!
  • Jin! Shut up!
  • Carnage Scissors! I'll devour ya!
  • Mind your own business!
  • Shut up! That face! That voice! Don't you dare talk to me like that! I'm just here to destroy you, and that's all there is to it!
  • Yeah? You sound like you're having way too much fun!
  • Oh, yeah I am. Thanks to you, idiot!
  • ...Bastard! You wanna try me!? Bring it on, you son of a bitch!
  • I don't think so, asshole! You're the one who's gonna eat it!
  • I have a ton of questions that I need to ask you... So I won't finish you off. Just lie right there.
  • Restriction 666 released... Dimensional Interruption Imaginary Number formed... RAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! Azure Grimoire, activate!
  • Take this, you son of a bitch!
  • Restriction 666 released. Dimensional Interference field deployed! Now engaging the Idea Engine! It's time I showed you...the TRUE power of the Azure! Blazblue, activate!
  • Time to die, you degenerate son of a bitch!
  • Jin! Son of a bitch! You're the last thing I need!
  • I'll show you... the power of the Azure! I'll show you... there is no hell... just darkness. This is the power of darkness.
  • Black Onslaught! Black Zagam! Nightmare Rage! Destruction!
  • Shut up. You're nothing but stuffed toys!
  • You're too weak to stand in front of me!
  • Bring it on... Jin!
  • Jin, you bitch!
  • Jin, shatter!
  • Is that all you've got?
  • Jin! Simmer down a little bit...
  • God dammit Noel, you're PISSIN' ME OFF!!
  • Mask wearing freak!
  • You make me sick... with that mask of yours!
  • Show me your... FACE ALREADY!
  • Where the hell's Saya!?
  • I'll smash you... to pieces!
  • Why you...! You scum!
  • Die will ya!?
  • TERUMIIIIIIIIIIIII~! You're gonna like this!!!
  • I'm not done with you yet...
  • I can't kill you enough times...
  • Don't interrupt me, rabbit!
  • What did you say, you son of a bitch!?
  • Shut up, you son of a bitch!
  • Hey! Get a grip! Hey, Noel!
  • Ugh... You son of a bitch... Are you planning the resurrection of the Black Beast?
  • ...Terumi... Terumi... I will never forgive you!
  • This is bullshit! Why the hell did you die for me?!
  • No, it's "Grim Reaper"!
  • You've got it all wrong! I'm into young gir-. Wait! That's wrong too.
  • You ungrateful little bastard...s!
  • Hahaha. Wow...I have no intention of taking any more of this bullshit. Seriously, guys. I'm gonna give you five seconds to get the hell away from me. If you're still here when I finish, I'm gonna kill you.
  • Stuff it freak...s! Never, ever come near me again!
  • But before we do...I'm gonna have to do something about that armor! Bring it on, you idiot!
  • Wake the hell up! You idiot!
  • Saya... Saya, what the hell?
  • Sorry, but you need to die!
  • Nu, the valley or the sea. Pick one!
  • Huh? Well... I was just waiting for you to get the crap kicked outta you.
  • Ghost!? *scream*
  • What in the HEEEEEEEELL!?
  • My body! My body's all see-through and crap. What's going on?
  • Huh? You seem awfully... accommodating... Normally we'd go at each other like rabid dogs now.
  • Whoa! What the hell!? Scary! Seriously, this is some scary shit!
  • Hey! When did you two become so buddy-buddy?
  • Whoa! I thought you were dead.
  • Another ship? Oh god, don't tell me they're ghosts too?
  • Please... just... STOP! If you keep it up with the ghost talk, I'll kill you... AGAIN!
  • Just leave it to me! I'll do -anything- to take them out!
  • Ah, screw it! Get ready, everyone! We're gonna charge in, too!
  • Nu... knock it off, seriously. So, where's this treasure!?
  • OK! Everyone, just stop crying. And Carl, I know you can't stop crying, so just try to bring it down a notch, OK?
  • HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! What the hell are you guys doing!?
  • I'm seriously gonna kill all of you guys! You guys are insaaaaaane!
  • GAAAH! *Cough* *Cough* It... was all just a dream? That dream... just... just... sucked... I don't know whether to be relieved or incredibly disappointed...
  • WHOA! Where the hell did that come from!?
  • *Gasp* Wh-What just happened? Did I get hit by a truck or something...?
  • Suit yourself. If you're running a fever or have a stomachache, just stay the hell away from me. I don't want to catch anything you have.
  • Man, are you still keeping that thing under wraps? You'd better bring that sucker out in the next game!
  • What the hell was that? Did someone just get hit by a truck?
  • Lemme see... This looks pretty good. I'll take the Kagutsuchi puffer fish.
  • Outta my way, or you're dead.
  • Puh! Do I look like a babysitter to you?!
  • Kids should be... IN BED ALREADY!
  • Isn't it about time you were put out to pasture?
  • Damn it... this whole thing just... sucks...
  • Quit screwing around.
  • Ngh, what the heck're you doing...
  • GA GA... GOO GOO! (Carnage Scissors!)
  • Ya ain't catchin' me, stupid! Ya ain't catchin' me, bitch!
  • Idiot.
  • In the dimness of the full moon, I strike...! I am known as the "Crimson Death," but my name... is Ragna the Bloodedge! None shall accost the Boing Queen, lest they do it over my dead body!
  • AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Hey, Boing Queen?! I've totally got somewhere to be, so, uh, yeah! Good luck with the Magical Girls! Peace out!
  • I'm not having fun here, you piece of shit!
  • I don't have time for this shit.

Relius Clover

  • Now this... is my greatest creation! With this, I have achieved... PER-FEC-TION!!
  • Son, I am disappoint.
  • So that's him. He's becoming a nuisance.
  • Hazama, that's enough. It's time to go.
  • The Imperator Librarius... has arrived.
  • You've been a very naughty boy! I find it hard to believe you were my offspring. "Spare the rod and spoil the child!"
  • Dance, Ignis.
  • What say you, Hazama? Surely, you've had your fun.


  • Don't give up.
  • Begone, Terumi.
  • ...So this cauldron... is not yet dust...?
  • A man at death's door can do little, save knock.
  • Rachel Alucard, your efforts are for naught.
  • ...The world of death.

Iron Tager

  • You tapped into the power of the Boundary, and that's all you've got? You should contemplate your foolishness.
  • Hmph. You died as ridiculously as you lived.
  • That... That's Deus Machina Nirvana! Kid, where did you get that? Hey! Hold on!
  • I wouldn't do that if I were you... I've already analyzed your abilities. The result will be the same.
  • I heard you had a personality like cold steel... I never thought I would find you out here, acting on your own, major.
  • Don't do it... There's no need to taint your hands with blood.
  • Are you OK? ...Hm, she's unconscious. I really don't enjoy fighting with little girls, but I have a mission to carry out. Forgive me.
  • A talking cat and a hat... I've never seen anything like that before... How interesting, I'll bet Kokonoe would be interested in taking a look at them.
  • This is the power of the Azure Grimoire? I guess I expected too much. Or perhaps my body has been modified too much... Kokonoe... What a terrifying woman.
  • Gah! Kokonoe... that woman... When did she make a second unit?
  • I-I'm not a toy! Hey, get off!
  • I apologize, but your strength was too overwhelming. I couldn't hold anything back.
  • Uhh, I don't think that's necessary, Kokonoe. I don't need that kind of... enhancement.
  • Rotten.
  • Show me... your power!
  • Is it really you?
  • Don't put down science!
  • I dare you!
  • Sledge! Hammer!
  • Shatter!
  • Can't compute!
  • Gadget Finger!
  • I see you have some potential.
  • You're within my estimates.
  • It's me. Hmm, no reception.
  • Hey, Kokonoe... nothing.
  • Any last words? This is gonna be... YOUR END!
  • You're a second rate soldier.
  • You've made Litchi sad.
  • Really? Well, I suppose I will have one of those.
  • So this is the path you've chosen...! And you've chosen to die!
  • Very well. Then we shall fight. Man to... er, woman. As fellow soldiers.
  • Slow... can you survive this?
  • Hmph! Intelligence... intelligence...
  • You were like a brother to me... it's the least I could do.
  • Plasma!
  • Not this time, Library!
  • What a joke!
  • Bring it, Ragna the Bloodedge!
  • WHAT?!
  • Not enough pressure?!
  • You damn reaper!
  • I'm embarrassed! That was me blushing, honest...!


  • Tao's wasting away and you just walk off?! You monster...! You demon...!!
  • You better not ever come to my village again! I'll break you, slice you, and beat you to a pulp!
  • Tao doesn't like sweaty things. Go away!
  • This big one is as hard as a rock! That makes me sad, meooow.
  • Phew...
  • Grrrrrr.... Hisssssss...
  • Oh! Boobie lady! You should come over and play again. By the way... how do they get that big? Do you eat steamed buns too?
  • Your boobies are tiny. You should eat steamed buns. They'll make your breasts bigger!
  • You look like a rabbit, but you don't look very tasty. You smell very life.
  • There's a dangerous guy roaming around here named 'Rawrgna'! You better be careful too, meow!
  • Mmmmmm... Meat... *slurp*
  • That was really fun. We should play again! ...But you really do look like me... Strange.
  • Victory! I saved the world from destruction! Good job, Tao! Victory! I saved the world from destruction! Good job, Tao!
  • Ah! It's the boobie lady!
  • I'll beat the crap outta the villain "Rawrgna!"
  • I'm gonna be the best vigilante ever!
  • Meow? Oh? Hey, let's play!
  • This is for that TUNA!!
  • Where's my food?
  • You're already dead!
  • My kitty senses are tingling! You're a bad guy, aren't you?
  • In the name of... that round white thingy in the night sky... I shall punish you!
  • Tao wants the Catatonic Puppyfish too! Ah! And make it extra large meow!
  • Hey "Good Guy", I'm hungry!
  • Squiggly Justice Tackle!
  • Chop you up into tiny pieces! ...And not eat you.
  • Sandwich!
  • Cat person?
  • Are ya hungry?

Tsubaki Yayoi

  • Dispatched in Mankind's darkest hour, we are knights of the blue flame!
  • In my right hand, I carry the sword of judgment, and in my left, the scales of justice. I serve the wings who govern the heavens. I am their word and their sword made flesh. Resistance will bring you only death!
  • The white wing proves innocence, the black wing reproves guilt. On behalf of God, we are those who judge your sins and deliver your punishments. Your trial is concluded... in the blink of an eye, and for all your crimes, you have been convicted!
  • White feathers for innocence, black feathers for darkest sin. We are the messengers of God, come to deliver righteous justice! Let sinners be punished! Let justice be done!
  • It... It's an honor to meet you, Hakumen, sir. Um, I... I, uh, really looked up to you. I mean how could I not!? You're a hero! A-A legend! My mother read me all the picture books about you, and I saw every single movie about the Six Heroes! I own them all too! And now you're right here in front of me! I feel like I must be dreaming! Aaaaah! Oh my god, what am I saying!?
  • So she was your childhood friend? That's pretty common. Sounds like she couldn't bear to leave you alone.
  • I think you don't need to ask for her forgiveness, because she never blamed you for anything. I... I don't know what else to say, but... Oh, I'm so sorry. That's very rude of me.
  • I really envy that lady... After all, it was because of her that you were able to beat the Black Beast, right? Someday... I'd like to be a woman like that.
  • So, this is Orient Town... What a lively place.
  • Wh-Why do I have to wear something so... so... scandalous!?
  • Wh-What are these!? U-Um, I think they might be a little... um... tight in the, ah... chest...
  • Tao? Um... this Tao person... D-Doesn't she wear pants!?
  • Wh-Wh-What on Earth is she thinking!? Is she crazy!?
  • No! They don't! That... that scrap of cloth doesn't hide anything! I might as well be naked!
  • How could I NOT be upset!?
  • There's something on your head!
  • That's... that's a panda, right?
  • Adorable? Don't make me laugh. They're nothing but lies and deception. They try to hide their murky, yellow eyes in those big black circles; they try to look cute, but I know better! If you let your guard down for even a second, it's all over...
  • What's wrong, Litchi!? Is the panda up to no good again!?
  • I'll do it! I'll do it, but first... um... This battle suit you gave me... I'm grateful for it, but th-the skirt is so... um, short... I... U-Um, I'm afraid people are going to see my... my... my p-panties, and... I'm sorry! Please let me fight in my own clothes!
  • My goodness... How much laundry can one woman have!? Nevermind. I've finally finished... now... Panda! Let her go!
  • Panda! How could you be so cruel! So evil!
  • Excuse me! Does anyone have a fresh Peking duck? Excuse me!
  • Your journey ends here, for I am the Boing Queen's right-hand woman! Tsubaki Yayoi, "The Alabaster Tempest!"
  • Wait! That's all the screen-time we get?!

Valkenhayn R. Hellsing

  • Welcome home, milady. Your tea awaits.
  • My sincerest apologies. I am Valkenhayn, butler to the Alucard family.
  • Yes, madam.
  • Would you mind terribly if we were to wait here until madam wakes up? She does so... dislike... being moved whilst asleep.
  • It is my dreeeeeaaam! Naaay, my calliiingggg! To acquire every single candy in the woooorrrlllldddd!
  • What the deuce?
  • Poppycock!
  • Behold the power... of the full moon! Night has now fallen, and the moon shines bright. The play is now through!
  • NO!
  • I am the wolf's fang! All that stands in my way...will be destroyed!
  • A thousand wolves howl! Bringing forth destruction!
  • My transformation is quite unusual, no?
  • Surely you can best an old man?
  • What a sad shadow of my youthful vigor...
  • I am here, madam.
  • But of course, milady. I don't wish to appear arrogant, or presumptuous, but please, allow me to explain. The item that Madam Rachel has placed upon the insect Ragna the Bloodedge are the legendary Spectacles of Eros, and a powerful item they are indeed. The effect will spread quickly through all of Kagutsuchi, and soon, no matter where Ragna may try to hide, the power of the Spectacles of Eros will exert their power over others. Everyone, even those who hated him, will come to love him. That... is the dreaded power of the Spectacles of Eros. The Spectacles of Eros were crafted so perfectly, in times of yore, that the person wearing them will not even feel their presence and will never know that they have become the bearer of such a powerful artifact.
  • You are too kind, madam.
  • Oh, Madam Rachel... why him?
  • Shut your insolent mouth, monster!
  • Oh my.
  • Ah, it appears my tea is ready.
  • Never again, you vile creature...! Shall we hear that laugh of yours?
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