
practice of watching television for a long time span

Binge-watching, also called binge-viewing or marathon-viewing, is the practice of watching content (TV, streaming services, etc.) for a long time span, usually a single television show. In a survey conducted by Netflix in February 2014, 73-percent of people define binge-watching as "watching between 2 – 6 episodes of the same TV show in one sitting." Researchers have argued that binge-watching should be defined based on the context and the actual content of the TV show.


  • Series Link, Netflix, iPlayer and of course, the staple box set have changed the way we watch TV and talk of ‘binge-watching’ is up some 200% on 2014. The days of missing an episode or having to wait a week for the next have been long gone for years, but screenwriters evidently upped their game in 2015 and we lost all self-control. We know, “Sorry, I can't make tonight”, likely means they’re on a final episode, while entire weekends have been spent devouring box sets such as Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black and Homeland.
  • Binge-viewing is fast becoming the new national pastime: 70% of U.S. consumers now binge-watch TV shows, with Americans gulping down an average of five episodes per marathon session, according to a study by consulting firm Deloitte...61% of streaming subscribers ranked Internet-video services among their three most-valued paid services, more than tripling in the last three years (from 17% in 2012)...Millennials aged 14-25 value streaming-video subscriptions to services like Netflix and Hulu Plus more than pay TV, while older cohorts still rated cable or satellite television higher. About 46% of Americans now subscribe to streaming video services, and consumers 14-25 now spend more time watching online-video services than live TV, according to the Deloitte study.
  • I find it so annoying when people say attention spans are getting shorter. They're not. The most popular thing in popular culture are set-piece television shows that people bingewatch[sic] for hours. People clearly have a perfectly functioning attention span.
    • Ira Glass in an interview with the Evening Standard
    • Fishwick, Samuel (April 22, 2020). "'People like stories' — Ira Glass on his podcast empire". Evening Standard.
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