Ludovico Ariosto
Italian poet
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Ludovico Ariosto (8 September 1474 – 6 July 1533) was an Italian poet, author of the epic poem Orlando Furioso (1516), "Orlando Enraged".

editOrlando Furioso (1532)
editWho gain experience from another's woe.
- Le donne i cavallier, l'arme, gli amori,
Le cortesie, l'audaci imprese io canto.- Of ladies, knights, of passions and of wars,
of courtliness, and of valiant deeds I sing. - Canto I, stanza 1 (tr. David R. Slavitt)
- Of ladies, knights, of passions and of wars,
- Che per amor venne in furore e matto,
d'huom che si saggio era stimato prima.- Driven raving mad by love—and he a man who had been always esteemed for his great prudence.
- Canto I, stanza 2 (tr. Guido Waldman); of Orlando.
- Ogni pelo arricciossi
E scolorossi al Saracino il viso,
La voce ch'era per uscir fermossi.- His hair stands up erect and from his face
All vestiges of colour seem to drain.
He tries to speak but can emit no trace
Of sound. - Canto I, stanza 29 (tr. Barbara Reynolds)
- His hair stands up erect and from his face
La verginella e simile alla rosa
Ch'in bel giardin' su la nativa spina
Mentre sola e sicura si riposa
Ne gregge ne pastor se le avvicina;
L'aura soave e l'alba rugiadosa,
L'acqua, la terra al suo favor s'inchina:
Gioveni vaghi e donne inamorate
Amano averne e seni e tempie ornate.Ma no si tosto dal materno stelo
Rimossa viene, e dal suo ceppo verde
Che quato havea dagli huoi e dal cielo
Favor gratia e bellezza tutto perde.- A virgin is like a rose: while she remains on the thorn whence she sprang, alone and safe in a lovely garden, no flock, no shepherd approaches. The gentle breeze and the dewy dawn, water, and earth pay her homage; amorous youths and loving maidens like to deck their brows with her, and their breasts. / But no sooner is she plucked from her mother-stalk, severed from her green stem, than she loses all, all the favour, grace, and beauty wherewith heaven and men endowed her.
- Canto I, stanzas 42–43 (tr. G. Waldman)
- Compare:
- Ut flos in saeptis secretus nascitur hortis,
Ignotus pecori, nullo contusus aratro,
Quem mulcent aurae, firmat sol, educat imber;
Multi illum pueri, multae optavere puellae:
idem cum tenui carptus defloruit ungui,
nulli illum pueri, nullae optavere puellae:
sic virgo, dum intacta manet, dum cara suis est;
cum castum amisit polluto corpore florem,
nec pueris iucunda manet, nec cara puellis.- As a flower springs up secretly in a fenced garden, unknown to the cattle, torn up by no plough, which the winds caress, the sun strengthens, the shower draws forth, many boys, many girls, desire it: so a maiden, whilst she remains untouched, so long she is dear to her own; when she has lost her chaste flower with sullied body, she remains neither lovely to boys nor dear to girls.
- Catullus, Carmina, LXII (tr. Francis Warre-Cornish)
- Ut flos in saeptis secretus nascitur hortis,
- Che chi ne l'acqua sta fin'alla gola
Ben'e ostinato se merce non grida.- For when the water is up to your neck you must be truly stubborn not to cry for help.
- Canto I, stanza 50 (tr. G. Waldman)
- Quel che l'huom vede Amor gli fa invisibile
E l'invisibil fa vedere Amore.- What a man sees, Love can make invisible—and what is invisible, that can Love make him see.
- Canto I, stanza 56 (tr. G. Waldman)
- Il miser suole
Dar facile credenza a quel che vuole.- A poor wretch will readily believe whatever suits him.
- Canto I, stanza 56 (tr. G. Waldman)
- Ingiustissimo Amor, perché sì raro
Corrispondenti fai nostri desiri?
Onde, perfido, avvien che t'è sì caro
Il discorde voler ch’in duo cor miri?- Ah, cruel Love! What is the reason why
You seldom make our longings correspond?
How is it, traitor, you rejoice to spy
Two hearts discordant, one repelled, one fond? - Canto II, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Ah, cruel Love! What is the reason why
- Sei giorni me n'andai matina e sera
Per balze e per pendici orride e strane,
Dove non via, dove sentier non era.- Six days I rode, from morn to setting sun,
By horrid cliff, by bottom dark and drear;
And giddy precipice, where path was none. - Canto II, stanza 41 (tr. William Stewart Rose)
- Six days I rode, from morn to setting sun,
- Che dona e tolle ogn'altro ben Fortuna;
Sol in virtù non ha possanza alcuna.- All else is Fortune's in this mortal state;
But Virtue soars beyond her love and hate. - Canto III, stanza 37 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- All else is Fortune's in this mortal state;
- Veniano sospirando, e gli occhi bassi
Parean tener d'ogni baldanza privi.- I saw them come towards us, deeply sighing,
Their gaze averted, of all hope devoid. - Canto III, stanza 61 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- I saw them come towards us, deeply sighing,
- Statti col dolce in bocca; e non ti doglia
Ch'amareggiare al fin non te la voglia.- Of them I thought it wiser not to treat.
So, leave the bitter and retain the sweet. - Canto III, stanza 62 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Of them I thought it wiser not to treat.
- Ben s'ode il ragionar, si vede il volto,
Ma dentro il petto mal giudicar possi.- Words one can hear, the face is plain to see:
The inmost heart one seldom can discern. - Canto V, stanza 8 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Words one can hear, the face is plain to see:
- Chi va lontan da la sua patria, vede
Cose, da quel che già credea, lontane;
Che narrandole poi, non se gli crede,
E stimato bugiardo ne rimane.- The traveller, he, whom sea or mountain sunder
From his own country, sees things strange and new;
That the misjudging vulgar, which lies under
The mist of ignorance, esteems untrue. - Canto VII, stanza 1 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- The traveller, he, whom sea or mountain sunder
- Ch'aver può donna al mondo più di buono,
A cui la castità levata sia?- For what in all the world is left to her
Whose chastity is lost? - Canto VIII, stanza 42 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- For what in all the world is left to her
- Qual d'acqua chiara il tremolante lume,
Dal sol percossa o da' notturni rai,
Per gli ampli tetti va con lungo salto
A destra et a sinistra, e basso et alto.- As on the crystal surface of a lake
The trembling shafts of sunlight mirrored are,
Leaping to roof-top, and, at random glancing,
Sparkle and gleam, in all directions dancing. - Canto VIII, stanza 71 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- As on the crystal surface of a lake
- L'amante, per aver quel che desia,
Senza guardar che Dio tutto ode e vede,
Aviluppa promesse e giuramenti,
Che tutti spargon poi per l'aria i venti.- The youth, who pants to gain the amorous prize,
Forgets that Heaven with all-discerning eyes
Surveys the secret heart; and when desire
Has, in possession, quenched its short-lived fire,
The devious winds aside each promise bear,
And scatter all his solemn vows in air! - Canto X, stanza 5 (tr. John Hoole)
- The youth, who pants to gain the amorous prize,
- Bene è felice quel, donne mie care,
Ch'essere accorto all'altrui spese impare.- Reflect, ye gentle dames, that much they know,
Who gain experience from another's woe. - Canto X, stanza 6 (tr. J. Hoole)
- Reflect, ye gentle dames, that much they know,
- Non vi vieto per questo (ch'avrei torto)
Che vi lasciate amar; che senza amante
Sareste come inculta vite in orto,
Che non ha palo ove s'appoggi o piante.- But not on that account (for I'd be wrong)
Would I advise you, ladies, to shun love,
For like a vine untended, with no strong
Support to cling to, you would be. - Canto X, stanza 9 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- But not on that account (for I'd be wrong)
- Che rilevare un che Fortuna ruote
Talora al fondo, e consolar l'afflitto,
Mai non fu biasmo, ma gloria sovente.- Since to raise up and comfort in distress
Whom Fortune's wheel beats down in changeful run,
Was never blamed; with glory oftener paid. - Canto X, stanza 14 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Since to raise up and comfort in distress
- Natura il fece, e poi roppe la stampa.
- Nature broke the mould
In which she cast him. - Canto X, stanza 84 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Variant translation: Nature made him, and then broke the mould.
- Compare: "I think Nature hath lost the mould / Where she her shape did take; / Or else I doubt if Nature could / So fair a creature make." A Praise of his Lady, in Tottel's Miscellany (1557). Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey wrote similar lines, in A Praise of his Love (before 1547). Compare also: "Sighing that Nature formed but one such man, / And broke the die—in moulding Sheridan." Lord Byron, Monody on the Death of the Rt. Hon. R. B. Sheridan, line 117. As reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations (1922).
- Nature broke the mould
- Quivi il crudo tiranno Amor, che sempre
D'ogni promessa sua fu disleale,
E sempre guarda come involva e stempre
Ogni nostro disegno razionale.- And in that place the cruel tyrant, Love,
Who treacherously every promise breaks,
Who bides his time and watches every move,
And every chance to thwart true lovers takes. - Canto XIII, stanza 20 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- And in that place the cruel tyrant, Love,
- Cader de la padella ne le brage.
- Falling from the pan
Into the fire beneath. - Canto XIII, stanza 30 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Falling from the pan
- Che non pur per cittadi e per castella,
Ma per tuguri ancora e per fenili
Spesso si trovan gli uomini gentili.- Do not only look
For gentlefolk in castles: everywhere,
In humble dwellings and in haylofts, too,
The hearts of men are often kind and true. - Canto XIV, stanza 62 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Do not only look
- Fu il vincer sempremai laudabil cosa,
Vincasi o per fortuna o per ingegno.- To win was always deemed a splendid thing,
Whether it be by fortune or by skill. - Canto XV, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- To win was always deemed a splendid thing,
- Che chi si truova in degno laccio preso,
Se ben di sé vede sua donna schiva,
Se in tutto aversa al suo desire acceso;
Se bene Amor d'ogni mercede il priva,
Poscia che 'l tempo e la fatica ha speso;
Pur ch'altamente abbia locato il core,
Pianger non de', se ben languisce e muore.- Whoever in a noble noose is caught,
Although his lady may but ill receive
His ardour and thus render him distraught,
And no reward for his devotion give,
Whence all his time and labour come to naught,
Yet, if his heart be worthily bestowed,
No lamentation to his grief is owed. - Canto XVI, stanza 2 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Whoever in a noble noose is caught,
- Bisognan di valor segni più chiari,
Che por con leggiadria la lancia in resta:
Ma fortuna anco più bisogna assai;
Che senza, val virtù raro o non mai.- The harsh realities of war impose
More searching tests of valour, be it said,
Than grace and style; and fortune too is needed,
Without which valour seldom has succeeded. - Canto XVI, stanza 46 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- The harsh realities of war impose
- Un magnanimo cor morte non prezza,
Presta o tarda che sia, pur che ben muora.- The brave can death despise,
And dies contented, if with fame he dies. - Canto XVII, stanza 15 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- The brave can death despise,
- Che l'uomo il suo destin fugge di raro.
- For rarely man escapes his destiny.
- Canto XVIII, stanza 58 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Se non volea pulir sua scusa tanto,
Che la facesse di menzogna rea.- But that he wrought so high the specious tale,
As manifested plainly, 'twas a lie. - Canto XVIII, stanza 84 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- But that he wrought so high the specious tale,
- Che ben pigliar nel crin la buona sorte
Carlo sapea, quando volgea la faccia.- To Fortune's forelock Charles knew how to cling
When favourable to him her face she showed. - Canto XVIII, stanza 161 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- To Fortune's forelock Charles knew how to cling
- Che sarebbe pensier non troppo accorto,
Perder duo vivi per salvar un morto.- For it would be indeed a foolish plan,
Two living men to lose for one dead man. - Canto XVIII, stanza 189 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- For it would be indeed a foolish plan,
- Alcun non può saper da chi sia amato,
Quando felice in su la ruota siede:
Però c'ha i veri e i finti amici a lato,
Che mostran tutti una medesma fede.
Se poi si cangia in tristo il lieto stato,
Volta la turba adulatrice il piede;
E quel che di cor ama riman forte,
Ed ama il suo signor dopo la morte.- No man can know by whom he's truly loved
When high on Fortune's wheel he sits, serene.
His friends surround him, true and false, unproved,
And the same loyalty in all is seen.
When to catastrophe the wheel is moved
The crowd of flatterers passes from the scene;
But he who loves his lord with all his heart
Remains, nor after death does he depart. - Canto XIX, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- No man can know by whom he's truly loved
- Non è la via di dominar, se vuoi
Por l'arme in mano a chi può più di noi.- To arm a hand more powerful than your own
Is an ill method to maintain the throne. - Canto XX, stanza 52 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- To arm a hand more powerful than your own
- Che quant' era più ornata, era più brutta.
- Who seems most hideous when adorned the most.
- Canto XX, stanza 116 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Compare:
- Beauty when most unclothed is clothed best.
- Phineas Fletcher, Sicelides (1614), Act II, scene iv
- In naked beauty more adorned,
More lovely than Pandora.- John Milton, Paradise Lost (1674), Book IV, line 713
- For Loveliness
Needs not the foreign aid of ornament,
But is, when unadorned, adorned the most.- James Thomson, The Seasons, "Autumn" (1730), line 204
- Beauty when most unclothed is clothed best.
- Fatto per timor, nullo è il contratto.
- Void is contract made in fear.
- Canto XXI, stanza 43 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Come ordine era dato, il tutto avvenne,
Che 'l consiglio del mal va raro invano.- As it was ordered, all fell out aright,
For seldom ill design is schemed in vain. - Canto XXI, stanza 48 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- As it was ordered, all fell out aright,
- Come ne l'alto mar legno talora,
Che da duo venti sia percosso e vinto,
Ch'ora uno inanzi l'ha mandato, ed ora
Un altro al primo termine respinto,
E l'han girato da poppa e da prora.- There can be times at sea when a ship is tossed
by two different winds, one of which propels
it forward while the other one is crossed
or retrograde, and among the powerful swells
it turns and yaws as if the crew were lost. - Canto XXI, stanza 53 (tr. D. R. Slavitt)
- There can be times at sea when a ship is tossed
- Gabrina tenne sempre gli occhi bassi,
Perché non ben risposta al vero dassi.- Gabrina kept her eyes upon the ground,
For to the truth no answer can be found. - Canto XXI, stanza 69 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Gabrina kept her eyes upon the ground,
- Sì secreto alcuno esser non puote,
Ch'al lungo andar non sia chi 'l vegga e note.- But so secretive nobody can be
That someone does not notice finally. - Canto XXII, stanza 39 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- But so secretive nobody can be
- Convien chi ride, anco talor si lagni,
E Fortuna talor trovi ribella.- Who laughs, as well will sometimes have to plain,
And find that Fortune will by fits rebel. - Canto XXII, stanza 70 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Who laughs, as well will sometimes have to plain,
- Dice il proverbio, ch'a trovar si vanno
Gli uomini spesso, e i monti fermi stanno.- Men seek each other out, the proverb says,
The mountain, motionless, unchanging stays. - Canto XXIII, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Men seek each other out, the proverb says,
- Ch'ovunque io vada o stia,
Mi fa sempre apparir la luce mia.- Wherever I am, people always know
as if a spotlight were on me with its glow. - Canto XXIII, stanza 36 (tr. D. R. Slavitt)
- Wherever I am, people always know
- Di voce in voce e d'una in altra orecchia
Il grido e 'l bando per la terra scorse.- From voice to voice, from one to other ear,
The loud proclaim they through the town declare. - Canto XXIII, stanza 48 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- From voice to voice, from one to other ear,
- Quale è di pazzia segno più espresso
Che, per altri voler, perder se stesso?- What sign is there more plain
Than self-destruction, of a mind insane? - Canto XXIV, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- What sign is there more plain
- A chi in amor s'invecchia, oltr'ogni pena,
Si convengono i ceppi e la catena.- He who grows old in love, besides all pain
Which waits such passion, well deserves a chain. - Canto XXIV, stanza 2 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- He who grows old in love, besides all pain
- Sempre che l'inimico è più possente,
Più chi perde accettabile ha la scusa.- The stronger is the enemy, the more
Easily is the vanquished side excused. - Canto XXIV, stanza 32 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- The stronger is the enemy, the more
- Cieco a dargline impresa, e non por mente
Che 'l fuoco arde la paglia facilmente.- Blind when I gave him such a trust, nor saw
How easily the fire consumes the straw. - Canto XXIV, stanza 39 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Blind when I gave him such a trust, nor saw
- Armatura d'Orlando paladino;
Come volesse dir: nessun la muova,
Che star non possa con Orlando a prova.- 'Arms of Orlando, paladin',
By this inscription meaning to deter
Whoever saw the splendid trophy shine,
As though to say: 'Hands off, all who pass by,
Unless Orlando's strength you wish to try.' - Canto XXIV, stanza 57 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- 'Arms of Orlando, paladin',
- Dunque Amor sempre rio non si ritrova:
Se spesso nuoce, anco talvolta giova.- Love is not always evil, truth to tell;
Though harm he does, he serves the good as well. - Canto XXV, stanza 2 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Love is not always evil, truth to tell;
- Natura d'ogni cosa più possente.
- The master-hand of Nature is supreme.
- Canto XXV, stanza 37 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Che l'amar senza speme è sogno e ciancia.
- For hopeless love is but a dream and shade.
- Canto XXV, stanza 49 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Molti consigli de le donne sono
Meglio improviso, ch'a pensarvi, usciti.- The advice of women, if spontaneous,
Is better than if pondered well, and weighed. - Canto XXVII, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- The advice of women, if spontaneous,
- Come l'uom né per star né per fuggire,
Al suo fisso destin può contradire.- [As] a man, whether he stay or flee,
Cannot evade his hour of destiny. - Canto XXVII, stanza 26 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- [As] a man, whether he stay or flee,
- E tratto da la colera, aventosse
Col pugno chiuso al re di Sericana.- And over mastered by his choler, flies
With a clenched fist at him of Sericane. - Canto XXVII, stanza 63 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- And over mastered by his choler, flies
- Che de le spine ancor nascon le rose,
E d'una fetida erba nasce il giglio.- For roses also blossom on the thorn,
And the fair lily springs from loathsome weed. - Canto XXVII, stanza 121 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- For roses also blossom on the thorn,
- Il volgare ignorante ognun riprenda,
E parli più di quel che meno intenda.- In blaming others, fools their folly show,
And most attempt to speak when least they know. - Canto XXVIII, stanza 1 (tr. J. Hoole)
- In blaming others, fools their folly show,
- Che talor cresce una beltà un bel manto.
- For beauty is enhanced by clothes of style.
- Canto XXVIII, stanza 12 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- So ben ch'in tutto il gran femineo stuolo
Una non è che stia contenta a un solo.- Of all the sex this certain truth is known,
No woman yet was ever content with one. - Canto XXVIII, stanza 50 (tr. J. Hoole)
- Of all the sex this certain truth is known,
- Non far altrui quel che patir non vuoi.
- To others never do
That which yourselves would wish undone to you. - Canto XXVIII, stanza 82 (tr. J. Hoole)
- To others never do
- Né spegner può, per starne l'acqua, il fuoco,
Né può stato mutar, per mutar loco.- Such fire was not by water to be drowned,
Nor he his nature changed by changing ground. - Canto XXVIII, stanza 89 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Such fire was not by water to be drowned,
- O degli uomini inferma e instabil mente!
Come siàn presti a variar disegno!
Tutti i pensier mutamo facilmente,
Più quei che nascon d’amoroso sdegno.- Behold the state of man's unstable mind,
Still prone to change with every changing wind!
All our resolves are weak, but weakest prove
Where sprung from sense of disappointed love. - Canto XXIX, stanza 1 (tr. J. Hoole)
- Behold the state of man's unstable mind,
- Quasi ascosi avea gli occhi ne la testa,
La faccia macra, e come un osso asciutta,
La chioma rabuffata, orrida e mesta,
La barba folta, spaventosa e brutta.- His eyes were almost sunken in his head;
His face was thin and fleshless as a bone.
His tangled, bristling hair, inspiring dread,
And shaggy beard were wild to look upon. - Canto XXIX, stanza 60 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- His eyes were almost sunken in his head;
- La Fortuna, che dei pazzi ha cura.
- Fortune, who takes care of the insane.
- Canto XXX, stanza 15 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Che dolce più, che più giocondo stato
Saria di quel d'un amoroso core?
Se non fosse l'uom sempre stimulato
Da quel sospetto rio, da quel timore,
Da quel martìr, da quella frenesia,
Da quella rabbia detta gelosia.- What sweeter bliss and what more blessed state
Can be imagined than a loving heart,
But for the torment which Man suffers, that
Suspicion, sinister and deep, that smart,
That aching wretchedness, that malady,
That frenzied rage, which we call jealousy? - Canto XXXI, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- What sweeter bliss and what more blessed state
- Non conosce la pace e non l'estima
Chi provato non ha la guerra prima.- Man cannot relish peace before
He has experienced a state of war. - Canto XXXI, stanza 2 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Man cannot relish peace before
- Premio al ben servire
Pur viene al fin, se ben tarda a venire.- This too can be endured, though it is hard:
A lover in the end has his reward. - Canto XXXI, stanza 3 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- This too can be endured, though it is hard:
- Misero è ben chi veder schiva il sole!
- Most wretched is the mortal that would shun
To look upon the visage of the sun. - Canto XXXII, stanza 23 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Most wretched is the mortal that would shun
- Che tosto o buona o ria che la fama esce
Fuor d'una bocca, in infinito cresce.- For—good or bad—though from one mouth it flows,
Fame to a boundless torrent quickly grows. - Canto XXXII, stanza 32 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- For—good or bad—though from one mouth it flows,
- Amor de' far gentile un cor villano,
E non far d'un gentil contrario effetto.- Love should make a churlish nature kind,
And not transform to rude a gentle breast. - Canto XXXII, stanza 93 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Love should make a churlish nature kind,
- A me non par che ben deciso,
Né che ben giusto alcun giudicio cada,
Ove prima non s'oda quanto nieghi
La parte o affermi, e sue ragioni alleghi.- Partial and unwise
Your judgment seems, as well all judgments may,
Wherein the losing party has not room
To plead before the judge pronounces doom. - Canto XXXII, stanza 101 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Partial and unwise
- E quel che non si sa non si de' dire,
E tanto men, quando altri n'ha a patire.- What is not proved should not be used in court,
And even less, if someone it may hurt. - Canto XXXII, stanza 102 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- What is not proved should not be used in court,
- In mura, in tetti, in pavimenti sparte
Eran le perle, eran le ricche gemme.- Inlaid on walls, on roof-tops and on floors,
Are rarest pearls and other precious gems. - Canto XXXIII, stanza 105 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Inlaid on walls, on roof-tops and on floors,
- Proprio è a noi peccar sovente,
A voi perdonar sempre a chi si pente.- 'Tis our bent
To sin, and thine to pardon who repent. - Canto XXXIII, stanza 114 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- 'Tis our bent
- Natura inchina al male, e viene a farsi
L'abito poi difficile a mutarsi.- Nature inclines to ill, through all her range,
And use is second nature, hard to change. - Canto XXXVI, stanza 1 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Nature inclines to ill, through all her range,
- Che voglion tutti gli ordini e le leggi,
Che chi dà morte altrui debba esser morto.- For human laws and laws divine ordain,
Who slays another, shall himself be slain. - Canto XXXVI, stanza 33 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- For human laws and laws divine ordain,
- Come cosa buona non si trova
Che duri sempre, così ancor né ria.- As nought good endures beneath the skies,
So ill endures no more. - Canto XXXVII, stanza 7 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- As nought good endures beneath the skies,
- Ma 'l populo facea come i più fanno,
Ch'ubbidiscon più a quei che più in odio hanno.- But such their power who rule with tyrant sway,
Whom most they loath the people most obey. - Canto XXXVII, stanza 104 (tr. J. Hoole)
- But such their power who rule with tyrant sway,
- Com'è in proverbio, ognun corre a far legna
All'arbore che 'l vento in terra getta.- No man, the proverb says, will hesitate
To gather firewood from a fallen tree. - Canto XXXVII, stanza 106 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- No man, the proverb says, will hesitate
- Chi mal opra, male al fine aspetta.
- Ill doers in the end shall ill receive.
- Canto XXXVII, stanza 106 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Ch'un almo gaudio, un così gran contento
Non potrebbe comprare oro né argento.- For such a sovereign joy, a prize so high
No silver and no gold could ever buy. - Canto XXXVIII, stanza 2 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- For such a sovereign joy, a prize so high
- O bene o mal che la Fama ci apporti,
Signor, di sempre accrescere ha in usanza.- Rumour her tidings, whether bad or good,
Has always tended to exaggerate. - Canto XXXVIII, stanza 42 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Rumour her tidings, whether bad or good,
- Dolce cosa era la patria.
- Home was sweet.
- Canto XXXIX, stanza 63 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Molti diran che non si de' osservare
Quel ch'era ingiusto e illicito a giurare.- Many would say, that oaths unbinding are,
Which 'tis unlawful and unjust to swear. - Canto XL, stanza 67 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Many would say, that oaths unbinding are,
- Mugliando sopra il mar va il gregge bianco.
- And Neptune's white herd lows above the main.
- Canto XLI, stanza 9 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Le agghiacciò il sangue e impallidille il volto.
- [He] blanched her cheek and froze her youthful blood.
- Canto XLI, stanza 33 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Così fa ch'ella un poco il duol raffrena;
Ch'avendo ove sfogarlo, è meno acerbo.- And thus she helps the Maid to check her grief
Which, being vented, is less bitter now. - Canto XLII, stanza 28 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- And thus she helps the Maid to check her grief
- Ben che stia mal che l'uom se stesso lodi.
- Though it becomes not man himself to praise.
- Canto XLIII, stanza 12 (tr. W. S. Rose)
- Che quella che da l'oro e da l'argento
Difende il cor di pudicizia armato,
Tra mille spade via più facilmente
Difenderallo, e in mezzo al fuoco ardente.- She who can stand against an armament
Of gold and silver and still pure remain,
Would find a thousand swords' attack less dire
A peril, or survive in raging fire. - Canto XLIII, stanza 68 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- She who can stand against an armament
- Dovea in memoria avere il signor mio,
Che l'oro e 'l premio ogni durezza inchina;
Ma, quando bisognò, l'ebbe in oblio,
Ed ei si procacciò la sua ruina.- My master ought to have remembered what
A glittering prize can do to bend the will,
Yet at the crucial moment he forgot
And all his fortune changed from good to ill. - Canto XLIII, stanza 70 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- My master ought to have remembered what
- A donna né bellezza,
Né nobiltà, né gran fortuna basta,
Sì che di vero onor monti in altezza,
Se per nome e per opre non è casta.- Not beauty, not nobility,
Not fortune will suffice to raise a wife
To highest honour and esteem if she
Neglects to lead a chaste and seemly life. - Canto XLIII, stanza 84 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Not beauty, not nobility,
- Perché il bisogno a dispogliar gli altari
ra' l'uom talvolta, che sel trova avere.- Want is a master which can sometimes make
A man the gravest sacrilege commit. - Canto XLIII, stanza 90 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Want is a master which can sometimes make
- Ch'ove femine son, son liti e risse.
- Where women are, are arguments and strife.
- Canto XLIII, stanza 120 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- Uno il saluta, un altro se gl'inchina,
Altri la mano, altri gli bacia il piede:
Ognun, quanto più può, se gli avvicina,
E beato si tien chi appresso il vede,
E più chi 'l tocca; che toccar divina
E sopranatural cosa si crede.
Lo pregan tutti, e vanno al ciel le grida,
Che sia lor re, lor capitan, lor guida.- One man saluted him, another bowed,
Some kissed his hand, still others kissed his foot;
Whoever touched him, joyful was and proud,
For supernatural he seemed, if not
Divine; jostling around him in a crowd,
As close as possible the Bulgars got,
And clamoured for him raucously and cried
To be their king, their captain and their guide. - Canto XLIV, stanza 97 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- One man saluted him, another bowed,
- Quanto più su l'instabil ruota vedi
Di Fortuna ire in alto il miser uomo,
Tanto più tosto hai da vedergli i piedi
Ove ora ha il capo, e far cadendo il tomo.- The higher up on Fortune's wheel you see
A wretch ascend, the sooner he will fall,
And where his head is now, his feet will be. - Canto XLV, stanza 1 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- The higher up on Fortune's wheel you see
- Si vede per gli esempi di che piene
Sono l'antiche e le moderne istorie,
Che 'l ben va dietro al male, e 'l male al bene,
E fin son l'un de l'altro e biasmi e glorie;
E che fidarsi a l'uom non si conviene
In suo tesor, suo regno e sue vittorie,
Né disperarsi per Fortuna avversa,
Che sempre la sua ruota in giro versa.- From history's examples we conclude,
And modern instances teach us the same:
Good follows Evil, Evil follows Good,
Shame ends in glory, glory ends in shame.
Thus it is evident that no man should
Put trust in victories or wealth or fame,
Nor yet despair if Fortune is adverse:
She turns her wheel for better, as for worse. - Canto XLV, stanza 4 (tr. B. Reynolds)
- From history's examples we conclude,
- Ordina l'uomo e Dio dispone.
- Man proposes, and God disposes.
- Canto XLVI, stanza 35
Quotes about Ariosto
edit- Se non è vero, è molto ben trovato.
- If it is not true it is very well invented.
- Giordano Bruno, De gli eroici furori (1585). Of Ariosto's Orlando Furioso, as reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations (1922).
- But in a farther age shall rise along
The banks of Po two greater still than he;
The world which smiled on him shall do them wrong
Till they are ashes, and repose with me.
The first [Ariosto] will make an epoch with his lyre
And fill the earth with feats of chivalry:
His fancy like a rainbow, and his fire,
Like that of Heaven, immortal, and his thought
Borne onward with a wing that cannot tire;
Pleasure shall, like a butterfly new caught,
Flutter her lovely pinions o'er his theme,
And Art itself seem into Nature wrought
By the transparency of his bright dream.- Lord Byron, The Prophecy of Dante (1821), Canto III, lines 106–118 (pp. 31–32)
- I found that I had an affinity with writers like Ariosto and Tasso, at least to the extent of loving their poetry. (“Those allegories of Ariosto and Tasso were in some ways very futuristic with those fantastic voyages-they were almost like science fiction without the science.”) Of course they didn't really have science to use. But they had a similarly disciplined imagination.
- 1982 interview in Conversations with Ursula Le Guin
- Ce qui m'a surtout charmé dans ce prodigieux ouvrage, c'est que l'auteur, toujours au-dessus de sa matière, la traite en badinant. Il dit les choses les plus sublimes sans effort; et il les finit souvent par un trait de plaisanterie qui n'est ni déplacé ni recherché. C'est à la foi l'Iliade, l'Odyssée, et Don Quichotte: car son principal chevalier errant devient fou comme le héros espagnol, et est infiniment plus plaisant. Il y a bien plus, on s'intéresse à Roland, et personne ne s'intéresse à Don Quichotte, qui n'est représenté dans Cervantes que comme un insensé à qui on fait continuellement des malices.
- What has especially delighted me in this prodigious work [Orlando Furioso] is that its author, always in command of his material, treats it with gay badinage. He effortlessly gives voice to the sublimest things only to finish them with a twist of pleasantry which is neither out of place nor recherché. It is the Iliad and the Odyssey and Don Quixote all rolled into one—for his principal knight errant goes mad like the Spanish hero, and is infinitely more attractive. Furthermore Orlando captures one’s interest while no one is interested in Don Quixote, whom Cervantes represents simply as a fool on whom japes are constantly practised.
- Voltaire, Dictionnaire Philosophique, article Epopée; English translation from Orlando Furioso by Guido Waldman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), p. xiv
editThe following English translations have been used throughout:
- Orlando Furioso: A New Verse Translation, trans. David R. Slavitt (Harvard University Press, 2010), ISBN 978-0674053519
- Orlando Furioso, trans. Guido Waldman (OUP Oxford, 1999), ISBN 978-0191605857
- Orlando Furioso: Part One, trans. Barbara Reynolds (Penguin Books, 1975), ISBN 978-0140443110
- Orlando Furioso: Part Two, trans. Barbara Reynolds (Penguin UK, 1991), ISBN 978-0141960517
- The Orlando Furioso, trans. William Stewart Rose (1823–1831)
- Orlando Furioso, trans. John Hoole (1783)
External links
edit- William Stewart Rose's translation of Orlando Furioso – full text online