Allison Elaine Bailey (born 1970) is a retired British barrister and a co-founder of the LGB Alliance. During her legal career, working in London, England, she specialised in criminal defence law. Bailey initiated an employment tribunal claim against her legal chambers and Stonewall in 2020, winning her case against her former employers. The case attracted public and media attention, particularly in relation to the Diversity Champions programme. She announced her retirement from the Bar and resignation from her chambers on her website effective 31 March 2023.

Quotes edit

  • There are many of us within the LGBT community who fully support trans rights but who do not support the trans extremism which is currently being advocated by Stonewall and others. I emphatically object to any formal association with Stonewall.
  • This win demonstrated the discrimination and aggravated discrimination to which I personally was subjected by a set of barristers who define and present themselves as defenders of human rights, but it also demonstrated the institutional approaches and beliefs that cause that discrimination to arise - as is now being demonstrated in other cases brought by other women against other institutions.

About Allison Bailey edit

  • Any ideology that cannot be questioned is dangerous and yet that is how Stonewall have infiltrated so many of our institutions.
    In picking on Bailey they have found a woman who has fought her entire life. Is this really a good look, Stonewall? Trying to destroy a black lesbian?
    We watch agog. Bailey, like any other woman, gay or straight, can think what the hell she likes. Is she really your enemy, Stonewall? Seriously, who do you represent now?
  • That a gay rights charity stands accused of discriminating against a black lesbian illustrates how wrong it is to assume the rights and interests of all LGBTQ+ people perfectly align. Of course, that has not stopped white men telling Bailey that her concept of womanhood is not only wrong, it makes her a bigot.

External links edit

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