Aisa Kirabo Kacyira

Deputy Executive Director and Assistant Secretary-General for the UN-Habitat

Aisa Kirabo Kacyira is a Rwandese diplomat who was Deputy Executive Director Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme from 2011 to 2018. In this capacity, she has played a significant role in developing sustainable cities and human settlements across the world, working closely with both governmental and non-governmental organizations. She was formerly the Governor of the Eastern Province of Rwanda, and was the Mayor of Kigali from 2006 to 2011.


  • Urbanization is not an accident, it is not something that is falling on us, it is something that we can think of, plan, lead in the way we want, and get us where we want.
  • My Mission in life has been maybe not so much to focus on myself as on the difference I make to the people I serve.
    • Dr Aisa Kirabo Kacyira 2017 Outstanding Alumni Award Winner JCU: James Cook University, Australia (September 28, 2017)
  • We need to ensure that the process of engagement, will finally capture the key issues and guide the policy in a manner that captures the views of the people and provide values on research that will enable the urbanization to be implemented.
  • For urbanization to be successful and transform the lives of people, it has to be accompanied by several factors, which include planning by local government authorities and the engagement of people.
  • Often time people are marginalized in the process, and we are now seeing the process of development in the cities being characterized with slums due to lack of planning.
  • Planning is about doing it with people, and cities can become sustainable with careful planning. The bigger the city, the more it becomes susceptible to problems. Another factor to consider also is the need to address land governance issues when planning for the development of a city.
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