Zainab Gimba

Nigerian politician

Zainab Gimba (born 25 December 1972) is a Nigerian politician. She was elected to the Nigerian House of Representatives as a candidate of the ruling party APC in the federal constituency of Bama/Ngala/Kala Balge constituency, Borno State. She is a member of Commonwealth parliamentary Association and advocates for representation and maintenance of gender equality.


  • Breaking down biases against women parliamentarians requires concentrated efforts, adopting a moral situation strategy to engage female parliamentarians and community leaders on what community stand to gain when more women go to the parliament. Women focus in the parliament should regularly should regularly engage with political party leaders, civil society organization, as well as socio-cultural organizations for an enlighten conversations. We must go beyond the strategic approaches and begin to appeal to the sensibilities of the men as every items to push for more women representations in Nigeria through legislation have failed.
    • WD 2022 | Zainab Gimba MP (Nigeria) | #BreakTheBias. Commonwealth Parliamentary March 18, 2022
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