Yiannis Laouris

Cypriot neuroscientist

Yiannis Laouris, (born September 30, 1958) is a Greek Cypriot social, business and science entrepreneur, trained neurophysiologist, and systems scientist known especially for his socially responsible work and scientific contributions in the fields of peace and development through the application of modern technology and the science of structured dialogic design.

Yiannis Laouris



mLearn International Conference (2005)


Key-note talk in the 2005 mLearn International Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, Laouris, Y.; Eteokleous, N. (2005). We need an educationally relevant definition of mobile learning, Proceedings of mLearn (Vol. 2005), South Africa.

  • The computer constitutes the first human construction that aspired to amplify mental rather than physical human powers.
  • The mobile phone marks the appearance of a new “organ” (called the third hear-and-talk organ) in the evolutionary time line; one that extends the human language system, both on the receiving (i.e., hearing) and the sending (i.e., speech) end.
  • For the physically disadvantaged, the mobile phone (and more generally, the virtual identity that may accompany it) makes their problem disappear (no one can tell on the phone how you look, i.e., if you are paralyzed or if you are ugly) by lending them an “invisible” body.
  • The invention of mobile technologies has demolished distance and boundaries (private or public), and it will soon even demolish the very concept of what it means to be here or there.
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