Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon is a 1985 martial arts/cop film about a police detective that cracks down on organized crime in Chinatown, Manhattan, New York City, New York after the murders of Triad and Mafia leaders in the heroin trade.

Directed by Michael Cimino and written by Robert Daley, Oliver Stone and Michael Cimino.
It isn't the Bronx or Brooklyn. It isn't even New York. It's Chinatown... and it's about to explode

Stanley White

  • The first time I saw you, I hated your guts. I think I even hated you before I met you. I hated you on TV. I hated you in Vietnam. You want to know what's destroying this country? It's not booze. It's not drugs. It's TV. It's media. It's people like you. It's vampires. I hate the way you make your living sticking microphones in people's faces. You lie every night at 6:00. I hate the way you kill real feelings. I hate everything that you stand for. Most of all, I hate rich kids and I hate this place. So why do I want to fuck you so bad?
  • I'm no Italian. I'm a Polack. And I can't be bought.

Joey Tai

  • Dollars are like small fish, difficult to catch, but not to be thrown back except as bait for something bigger.

Herbert Kwong

  • I die, I'm fucked. My family's fucked.


Tracy Tzu: You're acting like a child.
Stanley White: Well, a great man is one who in manhood still keeps the heart of a child.

Stanley White: One last thing. The next cop that I hear about who's taking money in this precinct, I'm gonna personally bust him in the mouth. Are there any questions?
Woman Officer: What if it's a woman?
Stanley White: She better bend over!

Tracy Tzu: Captain McKenna, any leads in the murder of Jackie Wong?
William McKenna: Nothing at this time.
Tracy Tzu: Do you think this killing means there's some kind of war going on in the Chinatown Tongs?
William McKenna: No, I don't. This is basically a situation where the youth gangs are lashing out at the establishment. The community is cooperating. The situation's under control.

Tracy Tzu: I think you upset him.
Stanley White: I certainly hope so.

Louis Bukowski: You care too much, Stanley.
Stanley White: How can anybody care too much?

Stanley White: A fish stinks from the head down.
Harry Yung: The Chinese eat the head.

Stanley White: You were right; I'm was wrong. Sorry. I'd like to be a nice guy. I would. I just don't know how to be nice.
Tracy Tzu: You're really cracked. You know that? [Kisses Stanley]


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