Wikiquote:Theme pages

This is an essay. It is not a policy or guideline; it merely reflects some opinions of its author(s). Please update the page as needed, or discuss it on the talk page.

Purpose of theme pages


The purpose of theme pages is to provide Wikiquote readers with valuable information and insight on the page topic.

Criteria for inclusion of quotations on theme pages


Some criteria that are relevant in determining whether a quotation is suitable for inclusion in a Wikiquote page include:

  • Is the quotation from a notable source?
  • Is the quotation adequately sourced?
  • Does the quotation meet Wikiquote's standard of quotability?
  • For quotations from foreign sources, does the translation come from a reliable published source?
  • If Wikiquote editors are translating a text themselves, original text in original language should be provided and translation should be checked by other editors.

In the case of theme pages, the following additional criteria are relevant in determining whether a quotation is suitable for inclusion:

  • Does the quotation provide the reader with valuable information and insight on the page topic?
  • Is the quotation comprehensible standing alone, outside the context from which it is quoted?
  • Is the article topic also the primary topic of the quotation? Or is the article topic mentioned only incidentally in the quotation?
  • What fraction of words in the quotation are included to provide necessary context, and what fraction to provide information and insight on the page topic?
  • Quotations that require very lengthy preambles to provide context before reaching the portion relevant to the page topic may not be suitable for including on theme pages.

How many quotations from the same source should be included in theme pages?


The number of quotations from one source that can reasonably be included will depend on:

  • The notability of the source
  • The association of the source with the theme topic
  • e.g. It would be appropriate to include numerous quotes from a sociologist in Sociology, but ordinarily would not be appropriate to include numerous quotes from a musician, etc.