Village of the Damned (1995 film)

1995 film by John Carpenter

Village of the Damned is a 1995 film about the women of small town who give birth to alien children posing as humans. It is a remake of the 1960 film of the same name.

Directed by John Carpenter. Written by David Himmelstein, based on the novel The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham.
Beware the Children  (taglines)

Mara Chaffee

  • You are a prisoner of your values, and you won't be able to deceive us. You know that, don't you?

David McGowan

  • There's no need for you to become emotional. I'm old enough to do things by myself.
  • Why should I be experiencing emotion at this moment? What is that word you're thinking? What is empathy?... So, if I have felt pain, I should be able to identify with others who feel pain?


  • Reverend George: They have the look of man... but not the nature of mankind.


Dr. Susan Verner: What can you read that's in my head?
Mara Chaffee: Everything that is active in your mind. However, the path that leads to the speaking process eludes us. Why to you speak some thoughts but not others?
Dr. Susan Verner: Wouldn't it be a noisy world if we all said what we thought?

Dr. Alan Chaffee: Another man is dead. Why do you hate us so much, Mara?
Mara Chaffee: It isn't a matter of hate. It is a biological obligation. You are thinking of what happened to the others. Then our actions shouldn't surprise you. We have to survive no matter what the cost; we are the only ones left now.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: I don't see why we can't reach an understanding. Why can't we just live together?
Mara Chaffee: If we coexist, we shall dominate you. That is inevitable. Eventually you will try to eliminate us. We are all creatures of the life force. Now it has set us at one another to see who will survive.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: That's a cruel sport.
Mara Chaffee: Life is cruelty. We all feed on each other, exploit each other in some way to survive.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: I don't agree with you. I think that adaptation is the key to survival. Cooperation and symbiosis... and compassion.
Mara Chaffee: Why do you think your own survival depends upon emotion from us? Should we pity you? Empathize with your plight?
Dr. Alan Chaffee: You should feel! You should feel something! Without feelings, you're nothing. You're just second-rate mimics of a higher organism. That's right, higher organisms. We're your superiors in our capacity to love. Without compassion, you're a doomed species.
Mara Chaffee: Emotion is irrelevant. It is not our nature.
Dr. Alan Chaffee: [looks back at David] Well, I'm not so sure you're right about that, Mara.
Mara Chaffee: Still you are aware of the others so you must be in some basic sense aware of who... what we are.

Mara Chaffee: You are thinking of the one who died.
David McGowan: She was to be my partner
Mara Chaffee: Yes it's true. Without a mate you are of less importance to us, and your development of emotions is disturbing. We can't leave you behind, David. It's time we resolved this.

[Jill reluctantly drives David up to the abandoned barn to be with the other children, but does not open the door for him]
Jill McGowan: I'm not lettin' you go.
David McGowan: You haven't been given an option...
Jill McGowan: Have you?
[David stares off into space thoughtfully, pondering this]
Jill McGowan: You know, you don't always have to do everything they say.
David McGowan: We are the same.
Jill McGowan: [smiles sadly, close to tears] No, you're not! You're David, you're different!


  • Beware the Children

