Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

2009 film directed by Patrick Tatopoulos

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans is a 2009 American action/horror/thriller film. The films stars Michael Sheen and Rhona Mitra. It is a prequel to the first two films of the series, Underworld and Underworld: Evolution. It centers on a ruling class of vampires protected during the daytime by werewolf slaves known as lycans. The leader of the lycans, Lucian, falls in love with the daughter of the vampire elder, Sonja. This love will spark betrayal, death and a war.

When the battle ends, the Underworld will begin. Taglines
Every War has a Beginning. Taglines


  • (Voiceover, Opening Narration): Two Decades had passed since the creation of both species. The War had begun. Viktor increased his Army, creating a Legion of Vampires to protect them from the very first Clan of Werewolves: A Vicious and Infectious Breed, unable to take Human Form ever again... Until 'He' was born. Lucian. And although every Fiber of Viktor's Soul warned him to slay this child, he did not. Over the years this child grew, he possessed a strength and focus that the ones before him did not. Viktor would use Lucian's infectious blood to his benefit, taking advantage of the Child's thirst, pitting it against him as he was forced to feed off Humans: Viktor's Slaves. Instead, he created a new race of Immortals, Lycans: Werewolf, but also Human. Unlike the others, this new breed could be harnessed, inslaved to guard them in the daylight hours of their Masters... Or so Viktor thought... So very long ago...


  • Not at all. They're mindless Beasts, Milord. No Brethren of Mine.
  • Sonja, if I were to leave from this place, would you come with me?
  • (About his collar) Not if I can remove this. (Shows her a key) I made it myself, this will be my freedom.
  • Is that your answer then? You will not come with me, so you want me to stay here for you? Like this? Like an animal?
  • Vampire and Lycan, we are both 'Children of Corvinus'. Yet my kind are slaves. I will use this one day. And I will leave this place. But I can never be without you.
  • (Senses the approaching presense of Werewolves) Get your men out there, now.
  • There too many of them.
  • (Referring to a battle with werewolves created from William) I saw what you did out there. Very brave for a human. Have you come across them before?
  • Were you not afraid of them?
  • Are you afraid of me?
  • Well, do not be. I will not bite... much.
  • No. A Lycan, yes, but not like them. Those you fought with tonight were animals. The 'Spawn of William. Pure-bloods, if you will. No trace of human left. Savage, mindless beasts. As it has been told...
  • (Thoughtfully, about the Werewolves obaying him.) Yes. Yes they did.
  • (To Viktor) You gave me chains!
  • He wants to use you for his own protection.
  • Well, that need not happen. Come sunrise, I leave this place. Anyone willing to take the risk may follow. There's a new life waiting beyond those walls, my friend, and you can be apart of it. With us.
  • (Grabs Xristo by the throat) Death Dealers will undoubtly be on the hunt. And they will eventually find us. But not by her doing. I trust Sonja with my life, and as long as I'm in command, so will you. (releases Xristo and walks off)
  • I've lived by their rules my entire life. I've protected them. envied them. and for what? To be treated like an animal. We are not animals! Is this want you want? We can be slaves, or we can be... LYCANS!
  • (To his fellow lycans, after stopping two from fighting) We, are not animals. Is this want you want? To be their entertainment? Their playthings? Their pets!? Cowering beneath the whip, and then fighting amongst ourselves! Is this want you want!? I've lived by their rules my entire life. I've protected them. Envied them. And for what? To be treated like an animal. WE ARE NOT ANIMALS! We do have a choice! We can choose to be more than this! We can be slaves, OR WE CAN BE... LYCANS!
  • (To Raze, about Sonja) I will not let her die alone.
  • Let me tell you something my friend, they only followed me at the idea at being free. You can hold them together until I get back, and lead them if I do not.
  • (To the council after Sonja has been sentenced to death) I'll kill you! ALL OF YOU!
  • (To Viktor, about Sonja) I loved her!
  • Yes, you should have. (stabs Viktor through the head with a sword) But you didn't!
  • (To Raze, about the battle) No. It is just beginning.


  • (About Lucian) Of him?
  • I needed no saving!
  • There are other demands of my time, as you know.
  • I was out patrolling.
  • And why, Father, is my risk any greater than theirs?
  • (To Lucian) Do not say that. Do not even think it. My father would have you hunted down. You would be marked for death.
  • Lucian, promise you will never use it. Please!
  • Lucian!
  • (about vampires) And we don't die often.
  • (To her Father, about Lucian) Father, I love him!


  • What do you think, Sonja? Shall we make more?
  • Like him... Lucian will always be the First of the Breed... The First of the Lycans...
  • Humans, upset. Tanis, please, make a note of what pain that brings me.
  • Enougth! Have I not increased our holdings Ten-Fold since Marcus and Amelia took to their sleep!? We will deal with the Wolves as we always have!
  • (Addressing Sonja) Show a little 'Gratitude', Sonja, to the one who saved your life.
  • (Addresses Lucian) Tell me, Lucian, does it burden your heart to kill your own kind?
  • (Noticing Lucian watching Sonja) You are a credit to your race. Do you know how to remain so? Keep your eyes on the ground...!
  • (Catching up with Sonja) You were sorely missed at council.
  • Ah. I see. I hoped you enjoyed your little moonlight ride.
  • You were disobeying. I told you to stay within these walls. You risk too much for a father to ignore. You will leave the Wolves to the Death Dealers.
  • They are not my daughters. And they are not council members. You are! And one day you will become an Elder, your Birthright. Sonja, you are well thought-of at council. But that is a precarious thing. They grow tired of your games and your absences. The dangers of the forest are not greater than those of the council. You will learn the dance of Politics. To be Ruthless and Cunning. But above all, you will be Loyal to your Family. To Me! (Runs his hand affectionately in her hair) Without the Loyalty between us, we are no better than the beasts at our door.
  • Your fear, Coloman, is misplaced. Are we not protected by an Army of Immortals?
  • And how would you 'Project' Strength?
  • Lycans patrol outside the walls... Ha-have you lost your mind?! They are Born of Beasts! And the Savagery of this despicable fact cannot be bred away!
  • (Throttling a complaining Human Nobleman) If devils you call us, rest assured; better the devil you know!
  • (After killing a complaining Human Nobleman) Would anyone else like to be heard?
  • You have stung me, Lycan, with your betrayal. You were like a son to me. I gave you your life.
  • I would've thought that after all these years, you cannot have one without the other.
  • Wait! Do you not realize this is a gift I am giving you?
  • I wanted to believe your lies, but I knew it could not be true, not my own daughter. How could you!?
  • Thank you, Coloman, the obvious escaped me! I do not need to lift a finger, Lucian will return of his own free will. I have something he wants.
  • (To Lucian, about Sonja) You defiled my daughter!
  • (To Lucian, about Sonja) You killed her!
  • I should have crushed your head under my heel when you were born!!!

Andreas Tanis

  • (To Viktor, about Sonja) She is most defiant. She refuses to see me. She will not answer her door...
  • (Lies to Viktor, about Sonja) I cannot imagine... (Changes subject) We must prepare, Milord, the Human Nobles are on their way.
  • (To Lucian, about Sonja) Careful, Blacksmith, 'lest your eyes betray your secret... (Walks away, leaving Lucian more worried.)


[flashback of Viktor and a young Sonja watching a teenage Lucian spar with a group of humans]
Viktor: What do you think, Sonja? Shall we make more?
Sonja: Of him?
Viktor: Like him. Lucian will always be the First of the Breed. The first of the Lycans.

[Lucian has just saved Sonja from a Werewolf]
Sonja: [to Lucian] Have you nothing better to do, Blacksmith, than play with Weapons of War? At least make yourself useful. [throws her sword to Lucian, who catches it]
Viktor: Show a little gratitude, Sonja, to the one who saved your life.
Sonja: [to Viktor] I needed no saving!
Viktor: [turns to Lucian] Tell me, Lucian, does it burden your heart to kill your own kind?
Lucian: Not at all. They're mindless Beasts, milord. No brethren of Mine.
Viktor: Really?
Sonja: Father. [Rides away]
Viktor: [noticing Lucian is looking at Sonja as she leaves] You are credit to your race. Do you know how to remain so? Keep your eyes on the ground [referring the dead Werewolf] Get rid of that.

Viktor: Sonja, you risk too much for a father to ignore.
Sonja: I am quite capable of looking after myself.
Viktor: You were sorely missed at council.
Sonja: There are other demands of my time, as you know.
Viktor: I see. I hoped you enjoyed your little moonlight ride.
Sonja: I was out patrolling.
Viktor: You were disobeying. I told you to stay within these walls. You risk too much for a father to ignore. You will leave the wolves to the Death Dealers.
Sonja: And why, Father, is my risk any greater than theirs?
Viktor: They are not my daughters. And they are not council members, you are! And one day you will become an Elder, your birthright, Sonja. You are well thought-of at council, but that is a precarious thing. They grow tired of your games and your absences. The dangers of the forest are not greater than those of the council. You will learn the dance of politics. To be ruthless and cunning. But above all, you will be Loyal to your family. To me. Without the Loyalty between us, we are no better than the beasts at our door.

Coloman: The matter before the Council is simple. We are under attack. Six times, in half as many weeks. William's kind has reached our walls. What mayhem would follow if just one of them got through?
Viktor: Your fear, Coloman, is misplaced. Are we not protected by an army of immortals?
Coloman: Superbly, my lord. However, the Nobles are not and as I have pointed out, they are the grass on which we graze.
Orsova: [to Viktor] If we cannot protect our humans, it makes us look weak.
Viktor: And how would you project strength?
Coloman: As our Death Dealers patrol the night, so our daylight guards can patrol the day.
Viktor: Lycans patrolling outside the walls, have you lost your mind?! They are born of beasts! And the savagery of this despicable fact cannot be bred away!
Coloman: I think your fear of this idea is misplaced. We can create a privileged class of Lycans; greater rations, finer quarters, and put them under the hand of one we trust. Perhaps, your pet Lucian, the one who saved your daughter's life, today. In fact, I think we should hear her thoughts now. [gestures towards Sonja's empty seat] She seems to have been needed elsewhere.
Viktor: [to Tanis] Find her! [turns to Coloman] I will take your suggestion under advisement.
Coloman: Thank you. It would gratifying to be able to reassure the nobles, when they arrive tomorrow, that we have their interests at heart.

Sonja: [referring about the werewolf Lucian killed earlier] Is it true, what you told my father, that you feel nothing when you kill them?
Lucian: They're just animals, incapable of thought or feeling. So, why should I feel anything for them? [gets up] Sonja, if I were to leave from this place, would you come with me?
Sonja: Do not say that. Do not even think it. My father would have you hunted down, you would be marked for death.
Lucian: [holding his collar] Not if I can remove this. [shows her a key] I made it myself, this will be my freedom.
Sonja: Lucian, promise you will never use it. Please!
Lucian: Is that your answer then? You will not come with me, so you want me to stay here for you? Like this? Like an animal?
Sonja: Lucian!
Lucian: Vampire and Lycan, we are both children of Corvinus. Yet my kind are slaves. I will use this one day, and I will leave this place. But I can never be without you.

[Lucian is set for flogging after he removed his collar to protect Sonja from the werewolves]
Viktor: You have stung me, Lucian, with your betrayal. You were like a son to me. I gave you your life.
Lucian: You gave me chains.
Viktor: I would've thought that after all these years, you cannot have one without the other.

Lucian: [referring to the battle with werewolves] I saw what you did out there. Very brave for a human. Have you come across them before?
Raze: Only in stories.
Lucian: Were you not afraid of them?
Raze: Yes, but I wanted to live.
Lucian: Are you afraid of me?
Raze: Yes.
Lucian: Well, do not be. I will not bite... much.
Raze: [laughs] You are like them?
Lucian: No. A Lycan, yes, but not like them. Those you fought with tonight were animals. The spawn of William. Pure-bloods, if you will. No trace of human left. Savage, mindless beasts, as it has been told.
Raze: I saw you. They obeyed you.
Lucian: Yes. Yes they did.

New Lycan Slave: What have they done to us?
Older Lycan Slave: You'll find out soon enough.
Raze: They turned us into like you?
Lucian: Yes.
Raze: Why?
Lucian: He wants to use you for his own protection.
Raze: I would die first.
Lucian: Well, that need not happen. Come sunrise, I leave this place. [to his fellow slaves] Anyone willing to take the risk may follow. [turns to Raze] There's a new life waiting beyond those walls, my friend, and you can be a part of it. With us.

Viktor: It occurs to me that I have been thoughtless so deep in my own anguish at Lucian's betrayal that I gave no thought to your feelings.
Sonja: My feelings?
Viktor: They worm their way into our lives and we forget the travesty of their birth. I myself had tenderness towards Lucian. He could've been anything. A Death Dealer perhaps.
Sonja: Yes, perhaps.
Viktor: But he was not as we are, was he? Did you help him escape?
Sonja: Help him? Of course not.
Viktor: Are you lying to me?
Sonja: There many things I have done against your will, but he is a Lycan.
Viktor: I'm sorry, my dear [kisses her forehead] but you leave me no choice.
[Viktor bites Sonja's neck and browses through her Blood Memories, only to see Sonja and Lucian's affair]
Viktor: [angered, he slaps Sonja who falls to her bed] I wanted to believe your lies, but I knew it could not be true, not my own daughter! How could you!
Sonja: [voice breaking] Father, I love him!
Viktor: YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME! TO BE WITH AN ANIMAL! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING! [to the guards outside Sonja's room] She does not leave this room!

Coloman: [referring to Lucian] He is as much a disease as William's pestilence. You need to bring your pet back.
Viktor: Thank you, Coloman, the obvious escaped me! I do not need to lift a finger, Lucian will return of his own free will. I have something he wants.

Viktor: You defiled my daughter!
Lucian: I LOVED HER!

[After a fierce fight, Lucian chains up Viktor, incapacitated by daylight]
Viktor: I should have crushed your head under my heel when you were born!
Lucian: Yes, you should have. [stabs Viktor through the mouth] But you didn't.

See also
