Turia Yar'Adua Turai Umar Musa Yar'Adua (born 26 July 1957)[1] is the widow of the former Nigerian president and former Katsina State Governor, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua. She was the First Lady of Nigeria from 2007 until the death of her husband on 5 May 2010.

    • Quotes==
  • ""All his life, all he ever wanted was to be a teacher, come home from school, sit with his family, and crack jokes till dusk.”"
  • ""Only a wife can tell her husband the truth;""
  • ""I am a Muslim who believes in power of death and life. I also know that life and death are in the hand of God""
  • ""I had to accept the reality and appreciate God for the gift of life.""
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