Titi Akinsanmi

Public policy expert (born 1980)


  • "Inspire. Inform. Involve. Impact.

These four simple but ‘complexly’ connected words are key principles underpinning how I live my life. An unconventional connector – with an innate ability to link what more often than not is boxed as disparate. My super power is to learning from yesterday to anticipate and prepare today so it can be the best tomorrow, ever."


  • “Digital identity is very much at the core of a lot of the adoption of technology that’s happening.”
  • "Everything I do resonates and returns to the place of putting in the right structures whether they be policies, regulations, laws, legislations. Find whatever label you want to find for it but ensuring that the digital world cannot just grow and continue to innovate. But that the end user, the consumer, the human being, at least for now, the human being behind it or making use of it does not get lost."
  • "Digital identity is a set of potentially credentials, things that can be presented in the digital space that helps confirm that you are who you are. So in light of that very simplistic definition, right, we’ve only got so many minutes, a trust framework typically describes a set of auditable, technical or even legal rules that apply to the identification, authentication and authorisation of accessing resources across organisations or across a network, right?

So that such a framework then enables that these systems and the services that they offer can be trusted and ultimately mass adopted, and that’s on the side of those offering particular services.

On the side of the end user, trust frameworks are in place to be able to verify, authenticate that you are who you say you are when you want to access those services. So I will talk real quick around the kind of trust frameworks that we are finding in general, starting with my current home here in Canada"

    • [3]by Francesca Hobson, December 15 2021, Retrieved 13 November 2023