Thunderbirds (film)

2004 film by Jonathan Frakes

Thunderbirds is a 2004 British-American-French science fiction action-adventure film based on the 1960s television series of the same name. It was directed by Jonathan Frakes and released on 23 July 2004. Fourteen-year-old Alan Tracy must save his father and older brothers after master criminal The Hood takes over their island home.

Jeff Tracy

  • [last lines] Thunderbirds are go!


  • [Alan wants to use the Thunderizer to escape] But Alan, this equipment is only to be used in case of an emergency! [Tintin and Alan look at him] I guess this qualifies!


Alan: Keep backing up... I've got a plan.
[Alan pulls out his rock catapult, aims it at The Hood and misses]
Tintin: That's your plan?
The Hood: It's not me you're angry at, Alan.
Alan: It's not you I'm aiming at.
[He shoots again, hitting the console behind the Hood. The floor beneath Alan, TinTin and Fermat collapses, sending them screaming down Thunderbird 1's exhaust tunnel]
The Hood: [to his goons] Get them!
Mullion: Transom, fire up Thunderbird 1, and set to broil!

Lady Penelope: [arriving at Tracy Island after they send the emergency signal] This doesn't look good, Parker.
Parker: No, Milady.
Lady Penelope: [points with her pink umbrella to a potted plant on a nearby table] That Bougainvillea is absolutely parched! [points behind her to an old wooden hammock]
Lady Penelope: And someone should do something about that *hideous* hammock!
Parker: [after taking Lady Penelope's umbrella] Yes, milady.

Alan: Hey, Dad. That stuff the Hood said, about you leaving him to die. He was lying, right?
Jeff: [Sadly] No. See, you can't save everyone, Alan. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn't even matter if it's someone you love, someone you'd give your life in a second to save. You just can't save everyone.
Alan: What was Mom like?
Jeff: She was a lot like you.


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