Thomas and the Magic Railroad

2000 film by Britt Allcroft

Thomas and the Magic Railroad in 2000 British feature film based on the TV series Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends and Shining Time Station. The film tells the story of the caretaker of an enchanted steam engine, and a conductor whose magical gold dust is running low, both of whom enlist the help of Thomas the Tank Engine to defeat the evil Diesel 10. The film is logo from Destination Films and Gullane Pictures.

Directed and written by Britt Allcroft. Produced by Britt Allcroft and Phil Fehrle.
Take the magic journey.(taglines)


Young Burnett: One day, Tasha, I'm going to drive this engine and I'll take you with me.
Young Tasha: Promise you will, Burnett! Promise!
Young Burnett: I promise.

Hello, Shining Time Station. Manager Stacy Jones speaking. Oh, yes, the 10:15 A.M. from Pelican Falls to Shining Time is right on schedule.
( bell ringing )
The 10:00 A.M. to Lucy's Leap is leaving now. Oh, Billy.

Gordon: [waits at the station] 5, 6, 7, 8...
Thomas: [pulls up beside Gordon] Who do we appreciate? Practicing your numbers, Gordon. That's a good engine.
Gordon: I'm counting how many seconds late you are. What does that sign say?
Thomas: Hmm… [reads the sign] "Sodor Railway, really reliable and right on time. Signed, head of the railway, Sir Topham Hatt."
Gordon: But you weren't on time, little Thomas.
Thomas: And you're being bossy, Gordon. [Gordon scoffs again] Now, please excuse me. I'm meeting Mr. Conductor. He's looking after us while Sir Topham Hatt takes a much-needed holiday.
Gordon: Oh, I think we can take care of ourselves.
Diesel 10: [rushes through the station] Get outta my way! I have unfinished business here, and I wanna finish it fast!!
Gordon: [quivers] Diesel 10's back! Oh!
Thomas: Yes, 10 out of 10 for devious deeds and brutal strength! The blast from the past who hates steam engines!
Gordon: Maybe we do need Mr. Conductor here after all. On time!

James: Sandal, fly! Boo, fly! Shoo, fly! That's it. [Thomas reverses into the yard] Better still, buzz off!
Thomas: [bumps into the buffers] Botheration!
James: You weren't concentrating, Thomas. Lucky for you that the buffers were there.
Thomas: That's what buffers are for - to stop engines from crashing. What are you doing in the sheds, James?
James: I'm feeling a little blue, which isn't so hot when you're red. I was naughty, and Sir Topham Hatt told me to think about all the ways I can be really useful. Then, I can come out again.
[Diesel 10 rolls up behind them]
Thomas: He's just trying to make this a better place for steam engines.
James: [notices Diesel 10] Uh, Thomas...?
Thomas: Sir Topham Hatt says the harder you work, the less you'll need diesels to help.
Diesel 10: Help you?! [laughs] You always need help, because steam engines are cowardly, cranky, worn-out hunks of metal who couldn't hurt a fly!
James: No, we're not!
Diesel 10: Yes, you are!
James: Aren't!
Diesel 10: Are! Now, I've come back to find a lost steam engine.
James: What?
Diesel 10: I'm gonna destroy her, and dominate you! [raises his claw] And then, you'll be nothing but useless scrap! Right, Pinchy? [rolls away]
James: Big bully! STINKER!
Thomas: We're really useful engines! You won't dominate us, and you won't destroy her! We won't let you! Neither will Mr. Conductor, I want to fetch him now!
James: What lost engine?!

Patch: There, Mutt. The job's finished. I reckon Shining Time has the best welcome sign of any time in our valley. [Mutt barks] Well, I'm glad you agree.

Diesel 10: Pinchy, you've captured the real me? I mean, that's beautiful. I could cry.
Splodge: Uh, boss? Now, we're here.
Diesel 10: Now alright, listen you two. I've got a job for you, Splodge.
Splatter: Actually, it's Splatter.
Dodge: And Dodge.
Diesel 10: I ain't got time to say both names!
Splodge: Oh, oh well.
Diesel 10: I've come back to find a steam engine.
Splatter: Oh, that's easy.
Dodge: Yeah, they're everywhere.
Diesel 10: Not the one I want. She escaped me once before, as long as she exists, so do the others. But if she can be destroyed...
Splatter: Destroy?!
Dodge: Did you say destroy?
Splatter: D-word?
Dodge: Like hurt?
Diesel 10: Yeah, destroyed!
Dodge: Uh, there's one small problem there.
Splatter: Yeah, Mr. Conductor's coming and he won't let you destroy it.
Dodge: He won't let you.
Diesel 10: I can do whatever I want! I'll get him too, with Pinchy! [laughs and raises his claw, but it accidentally hits him in the face] Ow, Pinchy! I hate it when you do that! [Splodge laugh]

Thomas: [puffing around looking for Mr. Conductor] Mr. Conductor, where are you? I know you live far away, but you always seem to get here on time. [Mr. C appears at the junction] Oh, Mr. Conductor! Are you alright?
Mr. Conductor: Yes, Thomas, but, sometimes, everything happens at once. I have to see Sir Topham Hatt to get my orders right away. The journey from Shining Time keeps getting bumpier and bumpier.
Thomas: Does it? [Mr. C blows his whistle and reappears in Thomas's cab] A big, bully diesel is back, Mr. Conductor. You'd better be careful.
Mr. Conductor: Sir Topham Hatt warned me about Diesel( 10). Don't worry, Thomas. [Thomas starts off] I'll just pop in and out with my sparkle wherever he goes and keep him in order, I hope.

Lily: Grandpa's been so sad since Grandma Tasha died, and he never comes here to see us.
Mrs. Stone: Well, maybe your visit will cheer him up. Did you get his present?
Lily: Here. I'm making him a friendship bracelet.
Mrs. Stone: Honey, that's beautiful.
Lily: But I'd rather just stay here with you.
Mrs. Stone: I know. Come here. [she and Lily hug]
Lily: [points to the fire escape] I'm gonna go up this way.
Mrs. Stone: Okay. [Lily goes to the fire escape] Be careful.
Lily: You always say that.
Mrs. Stone: [as she goes into the building] See you in a minute.
Lily: [to her stuffed bluebird] You're coming with me to Grandpa's, Bluebird. I know how much you like to travel.

Toby: What's important is to stand up on our own wheels to Diesel( 10).
Henry: Toby's right. Diesel (10) knows that the lost engine in the legend really exists.
James: What engine?
Percy: What legend?
Henry: Of an engine whose magic makes her more powerful than Diesel (10) will ever be. That's why he wants to find her.
Percy: Then we'd better find her, first.
James: [puffs out of the shed] Leave it to the big engines, Percy.
Thomas: Little engines can do big things, especially when they have nice blue paint like me!

Mr. Conductor: [picks up a baseball bat and chuckles]
So, who dropped the ball then? [catches a beach ball] Oh, there you are. I'd like a nice cup of hot cocoa. Would you fellas care to join me? No? What would you rather do instead? [to the beach ball] Go outside and play? Well, I can understand that. [to the bat] What do you think? [makes the bat hit the ball; mock disappointment] Why do you keep hitting him like that? You're gonna have to have a time out. [throws bat on his bed and makes his hot cocoa]
[Diesel 10 appears and laughs evilly]
[sips cocoa] Just a little sweeter, I think. [adds sugar to cocoa]
Diesel 10: Alright, Pinchy, my little bucket of badness, time to feast yourself.
Mr. Conductor: [sips cocoa again and is satisfied] Ahh. Now, that's better. [Diesel 10 tears off part of the sheds' construction] Whoa! [removes his night cap and puts on his conductor hat, as the steam engines wake up in alarm, and Diesel 10 tears off more of the sheds and laughs evilly. The bangs causes Mr. C to fall backwards on his bed] Ah! Whoa!
Thomas: [alarmed] Cinders and ashes! It's Diesel( 10)!
Gordon: Diesel?! Oh, shit!
Diesel 10: [laughs evilly] Hello, Twinkle Toes! I got a plan and you're not in it!
Mr. Conductor: You can't catch me, Diesel( 10)! [blows on his whistle twice, but only a little gold comes out of it]
Diesel 10: [laughs coldly] Losing your sparkle, huh? What perfect timing. Now, where is that lost engine?
Mr. Conductor: You won't find her here.
Diesel 10: You're not clever enough to stop me.
Mr. Conductor: Oh, yes, I am!
Diesel 10: No, you're not! Ah- [sees Mr. Conductor hold up a bag of sugar] What–?! Is that...?!
Mr. Conductor: That's right, it's sugar, Diesel! And if I throw this in your tank, it'll seize you up for good!
Diesel 10: [grunts and rolls away] Make the most of tonight, Twinkle Toes, because you won't like tomorrow! Neither will that... that line of tin kettles! [to his claw] Shut up, Pinchy! [leaves]
Thomas: Mr. Conductor, but what happened to your sparkle?
Mr. Conductor: I don't know, Thomas, I'll just have to sleep on that.
Thomas: [confused] On your sparkle?
Mr. Conductor: No, Thomas. On the problem of what happened to it.
Percy: Oh, but Mr. Conductor, without your sparkle or the Lost Engine, you can't travel here to help us anymore.
Mr. Conductor: I'll solve the problem. You just go to sleep now.
Percy: Easy for you to say.

Bertie: Smile, you steamers. It's a sunny day. Vroom-vroom!
James: It's not sunny, cause Mr. C's not at the windmill, I looked!
Thomas: I think his sparkle's all gone.
Henry: My smokebox doesn't feel sunny. It feels stuffed up.
Gordon: Nasty fumes from dingy Diesel! [chuckles]
Henry: And Diesel (10) is after the lost engine.
Toby: And if he finds her, I fear that will destroy us all.
Gordon: What, even an engine as big as me?!
Toby: Yes, Gordon, even you.
[Thomas sneezes]
James: Say it, don't spray it, Thomas!
Thomas: I've still got sneezing powder up my funnel. Now, I'll have to go look for Mr. Conductor.
Toby: Let's us get back to work. That's what he would want.

[Junior's shell phone rings]
Junior: [wakes up] That's my shell phone. [pulls off his headphones, and answers his shell phone] Hello?
Mr. Conductor: Junior? Junior, is that you?!
Junior: Oh, hi, Cous! Uh, are you in a tunnel? This isn't a very good line.
Mr. Conductor: Junior, where are you?!
Junior: Um, I'm in paradise. I just got in Cloud 9 and here I am.
Mr. Conductor: Junior, listen to me. You've got to come to the Island of Sodor right now!
Junior: Now? But I'm waiting on a perfect wave!
Mr. Conductor: Oh, no. You're not, you're coming here. [Junior sighs in annoyance] You have to help me find the source of all our family's gold dust.
Junior: What is the source?
Mr. Conductor: That's the trouble, Junior. I haven't a clue!
Junior: And I've used up most of my gold dust, too.
Mr. Conductor: [shocked] What?! [Junior sighs] Then go to Shining Time Station first. And in my signal-house in the box under the staircase, you'll find my emergency whistle with the last of my supply. Please take care of this, Junior, and... [looks around, quietly] Don't talk to anyone about the buffers.
Junior: [loses the signal] What buffers?!
Mr. Conductor: Shh!
Junior: This is a really bad line! [pressing the buttons] Hello?! [echoes] My shell phone's not working properly!
Mr. Conductor: Junior, you got to come here right away! I'm counting on you!
Junior: Hello?! [pressing more buttons which caused to hang up] I want my money back. [throws out his shell phone]

Thomas: Morning, Henry. What's the matter?
Henry: I've got... [sniffs] boiler ache.
Thomas: And I'm collecting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 trucks of special Island of Sodor coal for you.
Henry: Oh, thank you, Thomas. Special coal will make me feel... [sneezes] much better!
Thomas: [backs into the trucks] I wish I could make Mr. Conductor feel better, too, by finding him.
[As he pushes each truck in line, the 6th truck gets bumped too hard and goes zooming into a pair of buffers with a nearby tumbleweed and disappears into them; Thomas pulls the remaining trucks as Bertie passes by]
Bertie: [beeping his horn] Hello, Thomas and your 5 coal trucks! Vroom-vroom!
Thomas: 5? But I'm supposed to have 6.

Percy: [puffs into the night by Diesel 10's Mountain] I am brave. I am brave. Thomas says I'm brave, so I'm brave. Oh, it's not easy being brave. [sees Splatter and Dodge at the buffers] Shiver my pistons. There's Splatter and Dodge. Oh, they found the buffers! Oh, now what's going to happen? [a flock of birds fly by a tree] Ohh!
Tumbleweed: [rolls along] Howdy, partner. Excuse me, coming through, pardon me.
Percy: Oh, that's just nothing. [a shed door opens slowly, then closes quickly] That nothing was something!
Splatter: These must be the buffers Diesel's looking for.
Dodge: Are we supposed to go through them?
Splatter: Not we, you.
Dodge: Not me, you.
Splatter: This is a job for the boss. [an owl hoots, scaring them] We'll tell him tomorrow.
Dodge: Yeah, tomorrow's good.
Percy: [backs away] Oh, I'd better hurry back and warn Thomas.

[While approaching the old magic buffers]
Thomas: I promise I'll get you home to your grandpa, Lily.
Tumbleweed: [starts leading Thomas to the buffers] Follow me, partner!
Thomas: Whoa!
Tumbleweed: Right this way to Bufferville, just a walk in the park!
Thomas: We're going though, Lily.
Tumbleweed: You're on your own here on in, little blue buckaroo! Yee-hoo! [bounces off the track]
Thomas: Little engines can do big things! [passes through the magic buffers]

Lady: [gets her face in the Magic Railroad] So, Burnett, you didn't forget about magic. It's safe inside you.
[Later; Thomas whistles]
Lily: Thomas!
Thomas: You found her! And she's beautiful!

[After Thomas comes out of the Magic Buffers, Diesel 10, Splatter, and Dodge can see him with Lady]
Diesel 10: Ah-ha! There's the blue puffball. And look who he's with! Splodge, come and destroy!
Splatter: No, you do it yourself.
Dodge: We don't like you.
Splatter: Yeah, we mean that.
Dodge: Emphatically.
Splatter: Yeah. What does that mean?
Dodge: I have no idea.
Splatter: It's a good word.
Thomas: Run, Lady! Quickly, and I'm going to help you!
Burnett: [scrambles into Lady's cab] So am I, my Lady. I'll not let you down again. [pulls the lever]
Diesel 10: Ahh, who needs you, Splodge?

[The conductors finally get their supply of magic gold dust]
Thomas: Lady, you're a helpful engine.
Lady: And helping each other brings to life the magic in all of us.

Mr. Conductor: Lily, put the shavings in with the water.
Burnett: Go along, Lily. Throw it up in the air.
Junior: Please! Please!
Thomas and Lady: Now, Lily!

Patch: Come on, Mutt. Let's look around.
( Mutt barking )

Mr. Conductor: (sighs) Well, see you in Shining Time.
(whistle blows)

Stacy: Have a great time.
Mr. Conductor: [narrating] And so we've come to the happy end of our story and it's time for all of us to go home, just like Thomas.


  • Pulling into theaters everywhere July 2000.
  • Take the magic journey.
  • Little Engines Can Do Big Things...



Live Action Cast

  • Doug Lennox - P.T. Boomer (uncredited, some deleted scenes)


  • Neil Crone - A tumbleweed (uncredited), Diesel 10, Splatter and Gordon
  • Shelley-Elizabeth Skinner - Annie and Clarabel


  1. Shinging Time
  2. The Watermill
  3. The Waterfall