Thomas Mokopu Mofolo (22 December 1876 – 8 September 1948) is often regarded as the first African novelist.



Chaka (1981 )

  • These boys were persecuting Chaka because they heard vague rumours that suggested it would be a good riddance if they killed him.
    • p. 12
  • I bind myself to abide by your commandments in every way in which you will command me.
    • p. 41
  • The doctor said that the medicine which remained to be used was one which he did not have with him; he said it was a medicine associated with the spilling of blood, with killing: 'It is extremely evil, but it is also extremely good. Choose!
    • p.43
  • In order to comprehend this fully, we should use the example that the number of people killed by him in the ways we have described, is equal to the number of the Basotho, counting every man, woman and child, multiplied three or four-fold. Imagine them all being killed!
    • p. 153
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