The Tomb of Ligeia

1964 film by Roger Corman

The Tomb of Ligeia is a 1964 film about man whose obsession with his dead wife drives a wedge between him and his new bride.

Directed by Roger Corman. Written by Robert Towne, based on the tale "Ligeia" by Edgar Allan Poe.
Even on her wedding night she must share the man she loved with the "female thing" that lived in the Tomb of the Cat!  (taglines)

Verden Fell edit

  • Christopher, not ten minutes ago I... I tried to kill a stray cat with a cabbage, and all but made love to the Lady Rowena. I succeeded is squashing the cabbage and badly frightening the lady. If only I could lay open my own brain as easily as I did that vegetable, what rot would be freed from its grey leaves?
  • The eyes, they confound me. There's a blankness, a mindless sort of malice in some Egyptian. They do not readily yield up the mystery.

Other edit

  • Minister at Graveside: [about Verden and Ligeia] You must have met in Hell!

Dialogue edit

Verden Fell: [reading at Ligeia's funeral] "Man need not kneel before the angels, not lie in death forever, save through the weakness of his feeble will." Her words.
Minister at Graveside: Blasphemy!
Verden Fell: [closing book] Benediction.

Lady Rowena Trevanion: Has Ligeia's death changed him greatly?
Christopher Gough: Well, he's certainly changed, but I never knew her.
Lady Rowena Trevanion: Was he always so morose?
Christopher Gough: Bit mysterious, perhaps. Do you like him?
Lady Rowena Trevanion: I don't think so. But what has that to do with it?
Christopher Gough: To do with what?
Lady Rowena Trevanion: With whom one is drawn to. Whom one loves. Even whom one marries!

Taglines edit

  • Even on her wedding night she must share the man she loved with the "female thing" that lived in the Tomb of the Cat!
  • CAT or WOMAN or a Thing Too Evil to Mention?
  • His first wife is dead- but still a little CATTY!

Cast edit

External links edit

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