The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries

animated television series

The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries is an American animated television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation which aired from 1995 to 2000 on Kids' WB. The final episode, containing the segments "The Tail End?" and "This Is the End", was never shown on Kids' WB, not premiering until December 18, 2002, when the show aired in reruns on Cartoon Network. 52 episodes were produced.

Season 1


The Cat Who Knew Too Much


Platinum Wheel of Fortune

Pitu Le Pew: [gasps] Legasp! My dream Goddess. [gets out a wallet] What can I say? Pepé Le Pew is my fourth cousin. It runs in the family.

[Pitu Le Pew dreamily slides onto the stage and kisses Sylvester in the lips]
Sylvester: [disgusted] Yuck!
Pitu Le Pew: Oh, playing hard to get. I like that in a woman.
Silas Micuaber: Do you mind? [pulls out a tiny sword]
Pitu Le Pew: How dare you perforate my pincushion of love. [pulls out a sword from the box] En garde!

Sylvester: [voice-over] Granny was in big trouble. But then again, so was I.
[Sylvester wakes up, finding himself wearing a wedding dress and Pitu Le Pew enters the room]
Pitu Le Pew: Oh, it's bad luck to see one's bride before the ceremony. [rushes over to kiss Sylvester as he tries to back away] But my lips cannot wait one second more.
Sylvester: Mine can! [scurries out the window]
Pitu Le Pew: Wait! We're in the tower suite!
[Sylvester looks down from above the tower and falls, screaming, and grabs tightly on a pole, only to see Pitu staring romantically at him, holding a rose]
Pitu Le Pew: Return to me, my Goddess!
Sylvester: [looks down, to the viewers] Like I have a choice.

Sylvester: [voice-over] Just as I was about to put it all together, that stupid bird upstaged me!
[Tweety pressed the yellow button on the clue machine and a platinum roulette ball came out.]
Granny: You see, I thought that th-they, well.. I.. I simply can't... [Tweety gives her the roulette ball] Wait. Yes, I can! It's all here in this teeny little ball which is magnetic. And since it's platinum, it can only be the rigged roulette ball that goes with the famed platinum roulette wheel.
All: Le Gasp!
Granny: I’m surprised anyone understood that. I was just winging it! And now, dramatic close ups of the suspects.
Sylvester: [voice-over] I knew who it was. But, I couldn't figure out the motive.
Granny: [uses her magnify glass to identify the suspects.] There’s one person crafty enough to cause all this fuss. [pulls off the mask on the maid, revealing it to be...] Silas MiCawber!
All: But, why?!
Tweety: The cut-rate Houdini done it!
Granny: You never forgave me for exposing your fraudulent mind reading trick, did you?
Silas MiCawber: I had to do it! You ruined my career! I could’ve been an idol, maybe on a lunchbox like the Dukes of Hazzard! But, because of you, I have been reduced to playing dumps like this!
Officer: [handcuffs MiCawber and takes him away] Okay, MiCawber! You're heading for hard time in the Monte Carlo brig. Only one sauce per meal.
Granny: [picks up the roulette wheel] What about the wheel?
Mechanic: [Takes the wheel] Uh, a little polish, some points and plugs and, uh, she'll be as good as new. [throws Sylvester off]
Granny: A Grand Prix victory. Oh, goodness, what a titillation! Where's Sylvester?
Tweety: Oh. He’s around somewhere.

Double Take


A Chip Off the Old Castle


Something Fishy Around Here


B2 Or Not B2

Granny: [gasps when realized that G stands for Granny on the bingo chart] Granny! Oh. I’m next!
Tweety: Bingo!

[A piano falls on Granny. The thief comes over and looks inside, only to find Sylvester in disguise. Sylvester spits out the piano keys in his mouth. The real Granny shows up with Trudy and the authorities.]
Granny: Ha! Fell for the ol' Switcheroo! [The thief is revealed to be...] Shecky White?! Why?
Shecky White: Do you know what it's like playing to a packed house every day never hearing applause? I give 150 percent and I'm taken 150 percent for granted.
Granny: You knocked out the top bingo players so that you could move up in the ranks and win the tournament?
Shecky White: [takes a photo of him as a baby and his parents are dressed like clowns] I wanted the prize money to realize my dream to follow in my parents' big floppy footsteps and attend clown school. [cries in defeat]
Tweety: Aw, the tears of a clown.
[The authorities take the villain away.]

Bull Running On Empty


A Ticket to Crime


The Maltese Canary


It Happened One Night Before Christmas


Outback Down Under


It’s a Plaid, Plaid, Plaid, Plaid World


Go Fig

Yosemite Sam: Now, despite our disagreements in the past, Granny, you're the best hombre... Uh, woman, for this here missing fig job. [Granny glares at him and he grins] It come to me in a crystal vision.

Sylvester: [when they saw Sir Isaac in the fig geyser] Now, there’s something you don’t see too often.
Granny: Well, Sir Isaac? Do you confess or do we let you stay up there a little longer?
Sir Isaac: I give up. I did it. I'll give you anything, just let me down from here.
Yosemite Sam: Hey, wait a minute. Wasn't he shanghaied and done away with, or what?
Granny: [turns off the fig geyser and Sir Isaac floats down to the authorities] Isaac faked his own disappearance to cover his guilt. And then... Well, you tell us, Isaac. How and why you collected Sam's figs.
Sir Isaac: Oh, no, I couldn't. [However, Sam burst into anger] You see, I invented a lighter-than-air bulldozer. It was my sole attempt at automotive design but it went rather awry. After all the work of building it, I had to think of some way to put it to use.
Granny: Oh, my, he is a genius.
Yosemite Sam: Yep, well, you live and learn. Which reminds me, I gotta get to my stress-management class. [gets in his truck] Adios! [drives off]