The Opening of Misty Beethoven

1976 pornographic film directed by Radley Metzger

The Opening of Misty Beethoven is a 1976 American pornographic film that is a take-off of Shaw's play Pygmalion, about a sexologist who tries transforming a prostitute into a goddess of passion.

Directed by Radley Metzger (as Henry Paris). Written by Jake Barns.
She learned to swallow her pride...

Misty Beethoven

  • I'm gonna suck your cock like the inside of a ripe mango.
  • Ripe mango, take two...


Seymour Love: What's your name?
Misty Beethoven: Misty Beethoven.
Seymour Love: Is that your real name?
Misty Beethoven: No. It's not. I took it to sound more important.
Seymour Love: What was it before?
Misty Beethoven: Dolores Beethoven.
Seymour Love: I should have guessed.

Misty Beethoven: What's the biggest difference between New York and Rome?
Seymour Love: There aren't as many Italians in Rome.

Seymour Love: Misty, never forget the cock. As Hyman Mandel once said, "never let the fact that they are doing it wrong stop you from doing it right."
Misty Beethoven: Who's Hyman Mandel?
Seymour Love: I don't know. I read that on the men's room wall at the New York Athletic Club.

Seymour Love: Hey! Hey, where are you going? You can't leave now. Stay, you can have Caesar!
Misty Beethoven: Why would I want Caesar? I already have Napoleon.

Seymour Love: Do you know why people have unsatisfactory sexual relations?
Misty Beethoven: No.
Seymour Love: Because they talk too goddam much.

