The Falklands Play

2000 television film

The Falklands Play is a 2002 TV movie that is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War.

Directed by Michael Samuels. Written by Ian Curteis.
  • Only one thing makes war justified and lawful, only one thing. When it's a struggle for law against force, for people's laws, their language and way of life. Everything that makes them what they are against a brutal effort to impose on them a life and language and laws which are not theirs and they do not want.
  • If we are wrong to fight now, we were wrong to fight Hitler. We were wrong to fight the Kaiser. We were wrong to fight Napoleon. Wrong to fight Philip of Spain. Wrong to do anything but throw in the towel and crumple before the first brute force to come along.


Alexander Haig: We are trying to de-escalise a war.
Margaret Thatcher: So am I. But you do not do it by appeasement. You increase its chances. You see this table? This was where Neville Chamberlain sat in 1938 when he spoke on the wireless about the Czechs as "faraway people about whom we know nothing and with whom we have so little in common". Munich! Appeasement! A world war followed because of that irresponsible, woolly-minded, indecisive, slip-shod attitude and the deaths of 45 million people.
Tom Enders: The fact that we have to treat Britain and Argentina even-handedly for the purpose of negotiation...
Margaret Thatcher: How dare you treat us even-handedly? Argentina is the aggressor, the invader. A fourth-rate, cruel, unstable, corrupt, brutal regime with no morals or scruples whatever! They torture and murder their political opponents by the most ghastly Nazi methods. And this is the regime you wish to give even a foothold over the British citizens?


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