Taskmaster is a British comedy panel game show created by comedian and musician Alex Horne and presented by both Horne and Greg Davies. In the programme, a group of five celebrities – mainly comedians – attempt to complete a series of challenges, with Horne acting as umpire in each challenge and Davies, the titular "Taskmaster", judging the work and awarding points based on contestants' performances.
edit- Your time starts now.
- Last line of most "tasks" (typed cards explaining the challenge).
- Little Alex Horne!
- Last line of Davies' introduction of Horne in most episodes; Horne is 188cm (6 foot 2) tall, but Davies is 203cm (6 foot 8).
- All the information is on the task.
- Horne's usual response to a contestant asking for clarification.
- "Sabotage your team in the next task."
- A secret task given to John Kearns in series 14 episode 3.