Talk:The Amazing Spider-Man 2

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2" is a 2014 American superhero film directed by Marc Webb, based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. It is a sequel to the 2012 superhero film The Amazing Spider-Man, portraying the character's continuity on his career as Spider-Man, taking on foes that is too much for him. The film stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone reprising their roles, Dane Dehaan as Harry Osborn, Jaimie Foxx as Electro, and Paul Giamatti as the Rhino.

Peter Parker[edit] [from trailer] You know what it is I love about being Spider-Man? Everything! [to Gwen Stacey] What if something happens to you because of me? [from trailer] Everyday, I wake up knowing, that the more people I try to save, the more enemies I will make. And it'll just be a matter of time, before I can take on a force that I can't overcome.

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