Talk:Peter Drucker

Latest comment: 8 years ago by Hughh in topic Unsourced

I removed a section that had nothing to do with Landmarks of Tomorrow. It was about a contemporaneous person of circa 2004.



Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to Peter Drucker. --Antiquary 18:17, 9 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • Rank does not confer privilege or give power, it imposes responsibility.
  • Management is doing things right, Leadership is doing the right things!
  • Education can no longer be the sole property of the state.
  • What gets measured gets improved.
  • What's measured, improves.
  • When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.
  • I had sat [in schools] long enough. I would be an adult among other adults--I had never liked being young, and contested the company of delayed adolescents as I thought most college students to be. I would earn a living and be financially independent. [recollections from age 17]
  • Legitimate is a power when it is justified by an ethical or metaphysical principle that has been accepted by a society.
  • The non-profits spend far less for results than governments spend for failure.
  • At least once every five years every form should be put on trial for its life.
  • If only for esthetic reasons, I am not overfond of the term "Bottom-Up Management."
  • [Management is] an integrating discipline of human values and conduct, of social order and intellectual inquiry, [a discipline that] feeds off economics, psychology, mathematics, political theory, history, and philosophy. In short, management is a liberal art...
  • There is only one point on which the economists and I are in agreement: I am NOT an economist.
  • Limiting access to opportunity to those with a diploma is a crass denial of all fundamental beliefs--beliefs, by the way, that have been amply validated by experience. ...[it] restricts, oppresses, and injures individual and society alike.
  • [after attending a John Maynard Keynes seminar, he] suddenly realized that Keynes and all the brilliant economics students in the room were interested in the behavior of commodities while I was interested in the behavior of people.
  • [about Keynesian government spending to relieve economic depressions] It was like a doctor telling you that you have an inoperable liver cancer, but it will be cured if you go to bed with a beautiful seventeen-year-old.
  • I am more an "insultant" than a consultant... I scold people for a fee.
  • The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.
  • What is the point of spending such huge sums to bring a 200-lb.-body downtown when all you want of it is its eight-and-a-half pound brain?

Further Development


First of all, a great thank you for all the work done on this page. This is probably one of the most diverse semi-structured collections of Drucker's written thoughts I've encountered so far. One could paddle through The Daily Drucker asa longer project and see where key ideas are missing; this could actually become an incredible perspective into the non-adapted teachings of the grand old man.


  • “The foundation for doing good is doing well.” – attributed to Peter Drucker, quoted by Frances Hesselbein and Jim Collins
  • If the feudal knight was the clearest embodiment of society in the early Middle Ages, and the "bourgeois" under Capitalism, the educated person will represent society in the post-capitalist society in which knowledge has become the central resource.
  • The nearly identical statement, "If the feudal knight was society in the early Middle Ages; and if the ’burgeois’ was society in Capitalism; the Educated Person will be society in the post-capitalist society in which knowledge has become the central resource," is from Drucker's Post-Capitalist Society, p 192. --Hughh (talk) 19:22, 30 September 2016 (UTC)Reply
  • There is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all.
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